R_keeper Cloud manual
Examples of files and folders on the server:
MSSQL Server – one instance for all the clients of the virtual machine (VM)
Common Server – one instance for all the clients of the VM
Sdbsrv64 assistent – SH5 service, one instance for all the clients of the VM
D:\COMMONSRV - Common Server
D:\MSSQLDB - MSSQL data and log files
D:\RK7DATA\XXXXXXXXX* - clients' instance folders (where *XXXXXXXXX is for the restaurant code)
Each D:\RK7DATA\XXXXXXXXX folder contains:
- FeatureServer - the interactive reporting service
- Rk7Reference - RK7 reference server
- Rk7Reference\base - RK7 database
- Rk7Manager - RK7 manager
- Logs - reference server logs
D:\SH5SRV - Sdba64.exe и SdbSrv64.exe – SH5 executable files (common for all the clients of the VM)
D:\SH5SRV\ShLib - different versions of SH5 libraries,
for example: d:\SH5SRV\ShLib5.103.353.3\shcrtdb64.dll, shsrv64.dll и shcrtdb.ini
You can set a specific version of the library for each instance while installing or updating SH5. The library path is defined in the registry.
D:\SH5SRV\QushSrv - QUSHSVC service
D:\SH5DATA\XXXXXXXXX - SH5 database, backups and logs (where *XXXXXXXXX is for the restaurant code)
- D:\SH5DATA\XXXXXXXXX\Backup - backups
- D:\SH5DATA\XXXXXXXXX\Database\SH5DBLog_XXXXXXXXX - transactions log file
- D:\SH5DATA\XXXXXXXXX\Log\SH5.log - SH5 service log
Setting up the VM 
1. Install MSSQL Server (one instance for the VM) - once for each VM.
2. Install Common Server (one instance for the VM) - once for each VM.
Find the installer on r_keeper FTP server: ftp://ftp.ucs.ru/rk7/other/UCS_CS/CSSetup.exe
3. Install Sdbsrv64 assistent (one instance for the VM). You may use Sdbsetup.exe utility from r_keeper FTP server:
4. Create SH5 registry branches and keys.
A .reg file should contain:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Installing software suite for the client
Let's consider the example of object No199997777
- Create an empty SQL database for RK7:
- SQLCMD.EXE -S -U username -P passwd -Q "CREATE DATABASE RK7_199997777"
- Start RK7 and FS installation in silent mode:
- RK7_Setup_7.6.5.412.2.exe /SILENT /INIFILE="rk7inst.ini"
A detailed example of rk7inst.ini content is be given below
- Start the Reference server by using RefSrv.exe/desktop command. Click «Yes» to create a new database or choose an already created one.
- Start rk7man and adjust basic settings.
- Here is a detailed instruction
- Having adjusted the settings and performed the export to the external database, stop the Reference server and start it as a service. To do it, you may:
- double-click Refsrv.exe and follow the instructions, or
- create the server shortcut adding /install to the file path of the shortcut properties.
- Start UCS Feature Server (FS). When started for the first time FS creates all the necessary tables in the database.
- Install SH5 using Shdbinst.exe utility:
7.1 - Create the necessary registry keys
Let's consider the examples of PowerShell commands:
# Enter the code of the restaurant
$rest = 199997777
# Create the registry branch for the restaurant
New-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ucs\sdbserv.2\_$rest
$path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ucs\sdbserv.2\SH5_$rest"
# You should have a folder with SH5 libraries. Define the path to this folder. There should be a folder named as a version number with corresponding libraries.
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name libpath -Value "d:\SRV\ShLib\5.100.347.1\"
# A backup path
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name bkppath -Value "d:\SH5DATA{color}$rest\Backup\"
# A server log path
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name logfile -Value "d:\DATA{color}$rest\Log\SH5.log"
# Backup creation time is 00:00, once a day (in the given case)
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path $path -name bkpprms -Value "00000001"
# Port 60201 of server
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path $path -name np1p -Value 60201
# Server connection timeout is 5000ms
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path $path -name np1t -Value "5000"
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path $path -name np0t -Value "5000"
# Server parameters. In the given case, only automated database testing is enabled.
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path $path -name params -Value "00000000"
7.2 – Execute the command to create SH5 service
New-Service -BinaryPathName "d:\SH5SRV\SdbSrv64.exe /s /nSH5_$rest" -Name "Sdbsrv64: SH5_$rest" -DisplayName "Sdbsrv64: SH5_$rest" -StartupType Automatic
7.3 – Execute the command to create SH5 database
# /s<Server_Name> - SH5 server name for client connecting
$s = "SH5_" + $rest
#/f<Database_File_Name> - the name of the database file (may contain the pathname)
$f= "d:\SH5DATA\" + $rest + "\Database\SH5DB_" + $rest
#/i<Database_Size> - the size of the new database (MB)
$i= "22"
#/t<Transaction_Log_Name> - the name of the transaction log file (may contain the pathname)
$t = "d:\SH5DATA\" + $rest + "\Database\SH5DBLog_" + $rest
#/a<Administrator_Name> - the name of the database administrator
$a = "Admin"
#/p<Administrator_Password> - the password of the database administrator (empty by default)
$p = $pass
#/l<Controlling_Library_Path> - the path to the shcrtdb64.dll library (used for database creating/updating)
$l = "d:\SH5SRV\ShLib\5.100.347.1\shcrtdb64.dll"
Start-Process -FilePath d:\SH5-Admin\Shdbinst\Shdbinst.exe -ArgumentList "/s$s /f$f /i$i /t$t /a$a /p$p /l$l" -Wait
7.4 – Install the linked QUSH SVC
Authorization takes place at SH5 server
# Create the registry keys for QUSH SVC
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\UCS\Qush@SH5_$rest@"
$path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\UCS\Qush@SH5_$rest@"
# Linked SH5 server connection settings
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name SH5Link -Value ""
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name Union -Value "1"
# The service description
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name Descr -Value "SH5_$rest"
# The executable file path
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType String -Path $path -name ExePath -Value "D:\\SH5SRV\\QushSrv
# QUSH SVC port
New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path $path -name Port -Value 8201
# QUSH SVC installation
Start-Process -FilePath d:\SH5SRV\QushSrv\QushSvc.exe -ArgumentList "/Name:@SH5_$rest@ /Port:8201 /Install /Silent" -Wait
# QUSH SVC start
Start-Service ('@SH5_' + $rest + '@')
As a result, there will be a set of services for the restaurant:
Common services (one instance for all the clients):
- CS_CS_MAIN - UCS Common Server – common for all the clients
- Sdbsrv64 assistent – SH5 service
Services, personalized for each restaurant
Let's consider the example of object No199997777:
QushSvc: @SH5_199997777@
RKeeper 7 References Server (199997777)
Sdbsrv64: SH5_199997777