[1-99] Отладо​чные сообщения (без стека, по умолчанию отключены)Link to [1-99] Отладо​чные сообщения (без стека, по умолчанию отключены)

TestSignalErrorТестовый тип ошибки для отладки сигналов
2TestTaskErrorТестовый тип ошибки для отладки запуска-остановки задач, критических сессий
Отладка Wintasks

[11-20] Отладочные сообщения NetKernLink to [11-20] Отладочные сообщения NetKern

11TestLowProtocol, message

Отладка dll протокола

12TestHighProtocol, message - tProtocol, tConnectПодключение, разрыв, отправка пакета, получение пакета
13TestNetwork, message - tProtocol, tProtocolsВыбор протокола, отправка блока, получение блока
14TestRouting,messageОтладка tProtocols.SendMemToServer,AddRouting - выбор шлюза,добавление заголовка для роутинга,отправка блока, установление роутинга
15TestNetworkTask,messageОтладка MainTask - отсылаемые,полученные пакеты
16TestRPCServer,messageОтладка DispatchAnswer - вызываемые функции, получаемые параметры, отсылаемые результаты
17TestEvents,messageОтладка events.pas - отсылаемые и получаемые уведомления о событиях
18TestClassIO,messageОтладка comprw.pas - отсылаемые и получаемые объекты
19TestResourcesОтладка времён и ресурсов

[21-25] Отладочные сообщения справочниковLink to [21-25] Отладочные сообщения справочников

отладка обработки сетевых сообщений
работа с BLOB

[26-29,33] - Отладочные сообщения сервера отчётовLink to [26-29,33] - Отладочные сообщения сервера отчётов

отладка закачки накопительных данных и массовой закачки в SQL (BCP)
старт-стоп, апгрейд

[30-35] - Отладочные сообщения MidServLink to [30-35] - Отладочные сообщения MidServ

загрузка,сохранение,блокировка, разблокировка заказов
печать, сервис-печать
старт-стоп, апгрейд

[36-39] - Отладочные сообщения refsrvLink to [36-39] - Отладочные сообщения refsrv

обработка данных смен

[40-49] - Отладочные сообщения кассыLink to [40-49] - Отладочные сообщения кассы

'Driver signal %d, wparam=%d, wparam=%d'
'New active control %s:%s for %s:%s'
Оконные сообщения
особо важные события кассы
Возможность добавления скидки
Журнал расчёта
Отладка задержек - тайминги
Касса, выполняемые операции.

[50-69] - Отладочные сообщения драйверовLink to [50-69] - Отладочные сообщения драйверов

фискальный регистратор
мышь и ELO
Устройства ввода
Клавиатурный порт
отладка загрузки драйверов

[70-79] - Отладочные сообщения остальных программLink to [70-79] - Отладочные сообщения остальных программ

preload и автообновление

[90-99] - общееLink to [90-99] - общее

временная отладка, всегда включена

[100-110] - не использоватьLink to [100-110] - не использовать

[111-122] - Регистрация DLLLink to [111-122] - Регистрация DLL

111DLL was not found: '+dllname
112'DLL %s was not loaded. Error=%d'
113'Illegal DLL: '+dllname
114'Invalid DLL type: '+dllname
115'DLL version too low: '+dllname
116'Caller version too low: '+dllname
117'DLL initialization failed: '+dllname
118'Maximum DLL number reached.'
119'Illegal operation system: '+dllname
120'DLL can not be unloaded: '+dllname
121'Illegal DLL number '+inttostr(num)
122'Error running DONE for '+AllDLL[i].name

[123-125] - Регистрация функций и полномочийLink to [123-125] - Регистрация функций и полномочий

123'Function with name "%s" and version %d already registered'

[126-130] - Ошибки обработки ошибокLink to [126-130] - Ошибки обработки ошибок

126'Error stack overflow.'
127'Extra call NoOSMode(false)'
128'Something called STI'
Для записи перехваченых в OnException ошибок в лог.

[131-160] - Доверительная многозадачностьLink to [131-160] - Доверительная многозадачность

131'Global signal queue overflow'
132'Warning: Task list overflow'
133'Local signal queue overflow'
134'Task terminated with exception'
135'SendSignal: Invalid task number'
136'Critical section queue overflow. Current task "%s"(%d)'
137'Critical section waiting time-out. Current task "%s"(%d)'
138'Stack overflow in task '+TaskList[ActiveTask].Comment
139'Warning: Can not allocate memory for stack.'
140'Try to switch tasks in "NoSwitch" mode.'
141'Count of ThreadVars exceed maximum of MaxThreadVarCount'
142'Size of ThreadVar exceed maximum of MaxThreadVarSize'
143'Task "%s" worked %d milliseconds continually.'
144'Illegal Thread32.dll for such OS version.'
145'SgIdle signal for task %d "%s" deleted.'
146'Stack for taks %d "%s"'
147'Error running synchro proc'
148'Critical section destroied by task "%s"(%d). Waiting task "%s"(%d)'
149'Waiting called in "no switch" mode'
150'Waiting called in "no OS" mode'
151'Extra call SetNoSwitchMode(false)'
152'Main task was inactive %d msecs. Task dump printed'
153'Win32 %s error %d'
154'Version of thread32.dll too low, %d needed'
155'Error running IndependentProc from trusted thread '+Obj.CallerTaskName
156'Error waiting signal in WinWaitForMultipleObjects'

[170-359] - Ошибки RPCLink to [170-359] - Ошибки RPC

[170-215] - Общие ошибки взаимодействия с протоколамиLink to [170-215] - Общие ошибки взаимодействия с протоколами

178'External connect detected, but protocol don''t support external connects'
179'Unknown protocol'
180'Netkern internal error:'
181'Illegal hEventManager, MainThread was not started'
182'%s: Name %s found'
183'Ini file not found: %s'
184'Block header with same SendID received form %s, protocol=%s'
185'CRC check error. Block from %s, protocol=%s'
186'Can not link with %s, netkern with version less then %d'
187'Illegal SendPos in handshake received.'
188'Exception in router'
189'Exception in SendMemToServer'
190'Interval between receiving from '+c.ServerName+' exceed '+inttostr(MaxReceiveInterval)+' msec.'
191'Unpacking error %d, block from %s'
192'Too big Block '+inttostr(size)
193'Erroneous block size %d, packet from %s'
194'Cannot GlobalAlloc '+size+' bytes.'
195'Can not change permanent route to '+ToServer+' throught '+OldRouteInfo.GateWay+' with new temporary routing through '+gateway
196'Server login attempt with "%s"(%s:%xh), with unfinished server login attempt %s:%xh'
197'Name in handshake '+h^.ServerName+', but connect name '+c.ServerName+', protocol='+DriverName
198'Received illegal handshake from connectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName
199'Accept connect with existing active ConnectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName
200'Received packet from  ConnectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', with non-login state, protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName
201'Illegal packet CRC, packet from %s'
202'too small Block'
203'Block received size greater than in header from '+fromserver+', protocol='+protocol.drivername
204'Illegal send position during relogin from '+fromserver
205'Exception during FindServer'
206'"InitProtocol" not found in '+dll
207'Error in InitProtocol in '+dll
208'Server "'+server+'" was not found with all protocols.'
209'Server "'+ServerName+'" can not aquire connect for sending.'
210,'Received packet from "'+FromServer+'" with protocol '+protocol.DriverName+', but connect exists via '+c.protocol.DriverName
211'Server login attempt with "%s"(%s:%xh), but connect exists %s:%xh '
212'Internal chanel registry error.'
213'Error loading '+GetDLLInfo(i)^.Name+' Protocol with same priority exists.'
214'Attempt Send to empty server name.'

[216-224] - Ошибки RPC переданные с сервераLink to [216-224] - Ошибки RPC переданные с сервера

216neFunctionNotFound,'Function '+ServerFunction+' not found on '+Server
217neException,'Exception running function '+ServerFunction+' on '+Server
218neRouterError,'Error in router '+Server
219neSrvDisconnect,'Server %s disconnected running function %s'
220neNoRightForFunc,'No right "%s" to execute function %s'
221neNoRight, 'No Right "%s"'

[225-240,325-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные, на клиенте или сервереLink to [225-240,325-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные, на клиенте или сервере

226'Error in external CheckSecurity function called from %s, SecurityInfo=%xh'
227'No right %s/%d for user %d from %s(%s)'
228neCliDisconnect,'Client disconnected and query in CancelOnDisconnect mode.'
229'Stack overflow in RPC function '+functname
230'Can not establish route to '+ToServer+' with gateway '+Gateway
231'Answer for unknown query N '+inttostr(header.QueryHandle)
232'Server exception in RPC function '+functname
233'Server exception'
234neNotInitialyzed,'RPC system was not initialyzed'
235neServerNotFound,'Server "'+Server+'" not found'
236neSendError,'Error sending to '+server
237neAnswerTimeout,'Answer timeout from '+server
238neTaskTerminated,'Query task terminated'
239neIllegalHandle,'RPC:Illegal memory Handle'

[241-260] - Ошибки NetBIOS протоколаLink to [241-260] - Ошибки NetBIOS протокола

241'NetBIOS: Computer name too length'
242'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(LanaEnum.lana[i]),2)+'): Error starting ReceiveAny:'+inttohex(ord(NCBReceive[LanaEnum.lana[i]]^.ncb_retcode),2)+'h.'
243'NetBIOS: Server name too length'+server
244'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(adapter),2)+'): Error starting Listen:'+inttohex(ord(ListenNCB^.ncb_retcode),2)+'h.'
245'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_lana_num),2)+'):'+opname+' timed out. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
246'NetBIOS:'+opname+'. Thread terminated. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
247'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_lana_num),2)+'):'+opname+'. error='+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_cmd_cplt),2)+'h. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
248'Error in ChanelManager thread'
249'NetBIOS: Too large send size.'
250'NetBIOS: Protocol task stoped.'
251'Exception in DOS Callback'
252'NetBIOS: No chanel to receive from '+IntToHex(ord(signaled^.ncb_lana_num)*256+ord(signaled^.ncb_lsn),8)
253'NetBIOS: Illegal NCB number in signal parameter. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
254'NetBIOS: Accepted chanel already exists'
255'NetBIOS: Called chanel already exists'
256'NetBios: NCB count exceed '+inttostr(MaxRequests)
258'NetBIOS: DPMI function '+intttohex(,4)+'Error '+inttohex(res,4)
259'NetBIOS not installed.'

[261-290] - Ошибки сокетаLink to [261-290] - Ошибки сокета

261'%s: Socket count exceed %d'
262ProtName+': Error starting Listen:'+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
263ProtName+':'+opname+'. error='+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
264ProtName+': Exception during LowSend'
265,ProtName+': Attempt to hangup listening socket %d.'
266ProtName+': 0 bytes received timeout, socket=%d. Error'
267'Too many RPC tasks are running'
268ProtName+':'+opname+'. Thread terminated.'
269'%s:%s timed out. Task=%s'
270'%s:%s. Illegal cmd number (%d) in signal parameter. Need %d'
271%s: WSAEventSelect error. %s
272ProtName+': Too large send size.'
273ProtName+': Listening socket was closed.'
273ProtName+': Broadcast Listening socket was closed.'
273'TCPSOC:UDP processing thread terminated with exception'
274' Error initialyzing Winsock 2 '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
275'%s: SEQSOCKET connection not available'
276'%s: Port %d is in use, increased to %d'
277'%s: Name "%s" can not be solved'
278'%s: Error creating socket%s'
279'%s: Bind%s%s'
280'%s: %s error %d'
281'%s: Name %s solved, but server "%s" started with LISTEN=0'
282'%s: Name "%s" can not be solved%s'
283'external connect with existing operation'
284'SPX sending Address info error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
285ProtName+' setsockopt ... error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
286'SPX WSAEventSelect for IPX Broadcast error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
287'SPX: Too big IPX packet:'+inttostr(maxsize+30)
288'%s: self name %s found in %s'
289'%s: Unknown signal %d received while "%s" end waiting'

[291-292] - Ошибки LocalNet протоколаLink to [291-292] - Ошибки LocalNet протокола

291'LocalNet: can not send to connect %d'

[293-300] - Общие ошибки протоколовLink to [293-300] - Общие ошибки протоколов

294ProtName+': Illegal address "'+addr+'" in section '+section+' key= '+name
295ProtName+': Illegal address "'+'" in '+DNSFILE+' line '+inttostr(l)
296ProtName+': exception during Receive CallBack'
297ProtName+': exception during Disconnect CallBack'
298ProtName+': exception during Accept CallBack'
299ProtName+': ...'

[301-320] - Ошибки SPX for dos протоколаLink to [301-320] - Ошибки SPX for dos протокола

301'SPX: IPX not installed'
302'SPX: SPX not installed'
303'SPX: DPMI function XXXXh. Error '+inttohex(res,4)
304'SPX: Open socket error.'
306'SPX:'+AllCommands[cmdnum].opname+'. error='+inttohex(AllCommands[cmdnum].res.ECB.CCode,2)+'h.'
308'SPX: Too many simultaneous sends.'
309'SPX:'+AllCommands[ncb].opname+' timed out.'
310'SPX: Illegal Command number in signal parameter'
311'SPX:'+AllCommands[ncb].opname+'. Thread terminated.'
312'SPX: Name "'+Server+'" can not be solved.'
315'SPX: Too large send size.'
316'SPX: Unexpected IPX receive.'
317'SPX: Too big IPX packet:'+inttostr(size)
318'SPX: self name '+ServerName+' found in the network.'

[320-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные на клиентеLink to [320-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные на клиенте

323'Property %s.%s writing error'
324'Sort collection %s writing error: %s'
325'RPCExecCDecl: illegal pointer to stack N '+inttostr(i)
326'Different sizes of arrays :Pointers and Sizes'
327'Too many parameters in array'
328'RPCExecWArgsMem: too big return size parameter N'+inttostr(i)
329'RPCExecWArgsVarRec: too big return parameters number '+inttostr(result)
330'Can not write such VarRec type '+inttostr(v.vType)
331'Can not read such VarRec type '+inttostr(v.vType)
332'RPCExecCDecl: illegal variable number returned %d for function %s'
333'RPC already initialized'
334'RPCExecCDecl: illegal variable length returned, function %s, var %d'
335'Can not create object of type '+compclass.classname
336'Illegal select string '+CurrentMask[i]
337'Can not create item for collection '+
338'Error testing connection with '+Server+' returned illegal answer.'
339'tSortCollection items must be of the same type.'
340'Error reading property "%s" of %s: "%s"'

[341-350]-Ошибки пересылки событийLink to [341-350]-Ошибки пересылки событий

341'Illegal event type'
342'Event with handle '+inttostr(handle)+' does not exists.'
343'Illegal taks handle '+inttostr(task)
344'Exception during execution of event callback procedure. Event type='+inttostr(Event^.EventType)
345'Can not stop listen from all servers without handle.'
346'Error in event manager.'
347'Collection %s: data version %d received, but version is %d already'

[350-359] - Ошибки TCPDOS протоколаLink to [350-359] - Ошибки TCPDOS протокола

350'TCPDOS: Name "'+Server+'" can not be solved.'
351'TCPDOS: '+opname+' error '+LastErrorName
352'TCPDOS: send timeouted'
353'TCPDOS: asynch connect to '+Server+' error'
354'TCPDOS: asynch connect to '+Server+' timeout'
355'TCPDOS: create socket error '

[360-460] - Ошибки работы со справочникамиLink to [360-460] - Ошибки работы со справочниками

360'Server %s daemon raised error with message ''%s''.'в процессах ServerAssignExData, только в лог
361'Blob cache was expired or new blob %s exists for %d in %s'
362'Extra LeaveRPCMode for collection %s'
363'Waiting 10 seconds for for collection %s, collection %s. Task=%s'
364'Bad child item identifier %d'
365'Empty data received for "%s"'
366'Item %s(%d) in collection %s can not be locked (it is in open transaction)'
367'Illegal type of field %s in UDB table %s. Must be Longint for blob'
368'No data provider for collection %s'
369'Data provider for collection %s can not process one record'
370'Dummy synchronizer can not provide collection receiving'
371'Collection not defined. Item class %s, Ident=%d'
372'Collection %s exclusive mode request in "no switch" mode'
373'Can not use BLOBs with deffered collection %s'
374'Can not move pointer in table %s, edit mode'
375'Exception in item (%d in %s) processing for parent collection %s'
376'Synchronization failed for collection %s after "%s"'
377'Can not append record with id 0 in reference %s'
378'Can not set OneItem mode, items exists in collection %s'
379'Can not delete item, collection %s in OneItem mode'
380'Can not create new item, collection %s in OneItem mode'
381'Item with id %d already exists. Deleted from %s.'
382'Different numbers, RefID=%d and index=%d for reference %s'
383'Illegal fixed reference number %d'
384'Attempt to load reference without name'
385'Can not clear RemoteSource for %s, locked items exists.'
386'Can not rename temp file %s to %s'
387'No synchronizer for collection %s'
388'Can load Blob from collection %s, record %d/%s was unlocked (due to disconnect)'
389'Can load Blob from collection %s, record %d/%s locked by another server'
390'Can not store Blob to collection %s, record %d/%s locked by another server'
391'Error deleting collection %s on server'
392'Can not zap collection %s, some items is editing'
393'Can not lock table to zap collection %s'
394'Illegal blob field name %s for collection %s'
395'Error writing blob file %s'
396'Error reading blob file %s'
397'Check sum error in blob file %s'
398'Error loading reference %s from server %s'
399'Secondary order %d duplication for item %s/%d in %s'
400'Secondary order %d duplication for item %s/%d in %s'
401'Can not update record of item %s(%d) in collection %s, it is locked by station %s (%s)'
402'Can not load Blob from collection %s, record for item %s(%d) not found'
403'Can not store Blob to collection %s, record not found'
404'Reference manager was not started'
405'Reference collection %s not found.'
406'Item %d in collection %s not found.'
406'Item IllegalID in collection %s not found.'
407'Version waiting timed out (wait %d, now %d) for collection %s after "%s"'
408'Error processing signal in reference manager task'
409'Error trying locally delete item (locked).'
410'Error trying update item %d in collection %s, editing now.'
411'Can not lock new item %d in %s'
412'Can not find item with id '+inttostr(Ident)+' in table '+fMirrorTable.TableName
413'Can not change ident to '+inttostr(NewIdent)+', such ident exists.'
414'Error trying locally delete item %d in %s (childs exists in %s).'
415'Can not generate new SIFR without mirror table.'
416'Delete notification received, but item '+tReferentCollection(AllReferences.objects[i]).name+'('+inttostr(item.ident)+') is updating now'

'Update notification received, but item '+tReferentCollection(AllReferences.objects[i]).name+'('+inttostr(item.ident)+') is updating now'

418'Can not store Blob for new item before post.'
419'Post: Item %d in %s is not editing'
420'Error trying locally delete item (modifing now).'
421'Error during RPC executeion of RefReadRecord'
422'Error changing ident to %d, childs exists in %s.'
423'Can not append record to reference'
424'Can not edit, collection not defined'
425'Can not edit, item was deleted.'
426'Collection %s was not loaded, server disconnected.'
427'%s %s (ID = %d) is already editing now.'
428'Can not lock item %s(%s) in collection %s for editing: item locked by %s (%s)'
429'Can not set RemoteSource for %s, items exists.'
430'Can not edit, collection %s is read only.'
431'Can not run more than one reference server with one network name'
432'Can not Run RPC function %s in %s, item was deleted.'
433'Can not lock, item was deleted.'
434'Reference manager already started.'
435'Can not change RemoteServer after collection loading'
436'Error loading item %d from server %s, collection %s'
437'Reference collection %s was deleted.'
438'Lock table %s timeout.'
439'Can not write record in collection %s, item was unlocked (due to disconnect)'
440'RefCollectionByName: Collection %s loading waiting timed out.'
441'Illegal parent ident: %d for classifier %s'
442'Can not find child item with id %d in LeafCollections of %s.'
443'Ident %d for item from %s was already added as child to item with id %d'
444'Error adding child with id %d to item with id %d from %s'
445'Collection %s exclusive mode waiting timed out.'
446'Can not delete item %d in %s (Internal error).'
447'FindItemWait: isInRPC waiting timed out for item %d in %s.'
448'Illegal name for collection:"%s", max length=%d'
449'Illegal name for server:"%s", max length=%d'
450'Can not add new child (state=isNew) from %s to item (%d) %s, parent not LeafCollection'
451'Can not find item %d in %s'
452'Exception in Notification procedure for collection %s'
453'Can not generate ident for new item in %s. All values occupied.'
454'Value %d for item ident in %s not in [%d..%d]'

'There is intersection of idents in LeafCollections. Items (%d) %s from %s and (%d) %s from %s have equal idents.'

456'Can not find child item with id %d in %s.'
457'Error assigning blob to item %s/%d from item %s/%d, collection %s'
458'Error writing collection %s:'
459'Unique check %d for collection %s failed. Item like %s/%d found.'
460'Deletion in reference %s is forbidden'
461'Exception on RefCommit'
462'Server don''t configured for event cache'
463'Bad CRC32 of RefEvents.dat. File renamed to RefEvents.bad'
463'Exception loading RefEvents.dat. File renamed to RefEvents.bad'

[464-500] - Ошибки работы со справочниками r_keeper_7Link to [464-500] - Ошибки работы со справочниками r_keeper_7

464'Record for Print Groups not found in table ClassificatorGroups'
465'Illegal ident for tRightLevelInfo: %d (must be in [0..255])'
466'Unknown operation ID %d'
467'Leaf Collection %s has no mirror table.'
468'No Usage for %s'
469'Can not write to Changeable Order Types Usage Table.'
470'Can not activate table without maximal places'
471'Can not activate device, no such driver for this station.'
472'Can not lock collection %s.'
473'Can not write to %s Table.'
474'Keyboard DLL not found.'
475'Error loading keyboard DLL %s to directory %s.'
476'Keyboard DLL not loaded.'
477'No default period'
478'Can not write item priority to table.'
479'User with ID %d not found.'
480'Not found Cash Group %s on %s.'
481'Can not read from %s Table.'
482'Round rule %d can not be used for taxes'
483'Can not complete operation. Server %s is probably busy'
484'refGetCollection: client ''%s'' not logged in, disconnecting (do refDoUSerLogin first)'
500'Can not delete %s ''%s'' while following item(s) reference it: %s.'

[500-600] Пользовательские ошибки - в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерыванияLink to [500-600] Пользовательские ошибки - в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерывания

  // Все перенесены в rk7error.pas

[601-650] - Редактор справочниковLink to [601-650] - Редактор справочников

#(canceled)601,'Can not load Aliases from %s for form %s, language extention "%s"'

[701-720] - Ошибки работы с файламиLink to [701-720] - Ошибки работы с файлами

701'Error unpacking keyboard DLL %s.'
702'File %s not found.'
703'Error "%s" opening Work Base %s.'
704'Error processing work data recieved.'
705'Error %d opening file %s'
706'Can not open Log Book file %s.'
707'Directory %s (%s) open error.'
709'Can not archive pump file %s.'

[801-810] - Ошибки локализации базыLink to [801-810] - Ошибки локализации базы

801'Error loading Main language reference '+f1
802'Error loading Alternative language reference '+f2
803'Error loading Data language references from server %s'
804'Error Loading keyboard layout "%s"'

[901-1000] - различные предупрежденияLink to [901-1000] - различные предупреждения

901'The parent Price Type is not active. Its code may become unchangable after formulas creating.'
902'Formuls of the Price Type are incorect. You may be unable to calculate prices. Correct the Formuls.'

[1001-1500] - Программы обработки данныхLink to [1001-1500] - Программы обработки данных

[1001-1020] - Импорт данных из UDB - UDBCopyLink to [1001-1020] - Импорт данных из UDB - UDBCopy

[2001-3000] - Ошибки MidServLink to [2001-3000] - Ошибки MidServ

[2100 - 2200]Link to [2100 - 2200]

Ошибки MidServ, вызывающиеся из функций RPC по запросам с кассы и перенаправляющиеся клиенту

[2281 - 2299]Link to [2281 - 2299]

Ошибки файлового кэша справочников (FCachePr)

2281'Can not create control file %s'
2282'Illegal control file %s'
2283'Illegal RefID %d'
2284'Version of control file %s = %d, less then minimal %d'
2285'Collection %s is in changing state for too long'
2286'Version of control file %s = %d, greater then maximal %d'

[2300 - 2400]Link to [2300 - 2400]

Ошибки MidServ, вызывающиеся из функций RPC - системные

[2401 - 2799]Link to [2401 - 2799]

Ошибки интерфейсов

[2401 - 2410]Link to [2401 - 2410]

Интерфейс с таймкипером

2411'Bad interface version %d of %s. Version 5 is needed'
2412'Connect dll %s initialization error'
2413'Limit is over for %s, room %s'

[2421 - 2430] - Интерфейс с PMSLink to [2421 - 2430] - Интерфейс с PMS

2421'Error creating table %s'
2422'Error opening table %s'

[2431 - 2440] - Интерфейс с ITV POS IntellectLink to [2431 - 2440] - Интерфейс с ITV POS Intellect

2431'Error loading XML document'
2432'Error processing tag %s'
2433'Exception processing XML'

[2440-2450] - Brunswick BowlingLink to [2440-2450] - Brunswick Bowling

2441'Error sending xml'

[2451-2460] - pcgetLink to [2451-2460] - pcget

2451'Login canceled'

[2500 - 2550] - Интерфейсы авторизационныеLink to [2500 - 2550] - Интерфейсы авторизационные

2501'AcceptCard exception'

[2551 - 2560] - CrunchTimeLink to [2551 - 2560] - CrunchTime

2551'Can not rename file %s to %s: %s'

[2561-2570] XML интерфейсLink to [2561-2570] XML интерфейс

2561'Exception in connect thread'

[3001-4000] - Кассовая станцияLink to [3001-4000] - Кассовая станция

3001'Unknown cash "%s"'
3003'Exception during BeforeAddMessage'
3004'Init error'
3005'Main cycle error'
3006'Error closing form %s'
3007'Error destroying form %s'
3008'Person list not initialized'
3009'Timer procedure exception'
3012'Exception processing message %d in window %s'
3014'Can not find form with class name %s'
3018'Item index %d out of range'
3038'Exception in GrApplication.SignalReceived'
3366'Exception on %s:%s draw'

[3100-3199] -RPC ошибки кассовой станцииLink to [3100-3199] -RPC ошибки кассовой станции

[3200-3300] -Пользовательские ошибки кассыLink to [3200-3300] -Пользовательские ошибки кассы

3200'Can not change trade group, lines exists'

[3401-3500] - КомпонентыLink to [3401-3500] - Компоненты

3401'Error in timer procedure'
3402'Show message dialog: %s'

[3500-3590] - Касса, логируемые ошибкиLink to [3500-3590] - Касса, логируемые ошибки

[3601-3799] - Драйверы устройствLink to [3601-3799] - Драйверы устройств

[3601-3650] - Общие ошибки драйверовLink to [3601-3650] - Общие ошибки драйверов

3601'Can not load %s, error=%d'
3602'For DPMI32 Only! Can not run under Windows.'
3603'Parameter %s(%d) must be defined for %s # %d' 
3604'Too many devices for %s'
3605'%s: Windows error %d. Operation "%s"'
3606'Driver Version = %d; File ''%s'' contains a wrong quantity of the messages (%d, %d)'
3607'Driver Version = %d; Null pointer for the list of messages from the file ''%s'''
3608'Parameter %s(%d) must be defined for %s # %d'
3609'GetLastError() = %d in LoadLibrary(''%s'') for %s # %d'
3610'Parameter %s(%d) has not been initialized for %s # %d'
3611'Not supported version number (%d) of the protocol from %s in %s # %d'
3612'GetLastError() = %d in LoadLibrary(''%s'')'
3613'Not found entry point ''%s'' in the module ''%s'''
3614'Initialization error: %s'
3615'Class is not registered: %s (file name: %s)'
3616'Configuration is not created. File name: %s'
3617'Cannot unregister COM-server %s'
3618'Cannot register COM-server %s'
3619'Not exported call %s for a supported option %s'
3620'Not exported call %s'

[3651-3700] - Драйверы принтеров и принтерных портовLink to [3651-3700] - Драйверы принтеров и принтерных портов

Ошибка, полученная от ФР (логическая ошибка обработки команды)
Ошибка связи с ФР
3653'Host DLL %s loading error %d'
3654'Illegal printer handle %d'
3655'Illegal fiscal external identifier "%s" instead of "%s"'
3656'Error %d creating file "%s"'
3657'Error %d opening printer %s'
3658'Error %d writing printer port %d (device %s, handle %d)'
3659'Error entering non-fiscal mode: %s'
3660'Can not open port %s for %s#%d, base port is already used'
3661'Can not set baud to %d, printer %s #%d use another - %d'
3662'Can not open port %s for %s#%d, illegal OS'
3663'Fiscal register %s # %d not connected'то же, что 3651, но без прерывания
3664'FiscReg %s # %d: %s' то же, что 3652, но без прерывания

[3665-3675] IP Ethernet-RS232 multiplexor, IP Printer portLink to [3665-3675] IP Ethernet-RS232 multiplexor, IP Printer port

3665'Illegal multiplexor chanel number %d'
3666'Error %d initializing Novell sockets'
3667'Failed to create socket, error=%d'
3668'Illegal IP address: %s'
3669'Bind error %d'
3670'Send UDP datagram error %d'
3671'Illegal baud rate %d. Must be 300..19200'
3672'Connect error reply %s from multiplexor #%d'
3673'No answer from multiplexor #%d'

[3676-3680] Windows universal printer Link to [3676-3680] Windows universal printer 

3676'Not found background file %s'
3677'Not found logo bitmap file %s'
3678'Exception printing document'
3679'Printer %s not found'

[3681-3685] PagerLink to [3681-3685] Pager

3681'Illegal pager code %s'
3682'XML parsing error'

[3701-3749] - Ошибки устройств вводаLink to [3701-3749] - Ошибки устройств ввода

3701'kbdvk: No keyboard with handle %d'
3702'kbdvk: Illegal mode %d, must be 0..%d'
3710'GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents error %d'
3711'PeekConsoleInput error %d'
3712'Bad Com baud:%d for %s#%d'
3713'Illegal CHIPS.BIN file'

[3750-3759] - ВесыLink to [3750-3759] - Весы

3750'Scales: no reply'
3751'Scales: Illegal reply'
3752'Scales: Unstable state'
3753'Scales: ReadWeight error %s'

[3760-3765] - ящик и порт ящикаLink to [3760-3765] - ящик и порт ящика

3760'bad InitGPIO string, bad hexadecimal integer %s'
3761'bad InitGPIO string, bad port-value pair %s'

[3801-3810] - Серверные ошибки взаимодействия с PDSLink to [3801-3810] - Серверные ошибки взаимодействия с PDS

3801'PDS:Chanel closed'
3802'PDS:Timeout exceded'
3803'PDS:Answer waiting excepted'
3804'PDS:Unknown signal %d'
3805'PDS:System was not initialized'
3806'PDS:Main thread terminated'

[3811-3830] - Клиентские ошибки взаимодействия с PDSLink to [3811-3830] - Клиентские ошибки взаимодействия с PDS

3811'PDS:Illegal server ident'
3812'PDS:Server protocol version is too low. %d needed'
3813'PDS: Server error "%s"(%d)'
3814'PDS: Unknown server error running function "%s"'
3815'PDS: Bad answer len for CQGetImage request'
3816'PDS: too big additional information (max 65535 bytes of packed data)'

[4000-4100] - PreloadLink to [4000-4100] - Preload

[4101-4201] - справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.Link to [4101-4201] - справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.

4127'Provider ''%s'', table ''%s'': attempting to save more data than fields ''%s'' size (%d/%d bytes)'
4147'Exception %s saving property %s:%s to field %s.%s'