Описание отладочных сообщений в r_keeper_7
[1-99] Отладочные сообщения (без стека, по умолчанию отключены)![Link to [1-99] Отладочные сообщения (без стека, по умолчанию отключены)](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
1 | TestSignalError | Тестовый тип ошибки для отладки сигналов |
2 | TestTaskError | Тестовый тип ошибки для отладки запуска-остановки задач, критических сессий |
3 | Отладка Wintasks | |
4 | Остановка |
[11-20] Отладочные сообщения NetKern![Link to [11-20] Отладочные сообщения NetKern](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
11 | TestLowProtocol, message | Отладка dll протокола |
12 | TestHighProtocol, message - tProtocol, tConnect | Подключение, разрыв, отправка пакета, получение пакета |
13 | TestNetwork, message - tProtocol, tProtocols | Выбор протокола, отправка блока, получение блока |
14 | TestRouting,message | Отладка tProtocols.SendMemToServer,AddRouting - выбор шлюза,добавление заголовка для роутинга,отправка блока, установление роутинга |
15 | TestNetworkTask,message | Отладка MainTask - отсылаемые,полученные пакеты |
16 | TestRPCServer,message | Отладка DispatchAnswer - вызываемые функции, получаемые параметры, отсылаемые результаты |
17 | TestEvents,message | Отладка events.pas - отсылаемые и получаемые уведомления о событиях |
18 | TestClassIO,message | Отладка comprw.pas - отсылаемые и получаемые объекты |
19 | TestResources | Отладка времён и ресурсов |
[21-25] Отладочные сообщения справочников![Link to [21-25] Отладочные сообщения справочников](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
21 | отладка обработки сетевых сообщений | |
22 | работа с BLOB |
[26-29,33] - Отладочные сообщения сервера отчётов![Link to [26-29,33] - Отладочные сообщения сервера отчётов](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
26 | отладка закачки накопительных данных и массовой закачки в SQL (BCP) | |
33 | старт-стоп, апгрейд |
[30-35] - Отладочные сообщения MidServ![Link to [30-35] - Отладочные сообщения MidServ](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
30 | WMLoad | |
31 | загрузка,сохранение,блокировка, разблокировка заказов | |
32 | печать, сервис-печать | |
33 | старт-стоп, апгрейд | |
34 | интерфейсы |
[36-39] - Отладочные сообщения refsrv![Link to [36-39] - Отладочные сообщения refsrv](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
36 | старт-стоп | |
37 | обработка данных смен |
[40-49] - Отладочные сообщения кассы![Link to [40-49] - Отладочные сообщения кассы](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
40 | 'Driver signal %d, wparam=%d, wparam=%d' | |
41 | 'New active control %s:%s for %s:%s' | |
42 | Оконные сообщения | |
43 | особо важные события кассы | |
44 | таймер | |
45 | Возможность добавления скидки | |
46 | Журнал расчёта | |
47 | Отладка задержек - тайминги | |
48 | Касса, выполняемые операции. | |
49 | Печать |
[50-69] - Отладочные сообщения драйверов![Link to [50-69] - Отладочные сообщения драйверов](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
50 | kbdvk | |
51 | принтеры | |
52 | фискальный регистратор | |
53 | мышь и ELO | |
54 | IPMultpx | |
55 | Устройства ввода | |
56 | Клавиатурный порт | |
57 | Ящик | |
58 | COM | |
69 | отладка загрузки драйверов |
[70-79] - Отладочные сообщения остальных программ![Link to [70-79] - Отладочные сообщения остальных программ](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
70 | pds_netk | |
71 | pds_netk | |
73 | RDSServ | |
74 | RK7HotelSrv | |
75 | preload и автообновление |
[90-99] - общее![Link to [90-99] - общее](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
99 | временная отладка, всегда включена |
[100-110] - не использовать![Link to [100-110] - не использовать](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[111-122] - Регистрация DLL![Link to [111-122] - Регистрация DLL](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
111 | DLL was not found: '+dllname |
112 | 'DLL %s was not loaded. Error=%d' |
113 | 'Illegal DLL: '+dllname |
114 | 'Invalid DLL type: '+dllname |
115 | 'DLL version too low: '+dllname |
116 | 'Caller version too low: '+dllname |
117 | 'DLL initialization failed: '+dllname |
118 | 'Maximum DLL number reached.' |
119 | 'Illegal operation system: '+dllname |
120 | 'DLL can not be unloaded: '+dllname |
121 | 'Illegal DLL number '+inttostr(num) |
122 | 'Error running DONE for '+AllDLL[i].name |
[123-125] - Регистрация функций и полномочий![Link to [123-125] - Регистрация функций и полномочий](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
123 | 'Function with name "%s" and version %d already registered' |
[126-130] - Ошибки обработки ошибок![Link to [126-130] - Ошибки обработки ошибок](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
126 | 'Error stack overflow.' | |
127 | 'Extra call NoOSMode(false)' | |
128 | 'Something called STI' | |
129 | Для записи перехваченых в OnException ошибок в лог. |
[131-160] - Доверительная многозадачность![Link to [131-160] - Доверительная многозадачность](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
131 | 'Global signal queue overflow' |
132 | 'Warning: Task list overflow' |
133 | 'Local signal queue overflow' |
134 | 'Task terminated with exception' |
135 | 'SendSignal: Invalid task number' |
136 | 'Critical section queue overflow. Current task "%s"(%d)' |
137 | 'Critical section waiting time-out. Current task "%s"(%d)' |
138 | 'Stack overflow in task '+TaskList[ActiveTask].Comment |
139 | 'Warning: Can not allocate memory for stack.' |
140 | 'Try to switch tasks in "NoSwitch" mode.' |
141 | 'Count of ThreadVars exceed maximum of MaxThreadVarCount' |
142 | 'Size of ThreadVar exceed maximum of MaxThreadVarSize' |
143 | 'Task "%s" worked %d milliseconds continually.' |
144 | 'Illegal Thread32.dll for such OS version.' |
145 | 'SgIdle signal for task %d "%s" deleted.' |
146 | 'Stack for taks %d "%s"' |
147 | 'Error running synchro proc' |
148 | 'Critical section destroied by task "%s"(%d). Waiting task "%s"(%d)' |
149 | 'Waiting called in "no switch" mode' |
150 | 'Waiting called in "no OS" mode' |
151 | 'Extra call SetNoSwitchMode(false)' |
152 | 'Main task was inactive %d msecs. Task dump printed' |
153 | 'Win32 %s error %d' |
154 | 'Version of thread32.dll too low, %d needed' |
155 | 'Error running IndependentProc from trusted thread '+Obj.CallerTaskName |
156 | 'Error waiting signal in WinWaitForMultipleObjects' |
[170-359] - Ошибки RPC![Link to [170-359] - Ошибки RPC](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[170-215] - Общие ошибки взаимодействия с протоколами![Link to [170-215] - Общие ошибки взаимодействия с протоколами](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
178 | 'External connect detected, but protocol don''t support external connects' |
179 | 'Unknown protocol' |
180 | 'Netkern internal error:' |
181 | 'Illegal hEventManager, MainThread was not started' |
182 | '%s: Name %s found' |
183 | 'Ini file not found: %s' |
184 | 'Block header with same SendID received form %s, protocol=%s' |
185 | 'CRC check error. Block from %s, protocol=%s' |
186 | 'Can not link with %s, netkern with version less then %d' |
187 | 'Illegal SendPos in handshake received.' |
188 | 'Exception in router' |
189 | 'Exception in SendMemToServer' |
190 | 'Interval between receiving from '+c.ServerName+' exceed '+inttostr(MaxReceiveInterval)+' msec.' |
191 | 'Unpacking error %d, block from %s' |
192 | 'Too big Block '+inttostr(size) |
193 | 'Erroneous block size %d, packet from %s' |
194 | 'Cannot GlobalAlloc '+size+' bytes.' |
195 | 'Can not change permanent route to '+ToServer+' throught '+OldRouteInfo.GateWay+' with new temporary routing through '+gateway |
196 | 'Server login attempt with "%s"(%s:%xh), with unfinished server login attempt %s:%xh' |
197 | 'Name in handshake '+h^.ServerName+', but connect name '+c.ServerName+', protocol='+DriverName |
198 | 'Received illegal handshake from connectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName |
199 | 'Accept connect with existing active ConnectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName |
200 | 'Received packet from ConnectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', with non-login state, protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName |
201 | 'Illegal packet CRC, packet from %s' |
202 | 'too small Block' |
203 | 'Block received size greater than in header from '+fromserver+', protocol='+protocol.drivername |
204 | 'Illegal send position during relogin from '+fromserver |
205 | 'Exception during FindServer' |
206 | '"InitProtocol" not found in '+dll |
207 | 'Error in InitProtocol in '+dll |
208 | 'Server "'+server+'" was not found with all protocols.' |
209 | 'Server "'+ServerName+'" can not aquire connect for sending.' |
210 | ,'Received packet from "'+FromServer+'" with protocol '+protocol.DriverName+', but connect exists via '+c.protocol.DriverName |
211 | 'Server login attempt with "%s"(%s:%xh), but connect exists %s:%xh ' |
212 | 'Internal chanel registry error.' |
213 | 'Error loading '+GetDLLInfo(i)^.Name+' Protocol with same priority exists.' |
214 | 'Attempt Send to empty server name.' |
[216-224] - Ошибки RPC переданные с сервера![Link to [216-224] - Ошибки RPC переданные с сервера](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
216 | neFunctionNotFound,'Function '+ServerFunction+' not found on '+Server |
217 | neException,'Exception running function '+ServerFunction+' on '+Server |
218 | neRouterError,'Error in router '+Server |
219 | neSrvDisconnect,'Server %s disconnected running function %s' |
220 | neNoRightForFunc,'No right "%s" to execute function %s' |
221 | neNoRight, 'No Right "%s"' |
[225-240,325-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные, на клиенте или сервере![Link to [225-240,325-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные, на клиенте или сервере](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
226 | 'Error in external CheckSecurity function called from %s, SecurityInfo=%xh' |
227 | 'No right %s/%d for user %d from %s(%s)' |
228 | neCliDisconnect,'Client disconnected and query in CancelOnDisconnect mode.' |
229 | 'Stack overflow in RPC function '+functname |
230 | 'Can not establish route to '+ToServer+' with gateway '+Gateway |
231 | 'Answer for unknown query N '+inttostr(header.QueryHandle) |
232 | 'Server exception in RPC function '+functname |
233 | 'Server exception' |
234 | neNotInitialyzed,'RPC system was not initialyzed' |
235 | neServerNotFound,'Server "'+Server+'" not found' |
236 | neSendError,'Error sending to '+server |
237 | neAnswerTimeout,'Answer timeout from '+server |
238 | neTaskTerminated,'Query task terminated' |
239 | neIllegalHandle,'RPC:Illegal memory Handle' |
[241-260] - Ошибки NetBIOS протокола![Link to [241-260] - Ошибки NetBIOS протокола](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
241 | 'NetBIOS: Computer name too length' |
242 | 'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(LanaEnum.lana[i]),2)+'): Error starting ReceiveAny:'+inttohex(ord(NCBReceive[LanaEnum.lana[i]]^.ncb_retcode),2)+'h.' |
243 | 'NetBIOS: Server name too length'+server |
244 | 'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(adapter),2)+'): Error starting Listen:'+inttohex(ord(ListenNCB^.ncb_retcode),2)+'h.' |
245 | 'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_lana_num),2)+'):'+opname+' timed out. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment |
246 | 'NetBIOS:'+opname+'. Thread terminated. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment |
247 | 'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_lana_num),2)+'):'+opname+'. error='+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_cmd_cplt),2)+'h. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment |
248 | 'Error in ChanelManager thread' |
249 | 'NetBIOS: Too large send size.' |
250 | 'NetBIOS: Protocol task stoped.' |
251 | 'Exception in DOS Callback' |
252 | 'NetBIOS: No chanel to receive from '+IntToHex(ord(signaled^.ncb_lana_num)*256+ord(signaled^.ncb_lsn),8) |
253 | 'NetBIOS: Illegal NCB number in signal parameter. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment |
254 | 'NetBIOS: Accepted chanel already exists' |
255 | 'NetBIOS: Called chanel already exists' |
256 | 'NetBios: NCB count exceed '+inttostr(MaxRequests) |
258 | 'NetBIOS: DPMI function '+intttohex(,4)+'Error '+inttohex(res,4) |
259 | 'NetBIOS not installed.' |
[261-290] - Ошибки сокета![Link to [261-290] - Ошибки сокета](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
261 | '%s: Socket count exceed %d' |
262 | ProtName+': Error starting Listen:'+inttostr(WSAGetLastError) |
263 | ProtName+':'+opname+'. error='+inttostr(WSAGetLastError) |
264 | ProtName+': Exception during LowSend' |
265 | ,ProtName+': Attempt to hangup listening socket %d.' |
266 | ProtName+': 0 bytes received timeout, socket=%d. Error' |
267 | 'Too many RPC tasks are running' |
268 | ProtName+':'+opname+'. Thread terminated.' |
269 | '%s:%s timed out. Task=%s' |
270 | '%s:%s. Illegal cmd number (%d) in signal parameter. Need %d' |
271 | %s: WSAEventSelect error. %s |
272 | ProtName+': Too large send size.' |
273 | ProtName+': Listening socket was closed.' |
273 | ProtName+': Broadcast Listening socket was closed.' |
273 | 'TCPSOC:UDP processing thread terminated with exception' |
274 | ' Error initialyzing Winsock 2 '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError) |
275 | '%s: SEQSOCKET connection not available' |
276 | '%s: Port %d is in use, increased to %d' |
277 | '%s: Name "%s" can not be solved' |
278 | '%s: Error creating socket%s' |
279 | '%s: Bind%s%s' |
280 | '%s: %s error %d' |
281 | '%s: Name %s solved, but server "%s" started with LISTEN=0' |
282 | '%s: Name "%s" can not be solved%s' |
283 | 'external connect with existing operation' |
284 | 'SPX sending Address info error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError) |
285 | ProtName+' setsockopt ... error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError) |
286 | 'SPX WSAEventSelect for IPX Broadcast error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError) |
287 | 'SPX: Too big IPX packet:'+inttostr(maxsize+30) |
288 | '%s: self name %s found in %s' |
289 | '%s: Unknown signal %d received while "%s" end waiting' |
290 |
[291-292] - Ошибки LocalNet протокола![Link to [291-292] - Ошибки LocalNet протокола](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
291 | 'LocalNet: can not send to connect %d' |
[293-300] - Общие ошибки протоколов![Link to [293-300] - Общие ошибки протоколов](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
294 | ProtName+': Illegal address "'+addr+'" in section '+section+' key= '+name |
295 | ProtName+': Illegal address "'+'" in '+DNSFILE+' line '+inttostr(l) |
296 | ProtName+': exception during Receive CallBack' |
297 | ProtName+': exception during Disconnect CallBack' |
298 | ProtName+': exception during Accept CallBack' |
299 | ProtName+': ...' |
[301-320] - Ошибки SPX for dos протокола![Link to [301-320] - Ошибки SPX for dos протокола](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
301 | 'SPX: IPX not installed' |
302 | 'SPX: SPX not installed' |
303 | 'SPX: DPMI function XXXXh. Error '+inttohex(res,4) |
304 | 'SPX: Open socket error.' |
306 | 'SPX:'+AllCommands[cmdnum].opname+'. error='+inttohex(AllCommands[cmdnum].res.ECB.CCode,2)+'h.' |
308 | 'SPX: Too many simultaneous sends.' |
309 | 'SPX:'+AllCommands[ncb].opname+' timed out.' |
310 | 'SPX: Illegal Command number in signal parameter' |
311 | 'SPX:'+AllCommands[ncb].opname+'. Thread terminated.' |
312 | 'SPX: Name "'+Server+'" can not be solved.' |
315 | 'SPX: Too large send size.' |
316 | 'SPX: Unexpected IPX receive.' |
317 | 'SPX: Too big IPX packet:'+inttostr(size) |
318 | 'SPX: self name '+ServerName+' found in the network.' |
[320-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные на клиенте![Link to [320-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные на клиенте](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
323 | 'Property %s.%s writing error' |
324 | 'Sort collection %s writing error: %s' |
325 | 'RPCExecCDecl: illegal pointer to stack N '+inttostr(i) |
326 | 'Different sizes of arrays :Pointers and Sizes' |
327 | 'Too many parameters in array' |
328 | 'RPCExecWArgsMem: too big return size parameter N'+inttostr(i) |
329 | 'RPCExecWArgsVarRec: too big return parameters number '+inttostr(result) |
330 | 'Can not write such VarRec type '+inttostr(v.vType) |
331 | 'Can not read such VarRec type '+inttostr(v.vType) |
332 | 'RPCExecCDecl: illegal variable number returned %d for function %s' |
333 | 'RPC already initialized' |
334 | 'RPCExecCDecl: illegal variable length returned, function %s, var %d' |
335 | 'Can not create object of type '+compclass.classname |
336 | 'Illegal select string '+CurrentMask[i] |
337 | 'Can not create item for collection '+ |
338 | 'Error testing connection with '+Server+' returned illegal answer.' |
339 | 'tSortCollection items must be of the same type.' |
340 | 'Error reading property "%s" of %s: "%s"' |
[341-350]-Ошибки пересылки событий![Link to [341-350]-Ошибки пересылки событий](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
341 | 'Illegal event type' |
342 | 'Event with handle '+inttostr(handle)+' does not exists.' |
343 | 'Illegal taks handle '+inttostr(task) |
344 | 'Exception during execution of event callback procedure. Event type='+inttostr(Event^.EventType) |
345 | 'Can not stop listen from all servers without handle.' |
346 | 'Error in event manager.' |
347 | 'Collection %s: data version %d received, but version is %d already' |
[350-359] - Ошибки TCPDOS протокола![Link to [350-359] - Ошибки TCPDOS протокола](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
350 | 'TCPDOS: Name "'+Server+'" can not be solved.' |
351 | 'TCPDOS: '+opname+' error '+LastErrorName |
352 | 'TCPDOS: send timeouted' |
353 | 'TCPDOS: asynch connect to '+Server+' error' |
354 | 'TCPDOS: asynch connect to '+Server+' timeout' |
355 | 'TCPDOS: create socket error ' |
[360-460] - Ошибки работы со справочниками![Link to [360-460] - Ошибки работы со справочниками](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
360 | 'Server %s daemon raised error with message ''%s''.' | в процессах ServerAssignExData, только в лог |
361 | 'Blob cache was expired or new blob %s exists for %d in %s' | |
362 | 'Extra LeaveRPCMode for collection %s' | |
363 | 'Waiting 10 seconds for for collection %s, collection %s. Task=%s' | |
364 | 'Bad child item identifier %d' | |
365 | 'Empty data received for "%s"' | |
366 | 'Item %s(%d) in collection %s can not be locked (it is in open transaction)' | |
367 | 'Illegal type of field %s in UDB table %s. Must be Longint for blob' | |
368 | 'No data provider for collection %s' | |
369 | 'Data provider for collection %s can not process one record' | |
370 | 'Dummy synchronizer can not provide collection receiving' | |
371 | 'Collection not defined. Item class %s, Ident=%d' | |
372 | 'Collection %s exclusive mode request in "no switch" mode' | |
373 | 'Can not use BLOBs with deffered collection %s' | |
374 | 'Can not move pointer in table %s, edit mode' | |
375 | 'Exception in item (%d in %s) processing for parent collection %s' | |
376 | 'Synchronization failed for collection %s after "%s"' | |
377 | 'Can not append record with id 0 in reference %s' | |
378 | 'Can not set OneItem mode, items exists in collection %s' | |
379 | 'Can not delete item, collection %s in OneItem mode' | |
380 | 'Can not create new item, collection %s in OneItem mode' | |
381 | 'Item with id %d already exists. Deleted from %s.' | |
382 | 'Different numbers, RefID=%d and index=%d for reference %s' | |
383 | 'Illegal fixed reference number %d' | |
384 | 'Attempt to load reference without name' | |
385 | 'Can not clear RemoteSource for %s, locked items exists.' | |
386 | 'Can not rename temp file %s to %s' | |
387 | 'No synchronizer for collection %s' | |
388 | 'Can load Blob from collection %s, record %d/%s was unlocked (due to disconnect)' | |
389 | 'Can load Blob from collection %s, record %d/%s locked by another server' | |
390 | 'Can not store Blob to collection %s, record %d/%s locked by another server' | |
391 | 'Error deleting collection %s on server' | |
392 | 'Can not zap collection %s, some items is editing' | |
393 | 'Can not lock table to zap collection %s' | |
394 | 'Illegal blob field name %s for collection %s' | |
395 | 'Error writing blob file %s' | |
396 | 'Error reading blob file %s' | |
397 | 'Check sum error in blob file %s' | |
398 | 'Error loading reference %s from server %s' | |
399 | 'Secondary order %d duplication for item %s/%d in %s' | |
400 | 'Secondary order %d duplication for item %s/%d in %s' | |
401 | 'Can not update record of item %s(%d) in collection %s, it is locked by station %s (%s)' | |
402 | 'Can not load Blob from collection %s, record for item %s(%d) not found' | |
403 | 'Can not store Blob to collection %s, record not found' | |
404 | 'Reference manager was not started' | |
405 | 'Reference collection %s not found.' | |
406 | 'Item %d in collection %s not found.' | |
406 | 'Item IllegalID in collection %s not found.' | |
407 | 'Version waiting timed out (wait %d, now %d) for collection %s after "%s"' | |
408 | 'Error processing signal in reference manager task' | |
409 | 'Error trying locally delete item (locked).' | |
410 | 'Error trying update item %d in collection %s, editing now.' | |
411 | 'Can not lock new item %d in %s' | |
412 | 'Can not find item with id '+inttostr(Ident)+' in table '+fMirrorTable.TableName | |
413 | 'Can not change ident to '+inttostr(NewIdent)+', such ident exists.' | |
414 | 'Error trying locally delete item %d in %s (childs exists in %s).' | |
415 | 'Can not generate new SIFR without mirror table.' | |
416 | 'Delete notification received, but item '+tReferentCollection(AllReferences.objects[i]).name+'('+inttostr(item.ident)+') is updating now' | |
417 | 'Update notification received, but item '+tReferentCollection(AllReferences.objects[i]).name+'('+inttostr(item.ident)+') is updating now' | |
418 | 'Can not store Blob for new item before post.' | |
419 | 'Post: Item %d in %s is not editing' | |
420 | 'Error trying locally delete item (modifing now).' | |
421 | 'Error during RPC executeion of RefReadRecord' | |
422 | 'Error changing ident to %d, childs exists in %s.' | |
423 | 'Can not append record to reference' | |
424 | 'Can not edit, collection not defined' | |
425 | 'Can not edit, item was deleted.' | |
426 | 'Collection %s was not loaded, server disconnected.' | |
427 | '%s %s (ID = %d) is already editing now.' | |
428 | 'Can not lock item %s(%s) in collection %s for editing: item locked by %s (%s)' | |
429 | 'Can not set RemoteSource for %s, items exists.' | |
430 | 'Can not edit, collection %s is read only.' | |
431 | 'Can not run more than one reference server with one network name' | |
432 | 'Can not Run RPC function %s in %s, item was deleted.' | |
433 | 'Can not lock, item was deleted.' | |
434 | 'Reference manager already started.' | |
435 | 'Can not change RemoteServer after collection loading' | |
436 | 'Error loading item %d from server %s, collection %s' | |
437 | 'Reference collection %s was deleted.' | |
438 | 'Lock table %s timeout.' | |
439 | 'Can not write record in collection %s, item was unlocked (due to disconnect)' | |
440 | 'RefCollectionByName: Collection %s loading waiting timed out.' | |
441 | 'Illegal parent ident: %d for classifier %s' | |
442 | 'Can not find child item with id %d in LeafCollections of %s.' | |
443 | 'Ident %d for item from %s was already added as child to item with id %d' | |
444 | 'Error adding child with id %d to item with id %d from %s' | |
445 | 'Collection %s exclusive mode waiting timed out.' | |
446 | 'Can not delete item %d in %s (Internal error).' | |
447 | 'FindItemWait: isInRPC waiting timed out for item %d in %s.' | |
448 | 'Illegal name for collection:"%s", max length=%d' | |
449 | 'Illegal name for server:"%s", max length=%d' | |
450 | 'Can not add new child (state=isNew) from %s to item (%d) %s, parent not LeafCollection' | |
451 | 'Can not find item %d in %s' | |
452 | 'Exception in Notification procedure for collection %s' | |
453 | 'Can not generate ident for new item in %s. All values occupied.' | |
454 | 'Value %d for item ident in %s not in [%d..%d]' | |
455 | 'There is intersection of idents in LeafCollections. Items (%d) %s from %s and (%d) %s from %s have equal idents.' | |
456 | 'Can not find child item with id %d in %s.' | |
457 | 'Error assigning blob to item %s/%d from item %s/%d, collection %s' | |
458 | 'Error writing collection %s:' | |
459 | 'Unique check %d for collection %s failed. Item like %s/%d found.' | |
460 | 'Deletion in reference %s is forbidden' | |
461 | 'Exception on RefCommit' | |
462 | 'Server don''t configured for event cache' | |
463 | 'Bad CRC32 of RefEvents.dat. File renamed to RefEvents.bad' | |
463 | 'Exception loading RefEvents.dat. File renamed to RefEvents.bad' |
[464-500] - Ошибки работы со справочниками r_keeper_7![Link to [464-500] - Ошибки работы со справочниками r_keeper_7](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
464 | 'Record for Print Groups not found in table ClassificatorGroups' |
465 | 'Illegal ident for tRightLevelInfo: %d (must be in [0..255])' |
466 | 'Unknown operation ID %d' |
467 | 'Leaf Collection %s has no mirror table.' |
468 | 'No Usage for %s' |
469 | 'Can not write to Changeable Order Types Usage Table.' |
470 | 'Can not activate table without maximal places' |
471 | 'Can not activate device, no such driver for this station.' |
472 | 'Can not lock collection %s.' |
473 | 'Can not write to %s Table.' |
474 | 'Keyboard DLL not found.' |
475 | 'Error loading keyboard DLL %s to directory %s.' |
476 | 'Keyboard DLL not loaded.' |
477 | 'No default period' |
478 | 'Can not write item priority to table.' |
479 | 'User with ID %d not found.' |
480 | 'Not found Cash Group %s on %s.' |
481 | 'Can not read from %s Table.' |
482 | 'Round rule %d can not be used for taxes' |
483 | 'Can not complete operation. Server %s is probably busy' |
484 | 'refGetCollection: client ''%s'' not logged in, disconnecting (do refDoUSerLogin first)' |
500 | 'Can not delete %s ''%s'' while following item(s) reference it: %s.' |
[500-600] Пользовательские ошибки - в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерывания![Link to [500-600] Пользовательские ошибки - в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерывания](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
// Все перенесены в rk7error.pas
[601-650] - Редактор справочников![Link to [601-650] - Редактор справочников](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
#(canceled)601,'Can not load Aliases from %s for form %s, language extention "%s"'
[701-720] - Ошибки работы с файлами![Link to [701-720] - Ошибки работы с файлами](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
701 | 'Error unpacking keyboard DLL %s.' |
702 | 'File %s not found.' |
703 | 'Error "%s" opening Work Base %s.' |
704 | 'Error processing work data recieved.' |
705 | 'Error %d opening file %s' |
706 | 'Can not open Log Book file %s.' |
707 | 'Directory %s (%s) open error.' |
709 | 'Can not archive pump file %s.' |
[801-810] - Ошибки локализации базы![Link to [801-810] - Ошибки локализации базы](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
801 | 'Error loading Main language reference '+f1 |
802 | 'Error loading Alternative language reference '+f2 |
803 | 'Error loading Data language references from server %s' |
804 | 'Error Loading keyboard layout "%s"' |
[901-1000] - различные предупреждения![Link to [901-1000] - различные предупреждения](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
901 | 'The parent Price Type is not active. Its code may become unchangable after formulas creating.' |
902 | 'Formuls of the Price Type are incorect. You may be unable to calculate prices. Correct the Formuls.' |
[1001-1500] - Программы обработки данных![Link to [1001-1500] - Программы обработки данных](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[1001-1020] - Импорт данных из UDB - UDBCopy![Link to [1001-1020] - Импорт данных из UDB - UDBCopy](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[2001-3000] - Ошибки MidServ![Link to [2001-3000] - Ошибки MidServ](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[2100 - 2200]![Link to [2100 - 2200]](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
Ошибки MidServ, вызывающиеся из функций RPC по запросам с кассы и перенаправляющиеся клиенту
[2281 - 2299]![Link to [2281 - 2299]](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
Ошибки файлового кэша справочников (FCachePr)
2281 | 'Can not create control file %s' |
2282 | 'Illegal control file %s' |
2283 | 'Illegal RefID %d' |
2284 | 'Version of control file %s = %d, less then minimal %d' |
2285 | 'Collection %s is in changing state for too long' |
2286 | 'Version of control file %s = %d, greater then maximal %d' |
[2300 - 2400]![Link to [2300 - 2400]](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
Ошибки MidServ, вызывающиеся из функций RPC - системные
[2401 - 2799]![Link to [2401 - 2799]](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
Ошибки интерфейсов
[2401 - 2410]![Link to [2401 - 2410]](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
Интерфейс с таймкипером
2411 | 'Bad interface version %d of %s. Version 5 is needed' |
2412 | 'Connect dll %s initialization error' |
2413 | 'Limit is over for %s, room %s' |
[2421 - 2430] - Интерфейс с PMS![Link to [2421 - 2430] - Интерфейс с PMS](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2421 | 'Error creating table %s' |
2422 | 'Error opening table %s' |
[2431 - 2440] - Интерфейс с ITV POS Intellect![Link to [2431 - 2440] - Интерфейс с ITV POS Intellect](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2431 | 'Error loading XML document' |
2432 | 'Error processing tag %s' |
2433 | 'Exception processing XML' |
[2440-2450] - Brunswick Bowling![Link to [2440-2450] - Brunswick Bowling](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2441 | 'Error sending xml' |
[2451-2460] - pcget![Link to [2451-2460] - pcget](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2451 | 'Login canceled' |
[2500 - 2550] - Интерфейсы авторизационные![Link to [2500 - 2550] - Интерфейсы авторизационные](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2501 | 'AcceptCard exception' |
[2551 - 2560] - CrunchTime![Link to [2551 - 2560] - CrunchTime](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2551 | 'Can not rename file %s to %s: %s' |
[2561-2570] XML интерфейс![Link to [2561-2570] XML интерфейс](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
2561 | 'Exception in connect thread' |
[3001-4000] - Кассовая станция![Link to [3001-4000] - Кассовая станция](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3001 | 'Unknown cash "%s"' |
3003 | 'Exception during BeforeAddMessage' |
3004 | 'Init error' |
3005 | 'Main cycle error' |
3006 | 'Error closing form %s' |
3007 | 'Error destroying form %s' |
3008 | 'Person list not initialized' |
3009 | 'Timer procedure exception' |
3012 | 'Exception processing message %d in window %s' |
3014 | 'Can not find form with class name %s' |
3018 | 'Item index %d out of range' |
3038 | 'Exception in GrApplication.SignalReceived' |
3366 | 'Exception on %s:%s draw' |
[3100-3199] -RPC ошибки кассовой станции![Link to [3100-3199] -RPC ошибки кассовой станции](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[3200-3300] -Пользовательские ошибки кассы![Link to [3200-3300] -Пользовательские ошибки кассы](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3200 | 'Can not change trade group, lines exists' |
[3401-3500] - Компоненты![Link to [3401-3500] - Компоненты](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3401 | 'Error in timer procedure' |
3402 | 'Show message dialog: %s' |
[3500-3590] - Касса, логируемые ошибки![Link to [3500-3590] - Касса, логируемые ошибки](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[3601-3799] - Драйверы устройств![Link to [3601-3799] - Драйверы устройств](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[3601-3650] - Общие ошибки драйверов![Link to [3601-3650] - Общие ошибки драйверов](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3601 | 'Can not load %s, error=%d' |
3602 | 'For DPMI32 Only! Can not run under Windows.' |
3603 | 'Parameter %s(%d) must be defined for %s # %d' |
3604 | 'Too many devices for %s' |
3605 | '%s: Windows error %d. Operation "%s"' |
3606 | 'Driver Version = %d; File ''%s'' contains a wrong quantity of the messages (%d, %d)' |
3607 | 'Driver Version = %d; Null pointer for the list of messages from the file ''%s''' |
3608 | 'Parameter %s(%d) must be defined for %s # %d' |
3609 | 'GetLastError() = %d in LoadLibrary(''%s'') for %s # %d' |
3610 | 'Parameter %s(%d) has not been initialized for %s # %d' |
3611 | 'Not supported version number (%d) of the protocol from %s in %s # %d' |
3612 | 'GetLastError() = %d in LoadLibrary(''%s'')' |
3613 | 'Not found entry point ''%s'' in the module ''%s''' |
3614 | 'Initialization error: %s' |
3615 | 'Class is not registered: %s (file name: %s)' |
3616 | 'Configuration is not created. File name: %s' |
3617 | 'Cannot unregister COM-server %s' |
3618 | 'Cannot register COM-server %s' |
3619 | 'Not exported call %s for a supported option %s' |
3620 | 'Not exported call %s' |
[3651-3700] - Драйверы принтеров и принтерных портов![Link to [3651-3700] - Драйверы принтеров и принтерных портов](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3651 | Ошибка, полученная от ФР (логическая ошибка обработки команды) | |
3652 | Ошибка связи с ФР | |
3653 | 'Host DLL %s loading error %d' | |
3654 | 'Illegal printer handle %d' | |
3655 | 'Illegal fiscal external identifier "%s" instead of "%s"' | |
3656 | 'Error %d creating file "%s"' | |
3657 | 'Error %d opening printer %s' | |
3658 | 'Error %d writing printer port %d (device %s, handle %d)' | |
3659 | 'Error entering non-fiscal mode: %s' | |
3660 | 'Can not open port %s for %s#%d, base port is already used' | |
3661 | 'Can not set baud to %d, printer %s #%d use another - %d' | |
3662 | 'Can not open port %s for %s#%d, illegal OS' | |
3663 | 'Fiscal register %s # %d not connected' | то же, что 3651, но без прерывания |
3664 | 'FiscReg %s # %d: %s' | то же, что 3652, но без прерывания |
[3665-3675] IP Ethernet-RS232 multiplexor, IP Printer port![Link to [3665-3675] IP Ethernet-RS232 multiplexor, IP Printer port](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3665 | 'Illegal multiplexor chanel number %d' |
3666 | 'Error %d initializing Novell sockets' |
3667 | 'Failed to create socket, error=%d' |
3668 | 'Illegal IP address: %s' |
3669 | 'Bind error %d' |
3670 | 'Send UDP datagram error %d' |
3671 | 'Illegal baud rate %d. Must be 300..19200' |
3672 | 'Connect error reply %s from multiplexor #%d' |
3673 | 'No answer from multiplexor #%d' |
[3676-3680] Windows universal printer ![Link to [3676-3680] Windows universal printer](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3676 | 'Not found background file %s' |
3677 | 'Not found logo bitmap file %s' |
3678 | 'Exception printing document' |
3679 | 'Printer %s not found' |
[3681-3685] Pager![Link to [3681-3685] Pager](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3681 | 'Illegal pager code %s' |
3682 | 'XML parsing error' |
[3701-3749] - Ошибки устройств ввода![Link to [3701-3749] - Ошибки устройств ввода](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3701 | 'kbdvk: No keyboard with handle %d' |
3702 | 'kbdvk: Illegal mode %d, must be 0..%d' |
3710 | 'GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents error %d' |
3711 | 'PeekConsoleInput error %d' |
3712 | 'Bad Com baud:%d for %s#%d' |
3713 | 'Illegal CHIPS.BIN file' |
[3750-3759] - Весы![Link to [3750-3759] - Весы](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3750 | 'Scales: no reply' |
3751 | 'Scales: Illegal reply' |
3752 | 'Scales: Unstable state' |
3753 | 'Scales: ReadWeight error %s' |
[3760-3765] - ящик и порт ящика![Link to [3760-3765] - ящик и порт ящика](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3760 | 'bad InitGPIO string, bad hexadecimal integer %s' |
3761 | 'bad InitGPIO string, bad port-value pair %s' |
[3801-3810] - Серверные ошибки взаимодействия с PDS![Link to [3801-3810] - Серверные ошибки взаимодействия с PDS](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3801 | 'PDS:Chanel closed' |
3802 | 'PDS:Timeout exceded' |
3803 | 'PDS:Answer waiting excepted' |
3804 | 'PDS:Unknown signal %d' |
3805 | 'PDS:System was not initialized' |
3806 | 'PDS:Main thread terminated' |
[3811-3830] - Клиентские ошибки взаимодействия с PDS![Link to [3811-3830] - Клиентские ошибки взаимодействия с PDS](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
3811 | 'PDS:Illegal server ident' |
3812 | 'PDS:Server protocol version is too low. %d needed' |
3813 | 'PDS: Server error "%s"(%d)' |
3814 | 'PDS: Unknown server error running function "%s"' |
3815 | 'PDS: Bad answer len for CQGetImage request' |
3816 | 'PDS: too big additional information (max 65535 bytes of packed data)' |
[4000-4100] - Preload![Link to [4000-4100] - Preload](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
[4101-4201] - справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.![Link to [4101-4201] - справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.](/rk7/_/7F00010101801D514B2BF5811BF99F84/1743177660097/images/common/link-solid.svg)
4127 | 'Provider ''%s'', table ''%s'': attempting to save more data than fields ''%s'' size (%d/%d bytes)' |
4147 | 'Exception %s saving property %s:%s to field %s.%s' |
- [1-99] Отладочные сообщения (без стека, по умолчанию отключены)
- [11-20] Отладочные сообщения NetKern
- [21-25] Отладочные сообщения справочников
- [26-29,33] - Отладочные сообщения сервера отчётов
- [30-35] - Отладочные сообщения MidServ
- [36-39] - Отладочные сообщения refsrv
- [40-49] - Отладочные сообщения кассы
- [50-69] - Отладочные сообщения драйверов
- [70-79] - Отладочные сообщения остальных программ
- [90-99] - общее
- [100-110] - не использовать
- [111-122] - Регистрация DLL
- [123-125] - Регистрация функций и полномочий
- [126-130] - Ошибки обработки ошибок
- [131-160] - Доверительная многозадачность
- [170-359] - Ошибки RPC
- [170-215] - Общие ошибки взаимодействия с протоколами
- [216-224] - Ошибки RPC переданные с сервера
- [225-240,325-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные, на клиенте или сервере
- [241-260] - Ошибки NetBIOS протокола
- [261-290] - Ошибки сокета
- [291-292] - Ошибки LocalNet протокола
- [293-300] - Общие ошибки протоколов
- [301-320] - Ошибки SPX for dos протокола
- [320-340] - Ошибки RPC локальные на клиенте
- [341-350]-Ошибки пересылки событий
- [350-359] - Ошибки TCPDOS протокола
- [360-460] - Ошибки работы со справочниками
- [464-500] - Ошибки работы со справочниками r_keeper_7
- [500-600] Пользовательские ошибки - в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерывания
- [601-650] - Редактор справочников
- [701-720] - Ошибки работы с файлами
- [801-810] - Ошибки локализации базы
- [901-1000] - различные предупреждения
- [1001-1500] - Программы обработки данных
- [1001-1020] - Импорт данных из UDB - UDBCopy
- [2001-3000] - Ошибки MidServ
- [3001-4000] - Кассовая станция
- [3100-3199] -RPC ошибки кассовой станции
- [3200-3300] -Пользовательские ошибки кассы
- [3401-3500] - Компоненты
- [3500-3590] - Касса, логируемые ошибки
- [3601-3799] - Драйверы устройств
- [3601-3650] - Общие ошибки драйверов
- [3651-3700] - Драйверы принтеров и принтерных портов
- [3665-3675] IP Ethernet-RS232 multiplexor, IP Printer port
- [3676-3680] Windows universal printer
- [3681-3685] Pager
- [3701-3749] - Ошибки устройств ввода
- [3750-3759] - Весы
- [3760-3765] - ящик и порт ящика
- [3801-3810] - Серверные ошибки взаимодействия с PDS
- [3811-3830] - Клиентские ошибки взаимодействия с PDS
- [4000-4100] - Preload
- [4101-4201] - справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.