[1-99] Отладочные сообщения (без стека, некоторые по умолчанию отключены)Link to [1-99] Отладочные сообщения (без стека, некоторые по умолчанию отключены)

В основной секции ini-файла приложений можно иметь параметр DebugMessages, значением которого можно включить отключенные по умолчанию или выключить не отключенные по умолчанию категории сообщения.

Например, параметр DebugMessages = 21,24,-33 включит 21 и 24 отладки, и отключит 33-ю.

1 TestSignalError — тестовый тип ошибки для отладки сигналов
2 TestTaskError — тестовый тип ошибки для отладки запуска/остановки задач, критических сессий
3 — отладка wintasks
4 — остановка, освобождение объектов
6 — уведомления о прогрессе процессов в потоках
7 — локализация.

[10-20] Отладочные сообщения NetKern

10 TestCheckRights — отладка проверки прав
11 TestLowProtocol — отладка DLL протокола
12 TestHighProtocol – tprotocol,tconnect — подключение, разрыв, отправка пакета, получение пакета
13 TestNetwork – tProtocol,tProtocols — выбор протокола, отправка блока, получение блока
14 TestRouting – отладка tProtocols.SendMemToServer,AddRouting — выбор шлюза, добавление заголовка для роутинга, отправка блока, установление роутинга
15 TestNetworkTask – отладка MainTask — отсылаемые, полученные пакеты
16 TestRPCServer – отладка DispatchAnswer — вызываемые функции, получаемые параметры, отсылаемые результаты
17 TestEvents – отладка events.pas — отсылаемые и получаемые уведомления о событиях
18 TestClassIO – отладка comprw.pas — отсылаемые и получаемые объекты, сериализация
19 TestResources — отладка времён и ресурсов, RPC клиент.

[21-29] Отладочные сообщения (в основном сервера справочников и сервера отчётов)

21 — синхронизация элементов справочников
22 — работа с BLOB
23 — eventsShedulerLogs(eitInformation, ...)/eventsShedulerLogs(eitCustom, ...) – по умолчанию отключено
24 — отладка загрузки и синхронизации справочников целиком
26 — отладка закачки накопительных данных и массовой закачки в SQL (BCP) – по умолчанию включено
27 — работа с коллекциями дочерних элементов справочников
28 — AbsMemCache
29 — построение кубов и отчётов на сервере.

[30-39] Отладочные сообщения (в основном MidServ)

30 — WMLoad
31 — загрузка, сохранение, блокировка, разблокировка заказов
32 — печать, сервис-печать
33 — старт-стоп, апгрейд (все сервера) – по умолчанию включено
34 — интерфейсы, авторизация банковских карт
35 — регистрация, отмена регистрации, учет рабочего времени
36 — старт-стоп, детали (все сервера, в дополнение к 33) – по умолчанию включено
37 — сбор технических данных об инциденте.

[40-49] Отладочные сообщения кассы

40 — 'Driver signal %d, wparam=%d, wparam=%d'
41 — 'New active control %s:%s for %s:%s'; входы в BeginUpdate
42 — оконные сообщения
43 — особо важные события кассы
44 — таймер
45 — возможность добавления скидки
46 — журнал расчёта
47 — отладка задержек – тайминги
48 — касса, выполняемые операции
49 — печать, дисплей покупателя, терминал авторизации.

[50-69] Отладочные сообщения драйверов

50 — kbdvk
51 — принтеры
52 — фискальный регистратор
53 — мышь и ELO
54 — IPMultpx
55 — устройства ввода
56 — клавиатурный порт
57 — ящик
58 — COM
58 — сырые данные печати на принтер
69 — отладка загрузки драйверов.

[70-82] Отладочные сообщения остальных программ

70 — pds_netk
71 — rk7tosh4
73 — RDSServ
74 — RK7HotelSrv
75 — preload и автообновление
76 — автотестирование
80 — MCR-алгоритмы
81 — диалоговые окна
82 — сетевой обмен с системой лицензирования
83 — отладка обмена данных с сервисом DocsExchange.

[90-99] общее

99 — временная отладка, всегда включена.

[111-122] Регистрация DLLLink to [111-122] Регистрация DLL

111,'DLL was not found: '+dllname
112,'DLL %s was not loaded. Error=%d'
113,'Illegal DLL: '+dllname
114,'Invalid DLL type: '+dllname
115,'DLL version too low: '+dllname
116,'Caller version too low: '+dllname
117,'DLL initialization failed: '+dllname
118,'Maximum DLL number reached.'
119,'Illegal operation system: '+dllname
120,'DLL can not be unloaded: '+dllname
121,'Illegal DLL number '+inttostr(num)
122,'Error running DONE for '+AllDLL[i].name.

[123-125] Регистрация функций и полномочийLink to [123-125] Регистрация функций и полномочий

123,'Function with name "%s" and version %d already registered'.

[126-130] Ошибки обработки ошибокLink to [126-130] Ошибки обработки ошибок

126,'Error stack overflow'
127,'Extra call NoOSMode(false)'
128,'Something called STI'
129 — для записи перехваченных в OnException ошибок в лог.

[131-169] Доверительная многозадачностьLink to [131-169] Доверительная многозадачность

131,'Global signal queue overflow'
132,'Warning: Task list overflow'
133,'Local signal queue overflow'
134,'Task terminated with exception'
135,'SendSignal: Invalid task number'
136,'Critical section queue overflow. Current task "%s"(%d)'
137,'Critical section waiting time-out. Current task "%s"(%d)'
138,'Stack overflow in task '+TaskList[ActiveTask].Comment
139,'Warning: Can not allocate memory for stack.'
140,'Try to switch tasks in "NoSwitch" mode.'
141,'Count of ThreadVars exceed maximum of MaxThreadVarCount'
142,'Size of ThreadVar exceed maximum of MaxThreadVarSize'
143,'Task "%s" worked %d milliseconds continually.'
144,'Illegal Thread32.dll for such OS version.'
145,'SgIdle signal for task %d "%s" deleted.'
146,'Stack for taks %d "%s"'
147,'Error running synchro proc'
148,'Critical section destroied by task "%s"(%d). Waiting task "%s"(%d)'
149,'Waiting called in "no switch" mode'
150,'Waiting called in "no OS" mode'
151,'Extra call SetNoSwitchMode(false)'
152,'Main task was inactive %d msecs. Task dump printed'
153,'Win32 %s error %d'
154,'Version of thread32.dll too low, %d needed'
155,'Error running IndependentProc from trusted thread '+Obj.CallerTaskName
156,'Error waiting signal in WinWaitForMultipleObjects'
157 — много разных отладок для странных/невозможных ситуаций
158,'Too big time from switch '+inttostr(t)+'. task dump printed'
159,'Increased memory usage to '+inttostr(Int64(psmemCounters.PagefileUsage))+' borlndmm uses'+inttostr(HeapStatus.TotalAllocated)
160,'Wait object procedure excepted'
161,'Thread termination waitng timeout. TerminatThread...'.

[170-349] Ошибки RPCLink to [170-349] Ошибки RPC

[170-215] Общие ошибки взаимодействия с протоколами

176,'Protocol task stoped on exception'
177,'%s: hangup called for ChanelID=%.8x and CloseMode=%d, reason=%s'
178,'External connect detected, but protocol don''t support external connects'
179,'Unknown protocol'
180,'Netkern internal error'
181,'Illegal hEventManager, MainThread was not started'
182,'%s: Name %s found'
183,'Ini file not found: %s'
184,'Block header with same SendID received form %s, protocol=%s'
185,'CRC check error. Block from %s, protocol=%s'
186,'Can not link with %s, netkern with version less then %d'
187,'Illegal SendPos in handshake received'
188,'Exception in router'
189,'Exception in SendMemToServer'
190,'Interval between receiving from '+c.ServerName+' exceed '+inttostr(MaxReceiveInterval)+' msec'
191,'Unpacking error %d, block from %s'
192,'Too big Block '+inttostr(size)
193,'Erroneous block size %d, packet from %s'
194,'Cannot GlobalAlloc '+size+' bytes.'
195,'Can not change permanent route to '+ToServer+' throught '+OldRouteInfo.GateWay+' with new temporary routing through '+gateway
196,'Server login attempt with "%s"(%s:%xh), with unfinished server login attempt %s:%xh'
197,'Name in handshake '+h^.ServerName+', but connect name '+c.ServerName+', protocol='+DriverName
198,'Received illegal handshake from connectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName
199,'Accept connect with existing active ConnectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName
200,'Received packet from ConnectID '+inttohex(ConnectID,8)+', Server='+c.ServerName+', with non-login state, protocol='+tProtocol(protocol).DriverName
201,'Illegal packet CRC, packet from %s'
202,'too small Block'
203,'Block received size greater than in header from '+fromserver+', protocol='+protocol.drivername
204,'Illegal send position during relogin from '+fromserver
205,'Exception during FindServer'
206,'"InitProtocol" not found in '+dll
207,'Error in InitProtocol in '+dll
208,'Server "'+server+'" was not found with all protocols'
209,'Server "'+ServerName+'" can not aquire connect for sending'
210,'Received packet from "'+FromServer+'" with protocol '+protocol.DriverName+', but connect exists via '+c.protocol.DriverName
211,'Server login attempt with "%s"(%s:%xh), but connect exists %s:%xh '
212,'Internal chanel registry error'
213,'Error loading '+GetDLLInfo(i)^.Name+' Protocol with same priority exists'
214,'Attempt Send to empty server name'.

[216-224] Ошибки RPC переданные с сервера

216 neFunctionNotFound,'Function '+ServerFunction+' not found on '+Server
217 neException,'Exception running function '+ServerFunction+' on '+Server
218 neRouterError,'Error in router '+Server
219 neSrvDisconnect,'Server %s disconnected running function %s'
220 neNoRightForFunc,'No right "%s" to execute function %s'
221 neNoRight, 'No Right "%s"'

[225-240,325-340] Ошибки RPC локальные (на клиенте или сервере)

225,'Argument #%d(%s) of RPC function %s invoked by %s is incorrect.'
226,'Error in external CheckSecurity function called from %s, SecurityInfo=%xh'
227,'No right %s/%d for user %d from %s(%s)'
228 neCliDisconnect,'Client disconnected and query in CancelOnDisconnect mode.'
229,'Stack overflow in RPC function '+functname
230,'Can not establish route to '+ToServer+' with gateway '+Gateway
231,'Answer for unknown query N '+inttostr(header.QueryHandle)
232,'Server exception in RPC function '+functname
233,'Server exception'
234 neNotInitialyzed,'RPC system was not initialyzed'
235 neServerNotFound,'Server "'+Server+'" not found'
236 neSendError,'Error sending to '+server
237 neAnswerTimeout,'Answer timeout from '+server
238 neTaskTerminated,'Query task terminated'
239 neIllegalHandle,'RPC:Illegal memory Handle'

[241-260] Ошибки NetBIOS протокола

241,'NetBIOS: Computer name too length'
242,'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(LanaEnum.lana[i]),2)+'): Error starting ReceiveAny:'+inttohex(ord(NCBReceive[LanaEnum.lana[i]]^.ncb_retcode),2)+'h.'
243,'NetBIOS: Server name too length'+server
244,'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(adapter),2)+'): Error starting Listen:'+inttohex(ord(ListenNCB^.ncb_retcode),2)+'h.'
245,'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_lana_num),2)+'):'+opname+' timed out. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
246,'NetBIOS:'+opname+'. Thread terminated. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
247,'NetBIOS('+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_lana_num),2)+'):'+opname+'. error='+inttohex(ord(ncb^.ncb_cmd_cplt),2)+'h. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
248,248,'Error in ChanelManager thread'
249,'NetBIOS: Too large send size.'
250,'NetBIOS: Protocol task stoped.'
251,'Exception in DOS Callback'
252,'NetBIOS: No chanel to receive from '+IntToHex(ord(signaled^.ncb_lana_num)*256+ord(signaled^.ncb_lsn),8)
253,'NetBIOS: Illegal NCB number in signal parameter. Task='+GetTaskInfo(GetTaskHandle)^.comment
254,'NetBIOS: Accepted chanel already exists'
255,'NetBIOS: Called chanel already exists'
256,'NetBios: NCB count exceed '+inttostr(MaxRequests)
258,'NetBIOS: DPMI function '+intttohex(,4)+'Error '+inttohex(res,4)
259,'NetBIOS not installed.'

[261-290] Ошибки сокета

261,'%s: Socket count exceed %d'
262,ProtName+': Error starting Listen:'+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
263,ProtName+':'+opname+'. error='+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
264,ProtName+': Exception during LowSend'
265,ProtName+': Attempt to hangup listening socket %d.'
266,ProtName+': 0 bytes received timeout, socket=%d. Error'
267,'Too many RPC tasks are running'
268,ProtName+':'+opname+'. Thread terminated.'
269,'%s:%s timed out. Task=%s'
270,'%s:%s. Illegal cmd number (%d) in signal parameter. Need %d'
271,%s: WSAEventSelect error. %s
272, ProtName+': Too large send size.'
273,ProtName+': Listening socket was closed.'
273,ProtName+': Broadcast Listening socket was closed.'
273,'TCPSOC:UDP processing thread terminated with exception'
274,' Error initialyzing Winsock 2 '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
275,'%s: SEQSOCKET connection not available'
276,'%s: Port %d is in use, increased to %d'
277,'%s: Name "%s" can not be solved'
278,'%s: Error creating socket%s'
279,'%s: Bind%s%s'
280,'%s: %s error %d'
281,'%s: Name %s solved, but server "%s" started with LISTEN=0'
282,'%s: Name "%s" can not be solved%s'
283,'external connect with existing operation'
284,'SPX sending Address info error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
285,ProtName+' setsockopt ... error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
286,'SPX WSAEventSelect for IPX Broadcast error '+inttostr(WSAGetLastError)
287,'SPX: Too big IPX packet:'+inttostr(maxsize+30)
288,'%s: self name %s found in %s'
289,'%s: Unknown signal %d received while "%s" end waiting'.

[291-292] Ошибки LocalNet протокола

291,'LocalNet: can not send to connect %d'.

[293-300] Общие ошибки протоколов

294,ProtName+': Illegal address "'+addr+'" in section '+section+' key= '+name
295,ProtName+': Illegal address "'+'" in '+DNSFILE+' line '+inttostr(l)
296,ProtName+': exception during Receive CallBack'
297,ProtName+': exception during Disconnect CallBack'
298,ProtName+': exception during Accept CallBack'
299,ProtName+': ...'

[320-340] Ошибки RPC локальные на клиенте

321,'httpcall except'
322,'Bad enum %s value %d, property %s.%s writing'
323,'Property %s.%s writing error'
324,'Sort collection %s writing error: %s'
325,'RPCExecCDecl: illegal pointer to stack N '+inttostr(i)
326,'Different sizes of arrays :Pointers and Sizes'
327,'Too many parameters in array'
328,'RPCExecWArgsMem: too big return size parameter N'+inttostr(i)
329,'RPCExecWArgsVarRec: too big return parameters number '+inttostr(result)
330,'Can not write such VarRec type '+inttostr(v.vType)
331,'Can not read such VarRec type '+inttostr(v.vType)
332,'RPCExecCDecl: illegal variable number returned %d for function %s'
333,'RPC already initialized'
334,'RPCExecCDecl: illegal variable length returned, function %s, var %d'
335,'Can not create object of type '+compclass.classname
336,'Illegal select string '+CurrentMask[i]
337,'Can not create item for collection '+
338,'Error testing connection with '+Server+' returned illegal answer.'
339,'tSortCollection items must be of the same type.'
340,'Error reading property "%s" of %s: "%s"'.

[341-349] Ошибки пересылки событий

341,'Illegal event type'
342,'Event with handle '+inttostr(handle)+' does not exists.'
343,'Illegal taks handle '+inttostr(task)
344,'Exception during execution of event callback procedure. Event type='+inttostr(Event^.EventType)
345,'Can not stop listen from all servers without handle.'
346,'Error in event manager.'
347,'Collection %s: data version %d received, but version is %d already'.

[350-463] Ошибки работы со справочникамиLink to [350-463] Ошибки работы со справочниками

353,'External database check failed: %s, Index: %d, SQL: %s'
353,'Unable to find domainDataClass with name "%s" for collection %s'
354,'Item %d id not found in collection ''%s''.'
354,'LoadFromProvider %s(#%d) %s(%s)'
355,'Synchronization of %s rejected by server %s'
356,'tReferentCollection.AddNotifyProc: this notification procedure already added'
357,'Collection %s is synchronyzing now, can not provide for %s'
358,'RefReadBlob(Col=%s,it.Ident=%d,it.Code=%d,blob=%s) exception'
359,'Collection %s: %d items deleted on loading'
360,'Server %s daemon raised error with message ''%s''.' // в процессах ServerAssignExData, только в лог
361,'Blob cache was expired or new blob %s exists for %d in %s'
362,'Extra LeaveRPCMode for collection %s'
363,'Waiting 10 seconds for for collection %s, collection %s. Task=%s'
364,'Bad child item identifier %d'
365,'Empty data received for "%s"'
366,'Item %s(%d) in collection %s can not be locked (it is in open transaction)'
367,'Illegal type of field %s in UDB table %s. Must be Longint for blob'
368,'No data provider for collection %s'
369,'Data provider for collection %s can not process one record'
370,'Dummy synchronizer can not provide collection receiving'
371,'Collection not defined. Item class %s, Ident=%d'
372,'Collection %s exclusive mode request in "no switch" mode'
373,'Can not use BLOBs with deffered collection %s'
374,'Can not move pointer in table %s, edit mode'
375,'Exception in item (%d in %s) processing for parent collection %s'
376,'Synchronization failed for collection %s after "%s"'
377,'Can not append record with id 0 in reference %s'
378,'Can not set OneItem mode, items exists in collection %s'
379,'Can not delete item, collection %s in OneItem mode'
380,'Can not create new item, collection %s in OneItem mode'
381,'Item with id %d already exists. Deleted from %s.'
382,'Different numbers, RefID=%d and index=%d for reference %s'
383,'Illegal fixed reference number %d'
384,'Attempt to load reference without name'
385,'Can not clear RemoteSource for %s, locked items exists.'
386,'Can not rename temp file %s to %s'
387,'No synchronizer for collection %s'
388,'Can load Blob from collection %s, record %d/%s was unlocked (due to disconnect)'
389,'Can load Blob from collection %s, record %d/%s locked by another server'
390,'Can not store Blob to collection %s, record %d/%s locked by another server'
391,'Error deleting collection %s on server'
392,'Can not zap collection %s, some items is editing'
393,'Can not lock table to zap collection %s'
394,'Illegal blob field name %s for collection %s'
395,'Error writing blob file %s'
396,'Error reading blob file %s'
397,'Check sum error in blob file %s'
398,'Error loading reference %s from server %s'
399,'Secondary order %d duplication for item %s/%d in %s'
400,'Secondary order %d duplication for item %s/%d in %s'
401,'Can not update record of item %s(%d) in collection %s, it is locked by station %s (%s)'
402,'Can not load Blob from collection %s, record for item %s(%d) not found'
403,'Can not store Blob to collection %s, record not found'
404,'Reference manager was not started'
405,'Reference collection %s not found.'
406,'Item %d in collection %s not found.'
406,'Item %d id not found in collection ''%s'
406,'Item IllegalID in collection %s not found.'
407,'Version waiting timed out (wait %d, now %d) for collection %s after "%s"'
407,'Item with name ''%s'' not found in collection ''%s'
408,'Error processing signal in reference manager task'
408,'Item %d id not found in collection ''%s'
409,'Item with name ''%s'' not found in collection ''%s'
409,'Error trying locally delete item (locked).'
410,'Error trying update item %d in collection %s, editing now.'
411,'Can not lock new item %d in %s'
412,'Can not find item with id '+inttostr(Ident)+' in table '+fMirrorTable.TableName
413,'Can not change ident to '+inttostr(NewIdent)+', such ident exists.'
414,'Error trying locally delete item %d in %s (childs exists in %s).'
415,'Can not generate new SIFR without mirror table.'
416,'Delete notification received, but item '+tReferentCollection(AllReferences.objects[i]).name+'('+inttostr(item.ident)+') is updating now'
417,'Update notification received, but item '+tReferentCollection(AllReferences.objects[i]).name+'('+inttostr(item.ident)+') is updating now'
418,'Can not store Blob for new item before post.'
419,'Post: Item %d in %s is not editing'
420,'Error trying locally delete item (modifing now).'
421,'Error during RPC executeion of RefReadRecord'
422,'Error changing ident to %d, childs exists in %s.'
423,'Can not append record to reference'
424,'Can not edit, collection not defined'
425,'Can not edit, item was deleted.'
426,'Collection %s was not loaded, server disconnected.'
427,'%s %s (ID = %d) is already editing now.'
428,'Can not lock item %s(%s) in collection %s for editing: item locked by %s (%s)'
429,'Can not set RemoteSource for %s, items exists.'
430,'Can not edit, collection %s is read only.'
431,'Can not run more than one reference server with one network name'
432,'Can not Run RPC function %s in %s, item was deleted.'
433,'Can not lock, item was deleted.'
434,'Reference manager already started.'
435,'Can not change RemoteServer after collection loading'
436,'Error loading item %d from server %s, collection %s'
437,'Reference collection %s was deleted.'
438,'Lock table %s timeout.'
439,'Can not write record in collection %s, item was unlocked (due to disconnect)'
440,'RefCollectionByName: Collection %s loading waiting timed out.'
441,'Illegal parent ident: %d for classifier %s'
442,'Can not find child item with id %d in LeafCollections of %s.'
443,'Ident %d for item from %s was already added as child to item with id %d'
444,'Error adding child with id %d to item with id %d from %s'
445,'Collection %s exclusive mode waiting timed out.'
446,'Can not delete item %d in %s (Internal error).'
447,'FindItemWait: isInRPC waiting timed out for item %d in %s.'
448,'Illegal name for collection:"%s", max length=%d'
449,'Illegal name for server:"%s", max length=%d'
450,'Can not add new child (state=isNew) from %s to item (%d) %s, parent not LeafCollection'
451,'Can not find item %d in %s'
452,'Exception in Notification procedure for collection %s'
453,'Can not generate ident for new item in %s. All values occupied.'
454,'Value %d for item ident in %s not in [%d..%d]'
455,'There is intersection of idents in LeafCollections. Items (%d) %s from %s and (%d) %s from %s have equal idents.'
456,'Can not find child item with id %d in %s.'
457,'Error assigning blob to item %s/%d from item %s/%d, collection %s'
458,'Error writing collection %s:'
459,'Unique check %d for collection %s failed. Item like %s/%d found.'
460,'Deletion in reference %s is forbidden'
461,'Exception on RefCommit'
462,'Server don''t configured for event cache'
462,'%s %d is already assigned to item ''%s'
463,'Bad CRC32 of RefEvents.dat. File renamed to RefEvents.bad'
463,'Exception loading RefEvents.dat. File renamed to RefEvents.bad'

[464-500] Ошибки работы со справочниками RK7Link to [464-500] Ошибки работы со справочниками RK7

464,'Record for Print Groups not found in table ClassificatorGroups'
465,'Illegal ident for tRightLevelInfo: %d (must be in [0..255])'
466,'Unknown operation ID %d'
467,'Leaf Collection %s has no mirror table.'
468,'No Usage for %s'
468,'There is no Usage for ''%s'
469,'Bad version %d for collection %s, event %s(id=%d), after version %d, event %s(id=%d)'
470,'Can not activate table without maximal places'
471,'Can not activate device, no such driver for this station.'
472,'Can not lock collection %s.'
473,'Can not write to %s Table.'
474,'Keyboard DLL not found.'
474,'Error deleting nonstatused main parent ''%s'' with statused childs.'
475,'Error loading keyboard DLL %s to directory %s.'
475,'Error removing childs from nonoperating parent ''%s'
476,'Privileged operation.'
477,'No default period'
478,'Can not write item priority to table.'
479,'User with ID %d not found.'
480,'Not found Cash Group %s on %s.'
481,'Can not read from %s Table.'
481,'Exception unpacking hall plan blob'
482,'Round rule %d can not be used for taxes'
482,'Can not lock price''s collection for update.'
483,'Can not complete operation. Server %s is probably busy'
483,'Can not assign child to parent ''%s(%d)''. Collection with RefNo %d is not the main parent collection.'
484,'refGetCollection: client ''%s'' not logged in, disconnecting (do refDoUSerLogin first)'
484,'Default Price Fromula can not be deleted.'
485,'Data Source is not defined for the document ''%s'
486,'Data Source Name is not defined for the document ''%s'
487,'The model ''%s'' has invalid format.'
488,'Exception ''%s'' while calculating prices with formula ''%s'' of Price Type ''%s'
489,'The Document of the model ''%s'' has wrong datasource (%s): "%s"
490,'Circular Formula reference ''%s'' of Type ''%s'' to ''%s'' of Type ''%s'
491,'%s %d is invalid.'
492,'Error starting Reference manager.'
493,'Error initializing RPC system: %s'
494,'Illegal item id (%d) for collection ''%s''. Usage of %s.'
495,'Can not create datasets for model ''%s'': ''%s'
496,'Document ''%s'' has wrong datasource class: ''%s'
497,'The timeses on client and on server do not coincide.'
498,'Server "%s" was disconnected at %s.'
499,'Exception generating data for datasource (%s): "%s"'
500,'Can not delete %s ''%s'' while following item(s) reference it: %s.'

[500-600] Пользовательские ошибки — в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерыванияLink to [500-600] Пользовательские ошибки — в файл не пишутся, вызываются прерывания

501,'Name is not defined.'
502,'Network ID is not defined.'
503,'Network ID ''%s'' is already in use.'
504,'Video-driver is absent.'
505,'Currency ''%s'' is already set as basic.'
506,'Status of the Default Item ''%s'' is unchangeable.'
507,'Passwords entered are not the same.'
508,'Card Codes entered are not the same.'
509,'Active Form Scheme ''%s'' should have at least one Form Instance assigned for each Form (in any resolution). You should configure %d Forms (%s) yet.'
510,'Starting Date must be not latter then Ending Date.'
511,'Starting Time must be not latter then Ending Time.'
512,'Select an active Price Type for Trade Group ''%s'' before its activation.'
513,'Can not delete preset item ''%s''.'
514,'Can not edit preset item ''%s''.'
//в PriorityCol.pas err515 : TPERec = (n: 515,'Can not move item ''%s'' on item ''%s'' since they belong to different groups.'
516,'Can not add new child items to the preset item ''%s''.'
517,'Selected Image List ''%s'' is a preset item. Can not create new Images.'
518,'You have to assign existent Layout to save Service Check ''%s''.'
519, 'Create Details of ''%s'' before activation, since can not activate Discount or Distributable Markup without Details.'
520,'Can not delete Detail ''%s'' of the Discount/Markup ''%s'' since active Discounts and Markups should have at least one Detail'
521,'Price Type ''%s'' is used by Trade Group ''%s'' and can not be ''Not a Price'' item.'
522,'To use Max Amount of active Discount ''%s'' correctly its''s value should be greater then zero.'
523,'Markup ''%s'' is used as a Tip Charge with Currency ''%s'' and thus should charge ammount and utilize some Fiscal Group.'
524, 'Can not delete %s ''%s'' while it is critical for %s ''%s'' to function properly.'
525,'Can not deactivate %s ''%s'' while following item(s) reference it: %s.'
526,'Parameter Exception ''%s'' already exists.'
527,'Can not activate more then %d Taxes simultaneously.'
528,'Can not change activated Tax Rate (delete only).'
529,'You can choose a set of ''%s'' from one Group only.'
530,'Table with name ''%s'' already exists. Enter another name.'
531,'To make Discount Composition ''%s'' of %d Discounts accessible it is necessary to create following Compositions of %d Discounts: %s.'
532,'This mode for Inspector Settings is not allowed.'
533,'Can not save named item (ident=%d) with empty name in collection %s.'
534,'There are no allowed Trade Objects available.'
535,'Can not set usage conditions for default item.'
536,'Can not replace default item ''%s'' with item ''%s''.%s'
537,'You must remove all Selector Page ''%s'' Buttons to enable default behavior.'
538,'Quantity precision must be between 0 and %d.'
539,'Items with IDs %s can not be pasted (were not found in collection).'
540,'Can not find item associated with the link ''%s''.'
541,'Can not delete Tax Rate ''%s'' used in active Fiscal Policy ''%s %s''.'
542,'Tax Rate ''%s'' of Tax ''%s'' is not active.'
543,'Tax Rate ''%s'' used in Fiscal Policy ''%s %s'' is not active.'
544,'Active Fiscal Group must contain active Fiscal Policy ''[ANY TYPE, ANY CATEGORY]''.'
545,'Incorect account/password combination or you don''t have enough rights to log in the Manager Station.'
546,'Old password is incorrect. New password is not updated.'
547,'Form Instance ''%s'' is used in Form Scheme ''%s'' and thus can not be deactivated.'
548,'Upper limit must be greater or equal lower limit.'
549,'Field ''%s'' has illegal system name ''%s''. System name must be alphanumerical in english charset with first character in letters.'
550,'Assign active Fiscal Group to Menu Item ''%s'' before its activation.'
551,'Remove all Details before changing Discount/Markup mode of ''%s''.'
552,'Activate ''%s'' before assigning as The %s Default Usage Condition object.'
553,'Assign Discount %d before Discount %d in Composition ''%s''.'
554,'Remove Discount %d before Discount %d in Composition ''%s''.'
555,'Discounts %d and %d in Composition ''%s'' can not be the same.'
556,'Discount Compositions ''%s'' and ''%s'' have the same Discounts set.'
557,'Clear Category assignment of Discount/Markup ''%s'' Detail ''%s'' before changing Classification of the Discount.'
558,'Cash Server Network ID is not defined.'
559,'Cash Server with Network ID ''%s'' already exists.'
560,'Cash Server with Network ID %s not found in references at selected RK7 Reference Server. Will not login.'
561,'Can not log in RK7 Reference Server.'
562,'Choose active Tax Exemption to activate Currency ''%s''.'
563,'Can not deactivate Tax Exemption ''%s'' while it is assigned to Currency ''%s''.'
564,'Currency ''%s'' is already set as national.'
565,'Can not use Dish Limited Currency %s as National.'
566,'Exclude Discount ''%s'' from Composition ''%s'' to set ''%s''.'
567,'Markups are restricted in Compositions.'
568,'Can not enter Discount ''%s'' with ''%s'' on into Composition.'
569,'Change Fiscal Group of Menu Item ''%s'' before deactivation of ''%s''.'
570,'Since operating order of ''%s'' with ''%s'' off is lower the flag must be off in ''%s'' also.'
571,'Since operating order of ''%s'' with ''%s'' off is higher the flag must be off in ''%s'' also.'
572,'Since operating order of ''%s'' with ''%s'' on is lower the flag must be on in ''%s'' also.'
573,'Since operating order of ''%s'' with ''%s'' on is higher the flag must be on in ''%s'' also.'
574,'Can not save Formula Fact ''%s'' with empty formula.'
575,'Can not save Aggregation Fact ''%s'' with invalid Source Fact assigned.'
576,'Field ''%s'' references Field ''%s''.'
577,'Rate ''%s'' already exists for the Tax ''%s''.'
578,'Fields ''%s'' and ''%s'' have the same system name ''%s''. Fields can and must have the same system name if they get data from the same data field only.'
579,'Flag ''%s'' should be turned on in ''%s'' while flag ''%s'' is on.'
580,'Flags ''%s'' and ''%s'' are incompatible in ''%s''.'
581,'Form Instance source version %d is less then required (%d).'
582,'Percent Value can not be larger then 100%.'
583,'Discount ''%s'' is utilized with Application Rule ''%s'' in Usage Conditions.'
584,'Can not activate Currency ''%s'' with Tip Charge enabled and no active Markup assigned.'
585,'Can not deactivate Markup ''%s'' while active Currency ''%s'' uses it as a Tip Charge.'
586,'Deactivate Selector Page ''%s'' of Selector ''%s'' before changing Model Size.'
587, 'Model of the Selector Page ''%s'' is invalid.'
588,'Define Model Size of Selector ''%s'' prior to Selector Page Model editing.'
589,'Can not deactivate ''%s'' while Price Formula ''%s'' of Price Type ''%s'' references it.'
590,'Can not delete ''%s'' while Price Formula ''%s'' of Price Type ''%s'' references it.'
591,'Correct errors before saving the Price Formula.'
592,'Deactivate Trade Group ''%s'' before deactivating Price Type ''%s'' utilized by it.'
593,'Change MCR Algorithm of ''%s'' prior to type modification of Algorithm ''%s''.'
594,'Correct errors before saving the MCR Algorithm Script.'
595,'Set Detalization level of Menu Group ''%s'' in range ''%s''..''%s''.'
596,'Define at least one Fact field before saving Cube structure.'
597,'Define at least one Dimension in working area before saving Cube structure.'
598,'Save new item before defining its Cost value.'
599,'Can not delete Image ''%s'' while it is used on Hall Plan ''%s''.'
600,'Can not delete Image ''%s'' while it is used on Keyboard Layout ''%s''.'

[601-650] Редактор справочниковLink to [601-650] Редактор справочников

601,'The model contains items %s that are not included in the selector page.'
602,'The model contains items %s with the status different from Active.'
603,'Object name can not coincide with name of the dataset ''%s''.'
604,'Error loading receipt format: %s.'
605,'Fragment ''%s'' not found in the text.'
606,'Form height is larger then form instance resolution Y size.'
607,'Form width is larger then form instance resolution X size.'
608,'You should assign active item(s) to property(s) %s before activation of %s ''%s''.'
609,'You are not logged in server %s.'
610,'You should have the right ''%s'' to perform this operation.'
611,'You should have the object right ''%s'' to edit %s ''%s'' and it`s childs'
612,'There is an active employee with the same card code. Set another card code or the new value won''t be saved.'
613,'There is no data for report ''%s''.'
614,'Illegal Network ID ''%s''. Network ID mustn''t contain spaces.'
615,'Price Type that is not a Price can not be assigned as a Price for StoreHouse 4 data.'
616,'Price Type ''%s'' is already assigned as a Price for StoreHouse 4 data.'
617,'The cube can not been loaded since unsuitable parent table.'
618,'National Currency ''%s'' should use national Rate Class with rate 1.0.'
619,'Employee ''%s'' (code: %s) has the same card code ''%s''.'
620,'Classification ''%s'' can not support required grouping while there are active Menu Items (e.g. ''%s'') which are not assigned to any active Category of the Classification.'
621,'Assign active Category in Classification ''%s'' to Menu Item ''%s''. It is required of all active Menu Items in the Classification.'
622,'Active Menu Item ''%s'' should be assigned to active Category in Classification ''%s''.'
623,'Category ''%s'' can not be deactivated while it contains any Menu Items, since grouping is required in Classification ''%s''.'
624,'Fiscal Group ''%s'' is already set as default. One group can be default at a time.'
625,'Quantity precision of Menu Item ''%s'' can not have value less then %d , because there are %d meaning digits of portion weight.'
626,'The receipt %s is not found'
627,'Field "%s" is not found in olap slice.'
628,'The receipt is deleted, its content is inaccessible'
629,TransferMessageChar+'Synchronization switched off for server %s'
630,'The value of the parameter ''%s'' is not specified.'
631,'Choose Discount(Markup) ''%s'' area of application (dish, order or seat) before its activation.'
632,'At least one active Rate should be defined in active Tax ''%s''.'
633,'There are data in database for cash server %s. Create another cash server.'
634,'There is category ''%s'' of another classification added into this trade group. Remove this category from inherited trade group'
635,'There is category ''%s'' of another classification removed from this trade group. Add this category to inherited trade group'
636,'No rate class for this currency'
637,'All 255 categories in classification ''%s'' are used'
638,'Excluded for exemption rule ''%s'' tax ''%s'' must contain zero taxrate'
639,'Can not delete default usage'
640,'The value of parameter cannot be less than %d.'
641,'The value of parameter cannot be more than %d.'
642,'Can not use more than one ''Any Discount'' with this operation'
643,'Portion Weight must be specified for item ''%s'' with per portion price mode.'
644,'Can not activate item ''%s'' (id=%d) from collection ''%s'': active item with same name already exists'
645,'Image size must not exceed 64 kilobyte limit'
646,'Can not set parameter ''CheckItemNameUnique'' value to true: collection ''%s'' contains multiple active elements with name ''%s'''
647,'Can not remove item ''%s'' from classification ''%s'' (grouping required): only move actions within classification are allowed.'
648,'Can not execute StoreHouse function ''%s'': not enough privileges for user ''%s''.'
649,'StoreHouse store is assigned to user ''%s'' but not specified in parameters.'
650,'StoreHouse store with code ''%s'' not found.'
#(canceled)601,'Can not load Aliases from %s for form %s, language extention "%s"'

[651-700] Системные ошибки сервера справочниковLink to [651-700] Системные ошибки сервера справочников

651,'Illegal version %s of manager station (%s), need %s or higher'
652,'Illegal version %s of cash server (%s), need %s or higher'
653,'Can not upgrade data base from file %s due to following error: '
654,'Can not rename upgrade file %s due to error with code %d.'
655,'Database %s upgrade is needed. Current database version=%d, but smallest suitable=%d. Place upgradepresets.abs in "%s"'
656,'Version mistmatch while trying to import: "%s" version is %d, while "%s" has %d.'
657,'Unable to load DLL: ''%s''.'
658,'Function ''%s'' not found in DLL ''%s''.'
659,'Unsupported DB %s version: %d (must be between %d and %d)'
660,'The order with number %s is not found.'
661,'Can not save Fact ''%s'' with empty value.'
662,'An error occured during prices recalculation process: %s'
663,'Invalid BLS file checksum: %s (%d), udb checksum: %d'
664,'Duplicate reference to blob %d, reference in table %s (N: %d) set to zero'
665,'SQL Provider for collection %s (RecNo: %d) error, [%s]: %s'
666,'Error import costs (dll: %s, error: [%d] %s)'
667,'Cash server %s data process error: %s'
668,'Blob file recovered (%s)'
669,'Exception during dataset ''%s'' copy: %s (RecNo: %d)'
670,'Illegal version %d of file %s, must be %d or higher'
671,'Code %d is not unique in table %s'
672,'Record "%d" is not found in table Generators'
673,'Can not delete old %s due to error with code %d'
674,'Can not rename %s to %s due to error with code %d'
675,'Database requries version %s, but current version is %s (downgrade?)'
676,'SQL table ''%s'' access error: %s, trying again (%d tries left)'
677,'SQL table ''%s'' access error: %s, please, try again later'
678,'SQL server link error: %s, trying again (%d tries left)'
680,'Field %s -> %s copy error: %s'
681,'Error while trying to alter table %s: %s'
682,'Commiting records to %s (%d)'
683,'Exception during data append: ''%s'', table ''%s'''
684,'Query (%s) execution exception: %s'
685,'Can`t find record in SQL table ''%s'' for update'
686,'ADO Provider ''%s'' is not supported, use ini file paramter UseSQL = 0 to change configuration'
687,'Cash server %s, file "%s" data process error: %s'
688,'Unknown cash data file version: %s'
689,'Cash data file %s upgraded (%d -> %d)'
690,'No handler for CustProp command'
691,'Not enough rights to execute CustProp command'
692,'Query (%s) executed successfully, %s records in result dataset'
693,'File %s process error: no cash group %d'
694,'File %s process error: different global shift info for shift %d (server %d)'
695,'Backup process error: %s'
696,'File %s process error: shift %d (server %d) is open'
697,'FTP Client error: %s'
698,'Can not load check data (MidServer "%s", sCheckNum "%s", OrderName "%s", ShiftNum "%s", ShiftDate "%s", InvoiceNum "%s"): see log for more details. Original message: "%s"'
699,'File %s process error: can not load data from working base'
700,'File ''%s'' will not be processed: data gathering is disabled for this reports server'

[701-750] Ошибки работы с файламиLink to [701-750] Ошибки работы с файлами

701,'Error unpacking keyboard DLL %s.'
702,'File %s not found.'
703,'Error "%s" opening Work Base %s.'
703,'Can not create directory: ''%s'' (error code: %s)'
704,'Error processing work data recieved.'
705,'Error %d opening file %s'
706,'Can not open Log Book file %s.'
707,'Directory %s (%s) open error.'
708,'Can not prepare pump file %s for send.'
709,'Can not archive pump file %s.'
710,'Error ''%s'' opening file ''%s'''
711,'UDB %s'
712,'Can not open %s language file ''%s'''
713,'Bad version of netkern.dll, must be %s or higher'
714,'Exception on file %s processing: %s'
715,'Can not %s file ''%s'' to ''%s'' (error code: %s)'
716,'Error %d reading file %s'
717,'Error converting %s to %s'
718,'Department (%s) not found'
719,'UseBothIntfAndProvider: Data version is different for %s in Intf(DataVersion %d) and Provider(DataVersion %d).'
720,'DBSync: no database file (%s) and no database backup found (at %s for %s, %s)'
721,'DBSync: WARNING! Data version here (%d in %s) is newer, than on the server (%d in %s%s)!'
722,'DBSync: wrong transaction GUID in journal file. Remove database "%s" and DBSync folder for makeing full resync, or connect to proper server.'
723,'DBSync: can not copy file %s to output path %s, try %d'
724,'DBSync: exception %s on cleaning output folder %s'
725,'DBSync: wrong backup file "%s"! Remove database "%s" and DBSync folder for makeing full resync, or connect to proper server.'
726,'DBSync: can not move journal file %s to output. Another file with the same name already exists.'
727,'DBSync: output folder for "%s" is not unique. If you sure you can delete file "%s"'
728,'DBSync: input folder "%s" is in use as DBSync.output by "%s"'
729,'DBSync: file "%s" exists. Setting RemoveProcessed to false' ll:llWarning
730,'DBSync: Backup file "%s" too new for this application to replace "%s"'
731,'DBSync: Backup file "%s" too old for this application to replace "%s"'
732,'DBSync: Database "%s" too new for this application (minimal structure version %d, application structure version %d)"'
733,'File not found: %s. %s'
734,'Can not create file "%s". %s'
735,'Bad server network name "%s". It contain forbidden characters ("%s")'
736,'Database "%s" is corrupted. Renaming to "%s".' ll:llError,

[801-810] Ошибки локализации базыLink to [801-810] Ошибки локализации базы

801,'Error loading Main language reference '+f1
802,'Error loading Alternative language reference '+f2
803,'Error loading Data language references from server %s'
804,'Error Loading keyboard layout "%s"'

[901-1000] Различные предупрежденияLink to [901-1000] Различные предупреждения

901,'The parent Price Type is not active. Its code may become unchangable after formulas creating.'
902,'Formuls of the Price Type are incorect. You may be unable to calculate prices. Correct the Formuls.'
903,'License server unavailable: '

[1001-1500] Программы обработки данныхLink to [1001-1500] Программы обработки данных

[1001-1020] Импорт данных из UDB - UDBCopy

1143 — VIETNAM: тестовая отладка непонятного unregisteruser сразу после registeruser

[1501-1600] Сервер справочниковLink to [1501-1600] Сервер справочников

// Все перенесены в rk7error.pas

[2001-3000] Ошибки MidServLink to [2001-3000] Ошибки MidServ

2001,'Can not create Modules Base: %s'
2002,'Can not create Work Base: %s'
2003,'Can not open Work Base: %s'
2004,'Work Base from another cash server. This cash server: %s (ident %d), in base %s (ident %d)'
2005,'Network initialization error: %s'
2006,'No order %d.%d (%xH)'
2007,'Work Base %s not found. Create new...'
2008,'Exception in timer procedure'
2009,'Required module %s start failed'
2010,'Forbidden XML-command "%s"
2011,'Can not create base with reference server %s. %s'
2012,'Modules Base %s not found (%d). Create new...'
2013,'Exception on Modules Base synchronization'
2014,'Pump Error: "%s". Operation: "%s".'
2015,'The error has occured during service check "%s" printing queuing.'
2016,'Cannot lock order %s. Visit %s (%d) finished.'
2017,'Error processing service print.'
2018,'Exception locking printer "%s" on "%s": "%s"'
2019,'Exception on printer "%s" status receiving from "%s"'
2020,'Device was not assigned to printer "%s"'
2021,'Job processing error for printer "%s"'
2022,'Exception on Module %s updating'
2023,'Table %s for class %s is not created.'
2024,'Invalid datasource format: line "%s".'
2025,'No cash server with network name "%s" in refs'
2026,'Order %s locked without lock station.'
2027,'Exception "%s" in SessionLoaded for item %s (%d).'
2028,'Exception in SessionLoaded for item "%s" (%d).'
2029,'Exception in LoadSessions for order %s.'
2030,'Exception in PrintDocument for document "%s", model "%s".'
2031,'Exception in SaveSessions for order %s.'
2032,'Exception in ServerCloseReceipt for order %s, receipt %d.'
2033,'Receipt can not be printed in "%s", because of different cash server'
2034,'Receipt can not be printed in another station printer "%s".'
2035,'Exception in ServerDeleteReceipt for order %s, receipt %d.'
2036,'Transaction for order %s, receipt %d rollbacking'
2037,'Transaction for order %s, receipt %d rollbacked'
2038,'Exception %s on "CheckFinished"'
2039,'Exception %s(%s) on backup'
2040,'Illegal version %s of reference server, need %s or higher'
2041,'Can not upgrade database. Can not delete file "%s"'
2042,'Can not continue (%s) without connection with server %s. %s'
2043,'Host of printer "%s" (%s) is not connected'
2044,'Exception on service printing. Session %d, order %s, visit %s'
2045,'Exception on void service printing. Session %d, order %s, visit %s'
2046,'Exception on PrepareForSend.'
2048,'New ExtID "%s" for "%s", Old ExtID="%s"'
2049,'Error locking printer %s on last receipt result testing. Offline=%d, busy=%d. Disconnect for retry.'
2050,'Exception closing receipt (Order %s, UNI %d) on printer %s. Disconnect for retry.'
2051,'Error connecting printer %s, PrinterServerReady was not called. Disconnect for retry.'
2052,'No file data for collection %s, must be placed in %s'
2053,'You can not to add dish to the printed session'
2054,'Check New dish to be added in printed session %d of order %s(%xh). MenuItem %s(%d)'
2055,'Exception closing receipt, that need be closed. Order %s, UNI %d'
2056,'License error: %s'
2057,'Exception on notification after switch to other printer from "%s"'
2058,'Exception on switch to other printer from "%s"'
2059,'Exception Processing XML, cmd "%s"'
2060,'Exception printing receipt %s on %s'
2061,'Exception on receipt %s transactions undo. Station %s disconnected. Receipt will be closed'
2062,'Exception on receipt %s transactions undo. Fatal error'
2063,'Illegal "%s" DLL version "%s". Must be "%s" or higher.'
2064,'Too high version %d of reference structure, need %d or lower'
2065,'Exception on TWorkSender.RemoveCopied'
2066,'Can not lock order "%s"(%d) for processing'
2067,'No table for auto choice'
2068,'Exception on printer "%s" not ready notification'
2069,'The block (Visit=%d,Order=%d,UNI=%d) cannot be changed'
2070,'No service''s positions for a auto choice'
2071,'Cannot delete prepayment: no active order void. Check parameter "PrepayVoid"'
2072,'Two shifts with id %d. Restart server.'
2072,'Key emulator detected'
2074,'Personal discount limit for "%s" = %s.'
2075,'The maket %s has illegal document type %s, needed %s document type'
2076,'Order %s not locked'
2077,'No printer for purpose "%s"(%d)'
2078,'No enough disk space to continue'
2079,'Bad Midserver %d in CommonShifts. Need %d. Cleared.'
2080,'Duplication of shift %d detected. Last record deleted.'
2081,'Current common shift %d not found in table. Recreated'
2082,'Order common shift %d not found in table. Recreated'
2083,'Order duplication: Visit=%d, IdInVisit=%d. Deleted'
2084,'Unsupported document type "%s"'
2085,'Database ''%s'': converted to ''%s'''
2086,'Modules are synchronizing now'
2087,'This payment is authorizing now'
2088,'This order depends on the interface %0:s connection which is not active now. Establish connection with %0:s for this order opening yourself or communicate technical support'
2089,'Broken global shifts ID: %d, source: %s@%d (valid range: %d - %d)'
2090,'Changing global shifts ID: %d -> %d, reason: %s'
2091,'A personal discount limit for card "%s" was exhausted'
2092,'Database %s is closing...'
2093,'Exception closing receipt %d'
2094,'Exception parsing transactionn answer XML'
2095,'Exception processing transactionn answer XML'
2096,'Exception requesting card info before receipt %d printing for card %s'
2097,'Exception on Start'; ll: llFatal
2098,'User choice is to close receipt %s (on transactions undo error). Station %s. Receipt will be closed'
2099,'Error printing unfiscal receipt copy'

[2100 - 2200] Ошибки MidServ, вызывающиеся из функций RPC по запросам с кассы и перенаправляющиеся клиенту

2100,'Can not unregister "%s", orders %s are not paid'
2101,'User %s(%d) already logged in %s'
2102,'Illegal user code or password.'
2103,'Illegal user card code'
2104,'User %s(%d) is not active'
2105,'User %s(%d) have no right '#39'%s'#39
2106,'Manager %s(%d) can not register for serving position "%s"(%d), no right on table %s'
2107,'Printer is busy by station "%s"'
2108,'Printer "%s" (%s) can not print fiscal document of this type (%s)'
2109,'User %s(%d) was registered on this pocket PC not long ago'
2110,'Can not lock. Order locked by station %s, operator "%s".'
2111,'Error %d on rater "%s", lane %d'
2112,'Nobody logged in to perform operation "%s"'
2113,'Exception initializing DLL %s'
2114,'Can not unlock order, nobody logged in'
2115,'Can not create order, nobody is logged in'
2116,'Can not save order, user is not logged in'
2117,'Can not load order, user is not logged in'
2118,'Station %s not registered as cash station'
2119,'Invoice (UNI %d) not found in table.'
2120,'Can not save order, order was not locked'
2121,'The error has occured during report %s building: "%s"'
2122,'No printer for model %s(%d) in scheme %s(%d).'
2123,'Both main %s(%d) and reserve %s(%d) printers not ready to print.'
2124,'Printer %s(%d) not ready to print.'
2125,'Shift cannot be closed. There are unclosed orders (%s) and closed unpaid orders (%s).'
2126,'Shift cannot be closed. There are unclosed orders (%s).'
2127,'Shift cannot be closed. There are closed unpaid orders (%s).'
2128,'Visit (%s) was finished.'
2129,'Visit %s cannot be finished. Order %s locked by station %s.'
2130,'Can not save order, order locked by station %s.'
2131,'User %s(%d) have no right to work on "%s" (%s)'
2132,'Receipt (UNI %d) not found in order %s.'
2133,'Common shift %d was opened for too long.'
2134,'PayLine %d not found in order %s.'
2135,'Receipt %d in order %s was not closed.'
2136,'Receipt in order %s cannot be deleted - common shift is closed.'
2137,'Receipt in order %s cannot be deleted - cashier shift is closed.'
2138,'Order %s not found in database.'
2139,'Order %s cannot be locked due to wrong version.'
2140,'Error "%s"(%d) on POS terminal "%s"'
2141,'Receipt %d in order %s was closed on another station "%s".'
2142,'Personal limit for "%s" = %s.'
2143,'Receipt %d (%s) in order %s was not closed. Close receipt or cancel it and retry.'
2144,'Error "%s"(%d) on interface "%s"'
2145,'Error on RPC call for "%s"'
2146,'Interface "%s" not loaded or don''t support card processing'
2147,'Error %d loading interface "%s", DLL %s: %s'
2148,'Illegal interface DLL %s'
2149,'Operation "%s" forbidden by interface "%s"'
2150,'Current common shift %d not found in table. Restart cash server'
2151,'Visit is not empty. You can not create additional order in this visit'
2152,'Illegal version "%s". Must be "%s" or higher.'
2153,'Maximal serving position number is %d'
2154,'Printer "%s"(%d) is not active'
2155,'Illegal fiscal register ID "%s". There was unfinished receipt closing in register "%s" with ID "%s"'
2156,'Illegal fiscal register ID "%s" for %s. Print Z-Report'
2157,'Wrong fiscal register shift number %d for %s. Print Z-Report'
2158,'There was an error closing shift in %s. Fiscal shift must be closed. Print Z-Report'
2159,'Fiscal register %s was not used before. Print Z-Report'
2160,'Illegal non-cash currency %s(%d)'
2161,'Can not extract unclosed dishes for station %s(%d). Order %s is locked by station %s.'
2162,'Server is already closing common shift'
2163,'Order cannot be opened - common shift is closed.'
2164,'It is impossible to add dishes in other orders.'
2165,'It is impossible to add discounts in other orders.'
2166,'There is new basic currency. You have to pay off and close all orders'
2167,'There is new national currency. You have to pay off and close all orders'
2168,'Error printing collect money document to %s: %s'
2169,'Error printing user cash shift report to %s: %s'
2170,'There is a bill in order %s. Close receipt or cancel bill and retry'
2171,'Can not close shift. There is quick check opened in station %s'
2172,'There is common shift closing now'
2173,'Interface "%s" not loaded or don''t support pay transaction'
2174,'Wrong fiscal memory shift number %d. Previous value %d. Print Z-Report'
2175,'Can not login dealer onto Cash Station'
2176,'All cash shifts on the following stations must be closed. Close station shift for %s'
2177,'Error printing pay in fiscal document to %s: %s'
2178,'Cash station ''%s''(''%s'') is not connected to Cash Server ''%s'''
2179,'Invoice cannot be edited - common shift is closed'
2180,'Invoice cannot be edited - cashier shift is closed'
2181,'You are already registered!'
2182,'There is no end mark!'
2183,'There are no start mark!'
2184,'Its not employee card. Employee card needed!'
2185,'Invalid PDS Transaction type'
2186,'Interface with code %d not found or does not supports ''%s'''
2187,'Can not extract unclosed dishes from order %s. Too many orders in visit(%d)'
2188,'Can not create order for visit %s. Too many orders in visit(%d)'
2189,'Illegal fiscal shift number %d. There was unfinished receipt closing in register "%s" with ID "%s" in fiscal shift %d'
2190,'Can not calculate visit %s. There is closed seat in order %s. Close order or open seat'
2191,'The employee "%0:s" can not work in this restaurant'
2192,'Illegal station type for station ''%s'''
2193,'Interface "%s" not loaded or don''t support printing'
2194,'Interface "%s" not loaded or don''t support rater driving'
2195,'Can not close shift: order %s is locked by station %s'
2196,'Can not unregister "%s", user is logged at station "%s"'
2197,'Fiscal Printer %s(%d) can not print unfiscal document. May be 24 hours limit is over'
2198,'Can not create cash shift on station %s(%d). Check parameter "CashStation"'
2199,'A registration error: no drawer for employee %s'
2200,'User %s(%d) already registered on drawer of station %s'

[2201-2250] Ошибки check.pas — внутренние

2201,'tOrderSession.GetUVOS: no order.'
2202,'The order "%s" is not found'
2203,'Order with extid (%s, %s) not found'
2204,'Illegal order ident %d (too many orders in visit).'
2205,'Order with guid "%s" is already exist'
2206,'Can not set new UNI. No session assigned.'
2207,'Can not set new UNI. No Session.fSessions assigned.'
2208,'Order %s. Different seats for binding (UNI=%d,seat=%d) and receipt currency (UNI=%d,seat=%d).'
2209,'Illegal UNI %d. Order %s(%x)'
2210,'UniCount %d less then UNI %d. Order %s(%x). UniCount changed.'
2211,'Can not delete discount "%s"(UNI %d). It is partially closed.'
2212,'Order %d.%d (SaveOrder): No PrintCheckUNI for receipt pay (UNI=%d)'
2213,'Price "%s" not specified for linked menu item of "%s"'
2214,'Price "%s" for "%s" less then minimal'
2215,'Exception on Sessions.FreeAll'
2216,'Try save order with negative uni %d (%s)'
2217,'Can not save order %d.%d with version %d, next version %d in DB'
2218,'Price "%s" not specified for menu item "%s"'
2219,'Can not lock. Order locked by other token (station %s, operator "%s")'
2220,'Uni %d already used'
2224,'Validate error: %s'
2225,'FillUniList: uni %d exceed UniCount %d'
2226,'%s with UNI = ''%d'' not found'
2227,'Visit with guid "%s" is already exist'

[2281 - 2299] Ошибки файлового кэша справочников (FCachePr)

2281,'Can not create control file %s'
2282,'Illegal control file %s'
2283,'Illegal RefID %d'
2284,'Version of control file %s = %d, less then minimal %d'
2285,'Collection %s is in changing state for too long'
2286,'Version of control file %s = %d, greater then maximal %d'

[2300-2399] Ошибки Кассы

2300,'The trial version has expired %s. This version is not for distribution, set in the restaurant %s. Not for commercial use.'
2301,'External code or password must be specified'
2302,'Open order count for table exceed maximum (%d).'
2303,'Item "%s" (%s) is not active (collection name: %s, id=%d)'
2304,'Modifier "%s" is not suitable for dish "%s".'
2305,'Modifiers total weight exceeded limit (%d) for dish "%s".'
2306,'Too much modifiers are choosed for dish "%s": group "%s" %d/%d.'
2307,'Select at least %d modifiers from group "%s" for the dish "%s".'
2308,'Modifier group "%s" is not suitable for dish "%s".'
2310,'File checksum error: %s'
2311,'Fiscal memory initialization error'
2312,'File exists in cash configuration but not found in work modules: %s'
2313,'Attempt to use unallowed modules (%s). Cash station working stopped.'
2314,'Error initializing HTTP API'
2315,'Error connect to delivery server (HTTP error %d)'
2316,'Delivery server error (%d):%s'
2317,'Bank terminal %s#%d: wrong currency in parameter "DiscountBankTerminal": %s'

[2320 - 2400] Ошибки MidServ, вызывающиеся из функций RPC — системные

2320,'Common shift is not started. No closure is needed'
2321,'Inventory transaction error: %s'
2322,'BarCode "%s" not found'
2323,'Exception on interface "%s" processing receipt %d'
2324,'The common shift is being closed now. You cannot work with cash station until autoclose is finished. Please wait a minute.'
2325,'The error occured during common shift autoclose (%0:s). System is going to repeat autoclose in (%1:d) minutes. Please find and eliminate error origins before that.'
2326,'Common shift is going to be finished in (%1:d) minutes. Please, close all visits before that and don''t create new ones.'
2327,'Common shift cannot be closed automatically because at least one cash shift haven''t been closed. You have to carry out encashment and close cash shift(s) on the following stations: %0:s - in (%1:d) minutes.'
2328,'Common shift is going to be closed in %1:d minutes. Please, carry out manual encashment and close all cash shifts urgently.'
2329,'Bad value %d for parameter FCDefaultSubAccount, should be 1..8'
2330,'Incorrect value "%s" of attribute "%s"'
2331,'Exception on CanShowItem'
2332,'Exception on interface "%s" processing receipt %d after printing'
2333,'Operation is prohibited in a crippled version'
2334,'In %1:d minutes an order will be cancelled'
2335,'Common shift autoclose at payment mode is prohibited. You have to finish a payment of the order'
2336,'You cannot register by current windows user: user is not found'
2337,'Printing error, text will be printed offline'
2338,'Exception on VoidDishes, visit=%d, receipt number=%d'
2339,'References sychronization exception %s(%s)'
2340,'Compare collection %s, %s: data different, local data stored to %s, %s, %s'
2341,'Illegal DeviceState xml, see DeviceState.xml file'
2342,'cash station %s is still loading'

[2401 - 2799] Ошибки интерфейсовLink to [2401 - 2799] Ошибки интерфейсов

[2401 - 2410] Интерфейс с TimeKeeper

2401,'IntTK:Init error %d %s'
2402,'IntTK:Login error %d %s'

[2411 - 2420] Интерфейс с Shelter

2411,'Bad interface version %d of %s. Version 5 is needed'
2412,'Connect dll %s initialization error'
2413,'Limit is over for %s, room %s'

[2421 - 2430] Интерфейс с PMS

2421,'Error creating table %s'
2422,'Error opening table %s'

[2431 - 2440] Интерфейс с ITV POS Intellect

2431,'Error loading XML document'
2432,'Error processing tag %s'
2433,'Exception processing XML'

[2440-2450] Brunswick Bowling

2441,'Error sending xml'

[2451-2460] pcget

2451,'Login canceled'

[2500 - 2550] Интерфейсы авторизационные

2501,'AcceptCard exception'

[2551 - 2560] CrunchTime

2551,'Can not rename file %s to %s: %s'

[2561-2570] XML интерфейс

2561,'Exception in connect thread'

[2571-2580] RK Plugins interface

2571,'Server interface "%s" error, work will be stopped, cannot execute file "%s": %s'
2572,'Server interface "%s" error, cannot execute file "%s": %s'
2573,'Server interface "%s": executable file "%s" successfully started'
2574,'Server interface "%s": process "%s" unexpected shutdown with code "%d"'
2575,'Server interface "%s": maximum number of restarts (%d) reached for process "%s"'
2576,'Server interface "%s": executable file "%s" closed'
2577,'Server interface "%s": cannot close executable file "%s", error: %s'

[2700-2799] part 2, prev 2100-2200 Ошибки MidServ

2700,'Rollback transaction error: %s'
2701,'Fiscal register %s (%d) don''t support returns'
2702,'Bad line type for PDS currency %s(%d)'
2703,'Bad card num "%s" for PDS card'
2704,'Too big distance in time with "%s"'
2705,'Fiscal register %s (%d) don''t support deletions'
2706,'Exception on global shift table post'
2707,'External server error "%s" on interface "%s"'
2708,'Printer %s is locked by %s for background printing for too long (%d sec), unlock.'
2709,'ReceiptXML script fail: %S (ScriptID: %d)'
2710,'Payment %s was authorized already.'
2711,'File format "%s" is not supported for layout "%s" (%d)'
2712,'License error (code %d, "%s"). No data for send '
2713,'Exception closing shift (Z-Report) on %s'
2714,'Can not delete file "%s"'
2715,'The error has occured during Z-report printing: %s'
2716,'Printer "%s"(%d) for layout %s(%d) is not POS terminal'
2717,'WORK.UDB is greater than %s. Please, contact support service.'
2718,'Job "%s" (order "%s") for printer "%s" deleted after waiting %d seconds'
2719,'Can not create directory "%s" for printer "%s" logging'
2720,'Fiscal print on save error: %s'
2721,'Authorization cancelled by user'
2722,'Printed document not found'
2723,'Dialog was canceled'
2724,'There are no Z-report for the printer %s. According to our data, the amount of revenue is : %s. Check the cash in the cash drawer, click YES, if the amounts match'
2725,'Exception saving document to print for operation %d'
2726,'The station will be disconnected from the reserve server. Restart the station to connect to the main server'
2727,'The main cash server is disconnected. Do you want to connect to the reserve cash server?'
2728,'Error writing GlobalFiscalId'
2729,'Option "Unsaved orders" switched off, order %s (%xh) was not saved'
2730,'Exception on receiving license information'
2731,'Exception on stations connection checking'
2732,'Exception on UpdateActivities'
2733,'MidServer background thread termination attempt, terminated=%d, restarting...'
2734,'The session with guid %s already exist in visit with id=%d, orderIdent=%d'
2735,'No filter set'
2736,'Can not delete order %s, it have returned dishes'
2737,'The session (Visit=%d,Order=%d,UNI=%d) can not be changed: it have closed parts'
2738,'Can not add discount to session (Visit=%d,Order=%d,UNI=%d): session have closed parts'
2739,'Can not add prepay to session (Visit=%d,Order=%d,UNI=%d): session have closed parts'
2740,'Can not modify dish (uni=%d): dish closed or fixed'
2741,'Bank discount pay as prepay not supported'
2742,'Reference "CASHSERVDATASTATUSES" is not synchronized/synchronizing now'
2743,'Cash server %s (id=%d) is not locked to close restaurant shift'
2744,'Can not create order: common shift is locked for closing'
2745,'The operation is prohibited, because the application was not performed before starting work'
2746,'Midserver %d data base is outdated, Midserver Last Global Shift = %d, Report Server Last Global Shift = %d'
2747,'The deposit at the shift start must not be less than %s'

[3001-4000] КассаLink to [3001-4000] Касса

3001,'Unknown cash "%s"'
3001,'Unknown station "%s"'
3002,'Unknown keyboard type (Module %s, Ident %d)'
3003,'Exception during BeforeAddMessage'
3003,'Cannot make window visible: %s (%d)'
3004,'Init error'
3005,'Main cycle error'
3006,'Error closing form %s'
3007,'Error destroying form %s'
3008,'Person list not initialized'
3009,'Timer procedure exception'
3010,'Visits synchronization waiting timeout'
3011,'The discount can not be added, because there is a payment in the order'
3012,'Exception processing message %d in window %s'
3013,'Different cash server names in cash reference (%s) and in ini file (%s)'
3014,'Can not find form with class name %s'
3015,'Can not create receipt for seat, unclosed receipt for order exists.'
3016,'Can not create receipt for order, unclosed receipt for seat exists.'
3017,'Illegal attribute "Percent from total" with attribute "Ignore other taxes" for tax %s(%d)'
3018,'Item index %d out of range'
3019,'Basic currency not specified'
3020,'National currency not specified'
3021,'Internal error: state current order must be equal with sessions order'
3022,'Two unclosed receipts (seat %d)'
3023,'Tax %s(%d) with "Ignore other taxes" after tax without such attribute'
3024,'Tax %s(%d) without "Add to price" attribute follow tax with "Add to price" attribute'
3025,'Pay with currency %s(%d) can not be used with order type %s(%d)'
3026,'Markup %s(%d) with fiscal group set must be undistributable'
3027,'Can not create receipt since unprinted prepayment exists'
3028,'Tax %s(%d) with "Ignore other taxes" after tax without "Calc dishes separately"'
3029,'Illegal attribute "Add to price" for tax %s(%d), without "Calc dishes separately"'
3030,'Illegal tax rate %s for tax %s(%d)'
3031,'Can not add block. Max count %d.'
3032,'''%s'' are inaccessible during %s. Press OK to remove them from order.'
3033,'Minimal payment for this currency is %s.'
3034,'Continue order editing (%s)?'
3035,'Block time (%s) cannot be less than open time of order (%s).'
3036,'The order is saved with number %s.'
3037,'The order has edited by %s.'
3038,'Can not delete receipt %d, it have unprinted dishes. Use a undo receipt'
3039,'%s are inaccessible in ''%s''. Move others?'
3040,'All dishes choosed are inaccessible in ''%s'''
3041,'This order type do not suit for ''%s'' (at block ''%s'').'
3042,'Invalid code: %s'
3043,'The dish does not have a modifiers.'
3044,'Modifier ''%s'' can not be selected more than %d times.'
3045,'Modifiers total weight limit exceeded. Modifier can''t be selected.'
3046,'Can not select more then %d modifiers in current group.'
3047,'Its impossible to void dish with active tariffication'
3048,'The maximum count of consummators is selected.'
3049,'Dish is fully voided.'
3050,'Can not delete more dishes (%s) than exists (%s).'
3052,'Composition for discount ''%s'' not found.'
3053,'Discount/markup ''%s'' already exists in order.'
3054,'Too many discounts for composition in one order.'
3055,'Usage rule for discount/markup ''%s'' is prohibitive here.'
3056,'Discount/markup ''%s'' is inactive.'
3057,'There is no discount/markup ''%s'' in trade group ''%s''.'
3058,'Discount/markup is already used with dish paid. It can not be deleted.'
3059,'It is impossible to pay dishes by currency %s (code=%d).'
3060; e: 0; ns:1; i: 1; s: '''%s'' is not a valid time'
3061,'It is necessary to enter amount.'
3062,'Maximal pay is %s. No changes for this currency.'
3063,'Change is not allowed with currency "%s".'
3064,'Seat number %d is invalid.'
3065,'Entered amount (%s) does not correspond currency round rule (%s)'
3066,'Can not convert change to tip.'
3067,'Entered quantity (%s) do not correspond dish precision (%d).'
3068,'Dish with code ''%s'' not found.'
3069,'Can not convert payments to prepayments if change exists.'
3070,'Can not extract quantity (%s), it exceedes dish unclosed quantity (%s).'
3071,'Can not close order %s, it is not fully paid.'
3072,'Can not close order %s, it have unprinted dishes.'
3073,'Can not close shift, no possible models for printing.'
3074,'Illegal version "%s" of server "%s".'
3075,'No active service positions'

3076,'Negative amount of currency %s(%d):%s'
3077,'Can not pay change with prepay.'
3078,'Can not close shift: order %s contains unprinted prepayment'
3038,'Exception in GrApplication.SignalReceived'
3366,'Exception on %s:%s draw'
3082,'Strange button object type: %s. Ignored'
3086,'Coupon process for seat (%d), target dish have another seat (%d)'

//3079,3080,3081 — слишком долгое выполнение операции без переключения. WndList.pas

//3083,3084,3085 — слишком долгое выполнение операции без переключения. WndList.pas

[3100-3199] RPC ошибки кассы

3100,'Printer not found %s #%d'
3101,'Server disconnected'
3102,'Can not find fiscal policy for fiscal group %s(%d)'
3103,'The error has occurred during receipt printing. Receipt was not printed. You are sure that you want to cancel receipt?'
3104,'Compile error "%s" in mcr algorithms'
3105,'Execution error "%s" in mcr algorithms'
3106,'Receipt of the currency "%s" is restricted.'
3107,'Can''t change weight of the dish more than once.'
3108,'Can''t void the dish with the status different from ''Printed'' and ''Partly closed'''
3109,'The consummator can be added only for dish.'
3110,'The %s "%s" at present can not be added.'
3111,'Currency "%s" can not be added as a prepayment: flag "Prepays" is off'
3112,'Wrong time.'
3113,'You enter time (%s), that will be taken by date %s. Press Ok for confirmation.'
3114,'Receipt for order exists: the prepayment on seat can not be created.'
3115,'Can not create receipt for order: prepayments for seat exists (%s).'

3116,'Discount ''%s'' has illegal range of application.'
3117,'Discount ''%s'' has illegal seat no: %d.'
3118,'Discount ''%s'' can not be added manually.'
3119,'There are no seat on which discount ''%s'' could be added.'
3120,'Discount ''%s'' cannot be assigned to the dish.'
3121,'Discount ''%s'' cannot be assigned to the seat.'
3122,'Discount ''%s'' cannot be assigned to the order.'
3124,'The operation prohibited since exists printed bill.'
3125,'The seat can not been changed, since discount/markup was added automatically.'
3126,'The dish cannot be added, because bill has been printed.'
3127,'The seat can not be changed, since bill has been printed.'
3128,'The discount/markup cannot be added, because bill has been printed.'
3129,'The discount/markup is already used with compositions. It can not be deleted.'
3130,'Can not convert payments to prepayments, since flag "Prepays" is off for %s.'
3131,'There are no composition for set of discounts %s.'

3132,'The currency "%s" cannot be a prepayment'
3133,'Operation prohibited because order open in view mode.'
3134,'The deleted receipt can not been paid.'
3135,'Invalid format of card number: "%s".'
3136,'Item "%s" of collection "%s" is inaccessible and can not be added.'
3137,'The %s %s can not be added: %s'
3138,'Maximal payment for this currency is %s.'
3139,'The maximal amount of change is %s.'
3140,'Order type ''%s'' do not suit for current order category ''%s''.'
3141,'Employee ''%s'' can not serve this order.'
3142,'Can not close order %s, there are unclosed prepays.'
3143,'Is forbidden a editing of amount at this screen.'
3144,'Specified for dish a fiscal group is not found.'
3145,'Different taxes for fiscal group %s(%d), exemption rule %s(%d)'

3146,'Item "%s" is not active and can not been created.'
3147,'Item "%s" is not included in trade group "%s".'
3148,'Period of sale for item "%s" are violated.'
3149,'There are no rights for item "%s" (%s)'
3150,'The quantity must be more than zero.'
3151,'This currency do not suit selected order type ("%s").'
3152,'This currency do not suit selected order category ("%s").'
3153,'The distributive markup can not be fixed as tip.'
3154,'The discount can not be fixed as tip.'
3155,'The discount with flag "Changeable value" can not be fixed as tip.'
3156,'Discount "%s" have illegal fiscal group.'
3157,'In visit calculation mode a dishes can not be added.'
3158,'In visit calculation mode this operation is prohibited.'
3159,'This receipt is closed. You can not add pay to receipt.'
3160,'The value of this discount can not exceed %s%s.'
3161,'The seat "%s" can not been closed, because its in use.'
3162,'The seat with such name already exists.'
3163,'This the last open seat, it cannot be closed.'
3164,'The seat %d is closed. Do you wish open it?'
3165,'Drawer with code ''%s'' not found.'
3166,'The amount (%s) exceeds the cash drawer balance (%s).'
3167,'The value exceeds maximal possible amount (%s).'
3168,'The value exceeds maximal possible quantity (%s).'
3169,'The value exceeds maximal possible weight (%s).'
3170,'The value exceeds maximal possible percent (%s).'
3171,'Warning. Only %d free places on this table.'
3172,'Warning. There are no free places on this table.'
3173,'Modifier with code ''%s'' not found.'
3174,'Consummator with code ''%s'' not found.'
3175,'Discount with code ''%s'' not found.'
3176,'Void with code ''%s'' not found.'
3177,'Currency with code ''%s'' not found.'
3178,'Selector with code ''%s'' not found.'
3179,'Order type with code ''%s'' not found.'
3180,'While editing orders you can perform only temporary registration (in main order form).'
3181,'%s with code ''%s'' not found'
3182,'Not all required modifiers are choosed.'
3183,'In quick check mode this operation is prohibited.'
3184,'Pay receipt or delete payments.'
3185,'That is not cash station, receipt payment is prohibited.'
3186,'Last session additions and modifications will be canceled.'
3187,'You cannot print bill in quick check mode.'
3188,'Invalid form %s: control %s not found.'

3189,'Currency "%s" can not be choosed. Cash currency needed.'
3190,'Warning. %d seats minimum for this type of guest.'
3191,'Warning. %d seats maximum for this type of guest.'
3192,'Currency "%s" restrict to recept.'
3193,'You can not give a change with the currency %s, the amount (%s) exceeds the balance (%s) in the drawer'

3194; e: 0; ns:1; i: 1; s: 'The order is empty and can not been paid.'
3195,'The employee "%s" can not confirm the rights.'

3196,'The employee "%s" has no rights to operation "%s"'
3197,'The remind time cannot differ from print time more than %s'
3198,'There are %d seats in order. Are you sure you want to calculate order by seats?'
3199,'Discounts %s must be deleted from order. %sRemove them from order?'

[3200-3300] Пользовательские ошибки кассы

3200,'This card is already assigned to other seat.'
3201,'Can not close receipt, disballance %s for currency %s(%d)'
3202,'Change exceed pay'
3203,'Can not delete receipt (%d), payments exists.'
3204,'Can not link prepayment as change.'
3205,'Can not link pay with positive value as change'
3206,'Can not link pay with positive value in national currency as change'
3207,'Can not pay change with currency %s(%d)'
3208,'This card is already used in open visit %s.'
3209,'This table is occupated.'
3210,'Entered time (%s) exceeds the remind time.'
3211,'New price scale for block ''%s'': %s.'
3212,'Order type "%s" are inaccessible at "%s" and will be replaced on "%s".'
3213,'The order should be saved in %s, elsewise %s will are removed'
3214,'Save the order. Printing of block %s will started soon.'
3215,'Save the order. Printing reminder for block %s will started soon.'
3216,'Critical Error! Order dialog will be closed.'

3217,'The service print of the order was executed.'
3218,'Station "%s"(%s) is not active'

3219,'Can not load order, common shift was closed'
3220,'The drawer "%s" was not connected to this station.'
3221,'Invalid form %s: property "Format" is not specified for %s.

3222,'Order type is obligatory. Please, specify an order type'
3223,'Weight of dish "%s" is not specified.'
3224,'The bill cannot been unlocked since a payments exists.'
3225,'Payment "%s" cannot been converted to prepayment.'
3226,'It''s impossible to void repurchase dish after undo receipt'
3227,'Exception in ShowError: (%s, %s)'
3228,'Choose a currency for change'
3229,'The operation prohibited since draft block exists: "%s"'
3230,'A rest control for dish "%s" is not included.'
3231,'The dish "%s" is out'
3232,'The dish "%s" comes to an end, available %s portions only'
3233,'It is impossible add %s portions of "%s" since available only %s'
3234,'The order is inaccessible since common shift was closed'

3235,'The order was closed'
3236,'%s are inaccessible in order. Delete them from order?'
3237,'There is lack of %s portions of dish %s'
3238,'There are lack for dishes %s. Move others?'
3239,'The error has occured during authorizing credit card: %s'
3240,'Entered code is invalid, authorization is not performed'
3241,'Specify expire date or authorization code'
3242,'Paid %s cannot be deleted'
3243,'Fixed %s cannot be deleted'
3244,'The item is already deleted'
3245,'Page %d/%d. Insert slip and press OK'
3246,'Fiscal memory hardware problem'

3247,'Fiscal memory error: not enough cash to perform collection'
3248,'Unknown fiscal memory error'
3249,'Fiscal memory error closing receipt'
3250,'Fiscal memory error deleting receipt
3251,'Receipt removing will cause prepayments removing, that used at receipt payment. Continue?'
3252,'This table is reserved on %s
3253,'The table %s is used by %s. You cannot add order on this table.

'3254,'Table %s is not empty. Do you want to add new order for this table?'
3255,'Total weight (%s) less then tara weight (%s)'
3256,'Seats discounts are prohibited at quick check'
3257,'Pay with currency %s(%d) must be greater then markup value %s'

3258,'Do you want to print receipt?'
3259,'Do you want to delete receipt payments?'
3260,'Autorized card %s, amount %s, auth code %s'
3261,'This card is not assigned to a visit'
3262,'Reg. No is not defined'
3263,'Can not set locale ID %d. Language %d is not supported'

3264,'Weight was rounded!'
3265,'Tariffication cannot be added into this order'
3266,'The order has reloaded since common shift was closed'
3267,'The employee "%s" has no rights for ''%s''. Move others?'
3268,'The order is empty. Do you wish to empty table (close order)?'
3269,'The payment cannot be processed since its not payment mode'
3270,'This order cannot be used for transfer'
3271,'The discount amount is fully spended'
3272,'The visit cannot be paid since order %s is locked (station %s, operator "%s")'
3273,'The visit cannot be paid since bill exists at orders "%s". Do you want to unlock bills?'
3274,'Can not close order %s, there are printed bills'

3275,'Can not close order %s, there are unclosed receipts'
3276,'The visit cannot be paid since exists nonweighted dishes at order %s'
3277,'This order can be paid only via visit since visit payment exist'
3278,'Script error: %s'

3279,'The operation prohibited since bill at visit exist'
3280,'The receipt is balanced and no need to add payment. Do you want to print receipt?'
3281,'Order cannot be created since visit is locked (station %s, operation %s)'
3282,'The visit cannot be paid since exists unclosed receips at order %s'
3283,'Order "%s" locked by station %s, operator "%s"'
3284,'Order type cannot be changed since receipt was closed'
3285,'Cannot create order, there is bill at visit'
3286,'Prepayment cannot be created: there is prepayment in visit'
3287,'Prepayment cannot be created: there is prepayment in order "%s"'
3288,'The minimal possible time is "%s"'
3289,'Can not delete ready dish'
3290,'Dish cooking is in progress, contact bar/kitchen staff'
3291,'The maximum amount for this tariff is %s'
3292,'The operation is prohibited since a tariffication time limit is not specified'
3293,'The maximum possible time is "%s"'
3294,'The visit cannot be paid since active tariffication exists at order %s'
3295,'%s is registered successfully'
3296,'Registration of the employee "%s" has been cancelled'
3297,'The minimal amount for this tariff is %s'

3298,'Illegal station type for station ''%s'''
3299,'The device "%s" have unsuitable tariff'

[3300-3400] Нелоггируемые ошибки кассы

3300,'Table "%s"(%d) is not device table'
3301,'The operation prohibited since exists erroneous receipt.'
3302,'Cash amount maximum reached: Perform money out'
3303,'There is disbalance in the currency "%s". It is possible currency setting have been changed. Remove a payment and pay with another currency'
3304,'Device with number %d not found'

3305,'Warning. %d seats maximum for this table'
3306,'Do you want to pay with card?'
3307,'Tariffication cannot consist of more than %d items'
3308,'The operation "%s" prohibited because it is temporary registration mode'
3309,'Time at station is %s, time at cash server is %s. The difference can not exceed %d minutes'
3310; e: 0; ns:1; i: 1; s: 'Entered time cannot exceed %s (maximum time)'
3311,'Operation is prohibited, since the dish sum becomes negative'
3312,'Operations on this device is prohibited'
3313,'Do you want to save order?'
3314,'This table is reserved on %s. Do you want to add new order for this table?'
3315,'The maximum count of dishes (%d) is selected'
3316,'The maximum amount of dishes (%d) is exceeded. To move the part of dishes (%d)?'
3317,'Can not close order %s, it have active tariffication.'
3318,'The maximum sum of the order is exceeded'
3319,'Receipt can not be printed, because erroneous payments exists'

3320,'Receipt can not be printed, because erroneous payments exists. Do you want to delete erroneous payments?'
3321,'The system time was changed from %s to %s'
3322,'The operation prohibited since exists closed seat'
3323,'A tariffication creation error: %s'
3324,'A device change error: %s'
3325,'A tariffication terminating error: %s'
3326,'Its impossible to delete receipt (%d) with active tariffication'

3327,'Use node "%s" to create a combo dish'
3328,'This seat can not been closed, because restriction of maximum amount of the order will is broken'
3329,'It is impossible to void a part of combo-component'
3330,'The sum of the receipt is zero. The receipt will be closed for currency "%s". Do you want to print receipt?'
3331,'Dish "%s" (code %d) is not a combo dish.'
3332,'There are no components for combo dish "%s"'
3333,'The dish "%s" does not support join'
3334,'Choose dish from group "%s" or delete this line'

3335,'Can not unregister "%s" since payment collection is not executed'
3336,'Registration at payment mode is prohibited'
3337,'A price cannot be less than minimal price (%s)'
3338,'A drawer registration of the employee "%s" has been cancelled'
3339,'The dish "%s" does not support dividing'
3340,'There are no dishes for this currency'
3341,'Cannot create deposit, since a deposit creation is prohibited for defaulter type "%s"'
3342,'Operator can not use its card as guest card. Please login by another employee.'
3343,'This currency do not suit selected defaulter type ("%s").'
3344,'Can not rollback document number %d. Later documents already printed'

3345,'Do you want to pay receipt via "%s"?'
3346,'Do you want to create a new visit?'
3346,'Do you want to calculate a visit?'
3348,'There is no visit for this card'
3349,'The defaulter is already specified. Do you want to change it?'
3350,'The dish "%s" is absent in menu'
3351,'The card %s is already used in open visit %s.'
3352,'It is impossible use the credit cards and a non-fiscalc reasons'
3353,'There are no available deposit reasons with a "Prepayment" flag'
3354,'The maximum count of modifiers are selected'
3355,'The operation prohibited since deferred block exists: "%s"'
3356,'Not enough money to pay for the order in full. Pay sum available (%s rub)?'
3357,'Minimum number of guests is %0:d, because seat %0:d used in an order'
3358,'Can not get user information: unable to login'

3359,'Can not get user information: unable to login'
3360,'Take a prepayment in %s%s'
3361,'Prepayment can not be deleted, cause would exceed the maximum amount of the order'
3362,'The dosing device %s already used at order %s'
3363,'The operation prohibited since active dosing device exists'
3324,'The operation prohibited since the recept %d is a fiscal prepayment receipt. Delete a fiscal prepayment instead'
3365,'Employee ''%s'' can not serve table ''%s''.'

3366,'Exception on %s:%s draw'
3367,'Dish price (%s) differs from price list price (%s)'
3368,'Fiscal reason needed'
3369,'This card cannot be used since has been activated in visit %s'
3370,'This card cannot be used since was not activated'
3371,'There are no available order types'
3372,'Dish "%s" is not a component of combo dish "%s"'

3373,'Not enough money to pay for the order in full'
3374,'The order %s is fully paid'
3375,'Exceeded the maximum duration of shift (%s)'
3376,'Operation prohibited since TimeKeeper interface exists'
3377,'Component %s is not found in %s'
3378,'Exception in LoadNonVideoDrivers'
3379,'Exception in printers initialization'
3380,'The discount "%s" already exists. Remove it from order?'
3381,'The amount (%s) exceeds the cash drawer balance.'
3382,'The interface of MCR algorithm does not match the interface currency'
3383,'Unsuitable order void ''%s'': no flag ''%s'''

3384,'Property ''%s'' cannot be changed for printed items'
3385,'Seat number %d is closed.'
3386,'Connection to upper-level server is lost'
3387,'Bank card authorization is in process for this order'

3388,'The printer set (%s) does not support graphic layouts'
3389,'Layouts of ''Customer display and Video'' group cannot be printed to print station'
3390,'Field "%s" is not defined'
3391,'Do you want to reboot computer?'
3392,'Do you want to shutdown computer?'
3394,'The operation prohibited since order is not fully paid'
3395,'Would you like to perform cash operations in current session?'
3396,'Do you want to add lateness penalty for employee "%s" (%s)?'
3397,'Do you want to add work time award for employee "%s" (%s)?'
3398,'Property ''Prepay Reason'' is not defined for an entrance card type ''%s'''

3399,'The printer "%s" is not ready, check the printer'
3400,'There is not closed order #%s from cashier: %s and you do not have rights to open it. Contact manager or support service'

[3401-3500] Компоненты

3401,'Error in timer procedure'
3401,'The amount (%s) exceeds available for withdrawal (%s), since opened visit exists (%s, amount %s)'
3401,'Do you want to add work time penalty for employee "%s" (%s)?'
3402,'Show message dialog: %s'
3402,'The amount (%s) exceeds the maximal award/penalty amount (%s)'
3403,'The award cannot be added since user %s has not registered'
3404,'The penalty cannot be added since user %s has not registered'

3405,'Error in TimeKeeper interface: %s'
3406,'Station has not have right "%s"'
3407,'%s with guid ''%s'' not found'
3408,'The currency "%s(%d)" do not suit an interface ("%s(%d)")'
3409,'The operation prohibited since the recept %d is a deposit/withdrawal receipt'
3410,'This old prepayment was already compensated with markup "%s"'
3411,'Can not pay via bank terminal multiple receipts or multiple payments at once. Pay separately'
3412,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: a card deposit reason needed.'
3413,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: a card withdrawal reason needed.'
3414,'The currency "%s" do not suit for the reason "%s"'
3415,'There are no available combo dishes'
3416,'Use node "%s" to create a non-combo dish'

3417,'The receipt was closed on station "%s". Please, return money from that station. Continue?'
3418,'The value of the field "%s" is not specified'
3419,'Percent discount/markup "%s" can not be used for round correction'
3420,'Do you want to create an order based on reservation?'
3421,'Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria "%s". Please try again with some different keywords'
3422,'Item "%s" is %s, while %s expected'

3423; e: 0; ns:1; i: 1; s: 'It is forbidden to add a combo coupon, if it does not have components'
3424,'Price ''%s'' not specified'

3425,'Minimal price percent for empty price ''%s'''
3426,'Linked menu item is not active'
3427,'You have to give change for prepayment, but it is prohibited by settings. Delete prepayment'
3428,'The cash station "%s" (%d) not suit, because it is from other restaurant'
3429,'The drawer "%s" was not registered'
3430,'It was time for the resumption of tariffication "%s", close the window with the order'
3431,'There are no bill. Please print bill before'

3432,'There is no data for report ''%s''.'
3433,'Authorizing credit card message: %s'
3434,'Shift %d is closed with logic date %s, but there were problems sending data'
3435,'This operation is prohibited athe payment mode'

3436,'''%s'' is not a valid date (date format: ''%s'')'
3437,'%s with line_guid ''%s'' not found'
3438,'The dish "%s" not in list of allowed dishes'
3439,'Currency "%s" can not be added as a prepayment: Parameter PrepayAccounting = As Deposit'
3440,'There are no available order voids'
3441,'You cannot pay a reserved orders before the date of the reserve'

3442,'The order is read only, you can not edit the order'
3443,'Order editing is not allowed in the payment mode'
3444,'Number of guests can not be zero, because it is compulsory property'
3446,'Discount "%s"(%d) used as charge, but have no link to menu item'
3447,'There are limited payment before unfiscal payment'
3448,'Exception on clone'

3449,'It is impossible to add discounts to a repurchase dish'
3450,'It is impossible to add discounts to a active tariffication'
3451,'It is impossible to add discounts to a charge menu item'
3452,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: flag "Prepays" is off'
3453,'You can not add the tariff "%s" as a regular dish'
3454,'The dish "%s" is combo for join and cannot be added as a regular dish'
3455,'It is impossible to repurchase a combo'
3456,'Linked menu item is unavailable: %s'
3457,'It is impossible to reduce dish quantity via attribute "quantity", add a void instead'
3458,'The entered time "%s" is less than the minimum allowed time "%s"'
3459,'The currency "%s" cannot be added in a return orders: flag "Use for return" is off'
3460,'It is impossible to add dishes to a return orders'
3461,'There are no dishes to return. All dishes have been returned from this order'
3462,'The operation prohibited since the recept %d is a fiscal prepayment receipt'
3463,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: fiscal markup needed'
3464,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: the markup category does not correspond to the currency category'
3465,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: a cash in reason needed.'
3466,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: a cash out reason needed.'
3467,'The advance currency rate differs from the prepayment rate'
3468,'Exception "%s" on script "%s"'
3469,'The operation prohibited since the recept %d is a return order receipt'
3470,'The reason "%s" is not suitable: a stop list reason needed.'
3471,'Fiscal change needed'
3472,'Unfiscal change needed'
3473,'A change from fiscal prepayment can only be given an same currency'
3474,'Custom prop ''%s'' cannot be changed, because bill has been printed'
3475,'For the defaulter ''%s'' set a ban on creating an order'
3476,'The entrance card mode is not compatible with OneOrderInVisit'
3477,'Encashier with code ''%s'' not found.'
3478,'Reason with code ''%s'' not found.'
3479,'Can not return more dishes (%s) than exists (%s).'

3480,'Shift cannot be closed, since the unpaid return order %s exists'
3481,'This is one portion dish. The quantity must be equal 1'
3482,'You pressed "Cancel", but transaction finished normally. Rollback transaction?'
3483,'The dish "%s" line_guid="%s" is a combo item. Combo items cannot be returned separately from combos'

3484,'Authorization error: %s'
3485,'Attribute "%s" is not found'
3486,'Error: child element "%s" not found'
3487,'The prepay reason "%s" is not suitable: the currency "%s" has fixed prepay reason "%s"'
3488,'The order %s(%s) contains a partially closed combo. Pay the order and retry.'
3489,'Driver for device with id=%d, code=%d, guid="%s" is not found'
3490,'There are no available deposit/collect reasons'
3491,'You cannot give change from prepayment by bank card: the currency "%s" has no flag "Use for return"'

3492,'Can not add discount %s for payment in proportional payment binding mode'
3493,'The dishes cannot be transferred because restrictions on prepayments'
3494,'Delete return order?'
3495,'There is a shortage of money in the drawer. The expected amount is %s, the entered amount is %s, difference is %s.'
3496,'There is a excess of money in the drawer. The expected amount is %s, the entered amount is %s'
3497,'Can not create or open order: common shift is locked for closing'

[3500-3590] Касса, логируемые ошибки

3501,'Model for printout of "%s" is not found.'
3502,'The maket "%s" has wrong version'
3503,'Order %s (%d.%d) was finished'
3504,'Illegal printer DLL ''%s''.'
3505,'MCR Script execution timeout elapsed.'
3506,'No active keyboard layouts for keyboard "%s".'
3507,'No default keyboard layout for keyboard "%s".'
3508,'Printer %s#%d don''t support "%s" operation.'
3509,'Printer %s#%d not found.'
3510,'Printer %s#%d was not locked.'
3512,'Fiscal printing error: %s. Operation: %s. %s'
3513,'Illegal form "%s" detail (id=%d) for this cash resolution'
3514,'Closed binding without link to receipt currency line (Visit=%s,UID=%d)'
3515,'No discount part for %s(%d) in binding for %s(Visit=%s,UID=%d)'
3516,'There are no form detail for "%s"(%d)'
3518,'Error printing to printer %s#%d'
3519,'Error requesting ID of register %s#%d: %s'
3520,'Error opening drawer, install port32.exe'
3521,'The script cannot be compiled: there are no stations in the database'
3522,'Device %s#%d don''t support card authorization'
3523,'Device %s#%d don''t support card authorization confirmation'
3524,'Device %s#%d don''t support card pay rollback'
3525,'Card data ''%s'' is locked by MCR Algorithm ''%s'' with reason: ''%s'''
3526,'Rater %s(%d) don''t linked with device'
3527,'Rater driver %s#%d is not loaded'
3528,'No video driver found in cash configuration'
3529,'Can not initialize graphics (bad graphic colors/resolution mode?)'
3530,'Not enough physical memory: %d. At least 50M needed.'
3531,'Operation %d was not processed'
3532,'Unknown discount code %d'
3533,'Exception loading form "%s", Ident=%d, comment="%s"'
3534,'User %s(%d) is not registered'
3535,'Authorization terminal initialization result parsing error'
3536,'Bad MCR payment parameters "%s"'
3537,'Bad MCR payment parameters "%s", currency not found by code'
3538,'Exception running TPrintingForm.UnlockDefferedMessages'
3539,'Exception running TCheckForm.DoOrderVerify'
3540,'Device %s#%d can not print texts'
3541,'Error logging printing %d bytes to %s#%d'
3542,'No driver for local logger device %s(%d)'
3543,'DrawerLogTask stopped or too slow. Forced getting drawer status for device %s#%d'
3544,'It is forbidden to simultaneously use in one order payment as a discount and a discount added with payment'
3521,'Error building parameters form for layout "%s"(%d) (exception message %s)'
3546,'Windows display init: ok (handle = %d)'
3547,'Order types is different'

[3601-3799] Драйверы устройствLink to [3601-3799] Драйверы устройств

[3601-3650] Общие ошибки драйверов

3601,'Can not load %s, error=%d'
3602,'For DPMI32 Only! Can not run under Windows.'
3603,'Parameter %s(%d) must be defined for %s # %d'
3604,'Too many devices for %s'
3605,'%s: Windows error %d. Operation "%s"'
3606, 'Driver Version = %d; File ''%s'' contains a wrong quantity of the messages (%d, %d)'
3607, 'Driver Version = %d; Null pointer for the list of messages from the file ''%s'''
3608, 'Parameter %s(%d) must be defined for %s # %d'
3609, 'GetLastError() = %d in LoadLibrary(''%s'') for %s # %d'
3610, 'Parameter %s(%d) has not been initialized for %s # %d'
3611, 'Not supported version number (%d) of the protocol from %s in %s # %d'
3612, 'GetLastError() = %d in LoadLibrary(''%s'')'
3613, 'Not found entry point ''%s'' in the module ''%s'''
3614, 'Initialization error: %s'
3615, 'Class is not registered: %s (file name: %s)'
3616, 'Configuration is not created. File name: %s'
3617, 'Cannot unregister COM-server %s'
3618, 'Cannot register COM-server %s'
3619, 'Not exported call %s for a supported option %s'
3620, 'Not exported call %s'
3621, 'There are no parameters for the driver %s'
3622, 'Error in parameter for the driver %s'
3623, '%s: Exception running %s'
3624, 'No serial number for %s, UniFR.DLL#%d'
3625, 'No active tax rates found. UniFR.dll#%d has stopped.'

[3651-3700] Драйверы принтеров и принтерных портов

3651, Ошибка, полученная от ФР (логическая ошибка обработки команды)
3652, Ошибка связи с ФР
3653, 'Host DLL %s loading error %d'
3654, 'Illegal printer handle %d'
3655, 'Illegal fiscal external identifier "%s" instead of "%s"'
3656, 'Error %d creating file "%s"'
3657, 'Error %d opening printer %s'
3658, 'Error %d writing printer port %d (device %s, handle %d)'
3659, 'Error entering non-fiscal mode: %s'
3660, 'Can not open port %s for %s#%d, base port is already used'
3661, 'Can not set baud to %d, printer %s #%d use another - %d'
3662, 'Can not open port %s for %s#%d, illegal OS'
3663, 'Fiscal register %s # %d not connected' — то же, что 3651, но без прерывания
3664, 'FiscReg %s # %d: %s' — то же, что 3652, но без прерывания.

[3665-3675] IP Ethernet-RS232 multiplexor, IP Printer port

3665, 'Illegal multiplexor chanel number %d'
3666, 'Error %d initializing Novell sockets'
3667, 'Failed to create socket, error=%d'
3668, 'Illegal IP address: %s'
3669, 'Bind error %d'
3670, 'Send UDP datagram error %d'
3671, 'Illegal baud rate %d. Must be 300..19200'
3672, 'Connect error reply %s from multiplexor #%d'
3673, 'No answer from multiplexor #%d'

[3676-3680] Windows universal printer

3676, 'Not found background file %s'
3677, 'Not found logo bitmap file %s'
3678, 'Exception printing document'
3679, 'Printer %s not found'

[3681-3685] Pager

3681, 'Illegal pager code %s'
3682, 'XML parsing error'

[3701-3749] Ошибки устройств ввода

3701,'kbdvk: No keyboard with handle %d'
3702,'kbdvk: Illegal mode %d, must be 0..%d'
3710,'GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents error %d'
3711,'PeekConsoleInput error %d'
3712,'Bad Com baud:%d for %s#%d'
3713,'Illegal CHIPS.BIN file'
3714,'KbdEmuW exception in %s'

[3750-3759] Весы

3750,'Scales: no reply'
3751,'Scales: Illegal reply'
3752,'Scales: Unstable state'
3753,'Scales: ReadWeight error %s'
3754,'s_HTTP: ...'
3755,'Scales program: %s'
3756,'Scales program item [%s]'

[3760-3765] Ящик и порт ящика

3760,'bad InitGPIO string, bad hexadecimal integer %s'
3761,'bad InitGPIO string, bad port-value pair %s'

[3801-3810] Серверные ошибки взаимодействия с PDS

3801,'PDS:Chanel closed'
3802,'PDS:Timeout exceded'
3803,'PDS:Answer waiting excepted'
3804,'PDS:Unknown signal %d'
3805,'PDS:System was not initialized'
3806,'PDS:Main thread terminated'

[3811-3830] Клиентские ошибки взаимодействия с PDS

3811,'PDS:Illegal server ident'
3812,'PDS:Server protocol version is too low. %d needed'
3813,'PDS: Server error "%s"(%d)'
3814,'PDS: Unknown server error running function "%s"'
3814,'Reservation server error: %s'
3815,'PDS: Bad answer len for CQGetImage request'
3816,'PDS: too big additional information (max 65535 bytes of packed data)'
3817,'PDS: too big card code (exceeds 32 bit integer)'
3818,'PDS: old pds_netk.dll do not support protocol 31+'
3819,'%s: Error parsing card %s OutInfo'
3820,'%s: Error parsing card %s: OutBuf not in utf8'
3821,'Not zero discount/markup cannot be added, because bill has been printed.'

[3901-4000] Касса, логируемые ошибки более высокого уровня

3901,'Can not save order: '
3902,'Can not print receipt: '
3903,'Can not print bill: '
3904,'Can not print prepayment: '
3905,'Can not delete receipt: '
3906,'Can not delete prepayment: '
3907,'Can not create discount: '
3908,'Can not void receipt: '
3909,'Can not print document "%s": '
3910,'Can not load order: '
3911,'Cannot load order from xml: '
3912,'Exception %s on SendWaiterMessages: '

[4000-4100] PreloadLink to [4000-4100] Preload

4001,'Can not unpack module: %s'
4002,'[%.8x] Can not create directory: %s'
4003,'[%.8x] Exception during receiving modules'
4004,'[%.8x] This station is not defined (%s)'
4005,'Exception during receiving cash station info for ''%s'''
4006,'[%.8x] Exception during modules description receiving'
4007,'Bad OS type: "%s" is in station property, but this OS type is "%s" (see IgnoreThisOSType parameter)'
4008,'Error loading module %s'
4009,'Exception during modules verifying'
4010,'[%.8x] Can not read ini file %s: %s'
4011,'[%.8x] Self update disabled (by ini or command line parameter)'
4012,'[%.8x] Loaded from self updating: no update checks will be performed'
4013,'[%.8x] Can not execute %s (ExePath: %s, CMDLine: %s): %s'
4014,'[%.8x] Path %s: %d files found'
4015,'[%.8x] Can not remove previous backup files (%s)'
4016,'[%.8x] Can not replace files with updated version (%s): %s'
// CODE IS FREE !!! err4017: TPERec = (n: 4017,'Can not create update mutex'
4018,'[%.8x] Can not create self reload %s file: %s'
4019,'[%.8x] Updates downloaded, application restart pending. Shutting down...'
4020,'[%.8x] Loading module %s (ExePath: ''%s'', CMDLine: ''%s'')...'
4021,'[%.8x] Can not create update mark file %s'
4022,'[%.8x] Can not delete update mark file %s'
4023,'[%.8x] Attempting to check updates on server...'
4024,'[%.8x] Updates check finished, result=%d'
4025,'[%.8x] Can not create update mark mutex ''%s'''
4026,'[%.8x] Waiting for update mark mutex ''%s'' failed'
4027,'[%.8x] Waiting for update mark mutex ''%s'' failed with code: %d'
4028,'[%.8x] Waiting for previous instance to shutdown...'
4029,'[%.8x] File checksum verify fail (%S)'
4030,'[%.8x] Can not initialize network'
4031,'[%.8x] Server %s not found'
4032,'Can''t unpack module %s (%s), Windows error: %d'
4033,'Different module %s packed size. In description %d bytes, downloaded %d bytes'

[4101-4201] Справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.Link to [4101-4201] Справочники, провайдеры, блобы и т.п.

4101,'Price Type ''%s'' calculation exception: %s'
4102,'Prices Calculation task exception(s): %s'
4103,'Item ''%s'' (id = %d) in collection ''%s'' %d circular references itself'
4104,'No script assigned to operation ''%s'''
4105,'Can not assign Modifiers Scheme ''%s'' to Tarif ''%s'''
4106,'Can not set ''%s'' price below zero until ''Add Menu Item Price'' flag is set'
4107,'Only one active script allowed for script type ''Other systems card processing'''
4108,'Can not activate modifier ''%s'': menu item is not assigned'
4109,'Can not assign Modifiers Scheme ''%s'' to Combo Menu Item ''%s'''
4110,'Can not assign Combo Scheme ''%s'' to Menu Item ''%s'''
4111,'Can not create new ''%s'': use preset items copy/paste'
4112,'Can not assign ''%s'': use preset items copy/paste'
4113,'FTP server service is not running on server ''%s'''
4114,'Cash station with network name ''%s'' is not found or inactive'
4115,'Price low limit for item ''%s'' must not exceed it''s price value'
4116,'Collection ''%s'': can not find active item with ''%s'' = ''%s'''
4117,'StoreHouse code ''%s'' is already assigned to ''%s'' (%s)'
4118,'Illegal symbol in StoreHouse code: only ''0''..''9'', ''A''..''Z'' and ''a''..''z'' are accepted'
4119,'Can not save SQL Query for cube (%d) ''%s'': use cube scheme ''%s'' to create SQL Query based cubes'
4120,'Generated prop data dupe found (%d, %d, %d): dupe deleted'
4121,'Rated Devices ''%s'' and ''%s'' have same ''Rater Device'' and ''Lane'' property values'
4122,'Price low limit for item ''%s'' must be between 0%% and 100%%'
4123,'%s.%s: can not find corresponding database field'
4124,'Can not edit property ''%s'': property ''%s'' is read-only'
4125,'Can not edit property ''%s'': property group ''%s'' is read-only'
4126,'error 4126'
4127,'Provider ''%s'', table ''%s'': attempting to save more data than fields ''%s'' size (%d/%d bytes)'
4128,'Exception reaing blob from .bls'
4129,'Exception %s saving property %s:%s to field %s.%s'
4128,'Attempting to save instance to wrong record: %s -> %s'
4131,'Category %d(%s) can be only in classification %d(%s), and cannot be added into classification %d(%s).'
4132,'Property ''%s'' has illegal system name ''%s'' (system name must be alphanumerical in english charset with first character in letters)'
4133,'Unable to compile all items script in collection %d: %d errors (%s)'
4134,'%s (%d): Maximum value cannot be lower than minimum value'
4135,'%s (%d): Printer purposes support only printing device types'
4136,'Form detail item with Id %d is not found'
4137,'Recalculation of prices in progress. Please try later'
4138,'Field "%s" is required and must be filled'
4139,'Reports were disabled on Server Side'; ll: llSevere
4140,'Price type ''%s'' (code = %d) is successor of ''%s'' (code = %d) and can not be its parent'
4141,'Parent price type (%d %s) leads to a loop'
4142,'Price Type ''%s'' was set as a Prime Cost and can''t have a Parent Price Type'
4143,'midserver %s new data receipt date and time is higher than system date time'; ll: llSevere
// err4144, err4145 classif.pas
4146,'Parent role %d not found for EmployeeRoleItem %d with employee %d.'; ll: llError
4147,'Child employee %d not found for EmployeeRoleItem %d with role %d(%s).'
4147,'Exception %s saving property %s:%s to field %s.%s'
4148,'Parent ClassificatorGroup %d not found for DishGroupItem %d with MenuItem %d.'
4149,'Child MenuItem %d not found for DishGroupItem %d with ClassificatorGroup %d(%s).'; ll: llError
4150,'Child MenuItem %d(%s) not found in %d(%s) to remove.'
4151,'Child Employee %d(%s) not found in %d(%s) to remove.'
4146,'Unable to clear role assignment: there must be at least one role assigned to an employee'
4153,'Recursive overflow in attempt to calculate prices for Price Type = %d'
4154,'Collection %s in DB alias %s is not synchronizing by databases, online updating ignored'
4155,'Could not write to database "%s"'; ll: llSevere
4155,'Exception on blob read %s.%s: %s'
4156,'DBSync: can not apply journal "%d", journal synchronization stopped'; ll: llSevere
4157,'DBSync: JournalDownloaderThread %s at %d: sequence broken in %d'; ll: llSevere
4158,'DBSync: JournalDownloaderThread %s at %d: can not reload bad file - deleted on server'; ll: llSevere
4159,'TReloadForTransaction.onUpdate called, but database %s in loading items'; ll: llError
4160,'Database alias %s is not found'; ll: llError
4161,'Can not get backup for transaction %d for alias %s'; ll: llError
4162,'DBSync: synchronization stopped, new backup loaded, ready for restart'; ll: llSevere
4163,'JournalDownloaderThread %s at %d exception %s(%s)'; ll: llSevere
4164,'File %s: %s. Try %d'; ll: llError
4165,'Can not use currency %s with filled maximal percent as national'
4166,'TDBSyncDownloader.DownloadBeforeUpdating %s exception %s(%s)'; ll: llSevere
4167 ,'You should have the object right ''%s'' to edit %s ''%s'' and it`s childs'

[5001-5050] RefServer,MidServer – RepJoin, DataEngine

5001,'Field ''%s'' was not empty before assignment during Cube ''%s'' generation.'
5002,'Can not process cube. Cube "%s" is processing now.'
5003,'Exception %s during cube %s(%d) procession: ''%s'''
5004,'Exception "%s" (code: %d) during cube loading'
5005,'Illegal receipt table id %d'
5006,'Empty cube %s(%d) structure'
5007,'Unsupported field type: %d.'
5008,'Metadata field ''%s'' of table ''%s'' not found.'
5009,'Metadata configuration of links with table #%d %s is incorrect.'
5010,'Link of tables #%d and #%d metadata is incorrect.'
5011,'Unknown field type for field "%s", cube "%s"'
5012,'Structure is defined incorrectly. Data source with id %d was not found.'
5013,'Filtered Field with SysName ''%s'' has incompatible data mode.'
5014,'Some of the Data Fields have wrong data path length.'
5015,'Name ''%s'' of table with ID %d is invalid. PathString:"%s", LinkID=%d (%d:%d)'
5016,'Exception ''%s'' during cube %s(%d) dataset building.'
5018,'Field ''%s'' has incorrect value'
5019,'Cash Data Receiver is busy, please, try againg later'
5020,'Calc Fields error: dataset ''%s'', recno %d, error: ''%s'''
5021,'SQL settings are incorrect (either parameters or UseSQL = 0 in ini file)'
5022,'SH4 export: ''%s'' built (%d records)'
5023,'ConditionField for Filed %s was not found'
5024,'SourceField for Filed %s was not found'
5025,'Error free xmlCollection'
5026,'Error building HTML report'
5027,'TCP listen thread finished'

[5051-5100] User errors

5051 ,'Not a root commodity group: ''%s''.'
5052 ,'Commodity group ''%s'' not found.'
5053 ,'Autotranslated Form Scheme ''%s'' contains Form Instance ''%s'' wich is not autotranslated.'
5054 ,'You should have the role ''%s'' to perform this operation'
5055 ,'Can not change Preset property for item ''%s'': not a dealer preset item'
5056 ,'Can not activate function key ''%s'': both operation fields are empty'
5057 ,'Not a dealer preset database: %s'
5058 ,'Can not load cube data (cube data is empty or corrupted): %s'
5059 ,'Can not activate items ''%s'': Alt. Name property is empty'
5060 ,'Can not set parameter ''AltNameNotEmpy'' value to true: collection ''%s'' contains items with empy Alt. Name property'
5061 ,'Can not activate ''%s'': ''Charge menu item'' property is empty'
5062 ,'Can not activate cash station ''%s'': driver ''%s'' operating system mistmach'
5063 ,'Logical Shift Date must fit in common shifts sequence (%s - %s)'
5064 ,'Can not use both flags ''Change quantity once'' and ''Minimal Rest'''
5065 ,'Cash server with Network ID "%s" not found'
5066 ,'Property %s can not contain any of the following characters: %s'
5067 ,'Can not set flag ''%s'' while following menu items references course ''%s'': %s'
5068 ,'Can not activate menu item ''%s'': course ''%s'' with flag ''%s'' specified'
5069 ,'Property value must be between %d and %d'
5070 ,'Access list (RAL.DAT) is obsolete (verification date: %s, expires at: %s)'
5071 ,'This user login has been deleted. Comment: ''%s'''
5072 ,'You have no rights to configure'
5073 ,'Dealer has been deleted'
5074 ,'Dealer passwords can not be changed. Using %s file'
5075 ,'Dealer ident must be between %d and %d'
5076 ,'Can not activate cash station ''%s'': unknown devices present in cash configuration (%s)'
5077 ,'Maket version %d is less than required (%d)'
5078 ,'Can not add more than 1 drawer to cash station while parameter ''%s'' is off'
5079 ,'Cash Server ''%s'' is not connected to references server ''%s'''
5080 ,'RPC procedure %s: Not enough actual parameters'
5081 ,'Can`t find dimension or fact for field ''%s'' in Cube ''%s'' structure'
5082 ,'References Server must be restarted after import'
5083 ,'Specify value for currency face-value ''%s'''
5084 ,'Can not activate restaurant ''%s'', printer purpose ''%s'' already assigned to cash station'
5085 ,'Can not activate cash station ''%s'', printer purpose ''%s'' already assigned to restaurant'
5086 ,'Can not replace, remove or deactivate default tariff detail ''%s'''
5087 ,'Can not activate tariff ''%s'': at least 1 (default) detail must exist'
5088 ,'Can not activate tariff ''%s'': Max. Amount must be greater than Min. Amount'
5089 ,'Can not activate tariff ''%s'': Max. Time must be greater than Min. Time'
5090 ,'Can not activate tariff ''%s'': Max. Time must be greater than No-Charge Time'
5091 ,'Can not activate tariff ''%s'': Min. Time must be greater than No-Charge Time'
5092 ,'Can not activate rated device ''%s'': tariff not specified'
5093 ,'Can not deactivate %s ''%s'' while following item reference it: %s ''%s'''
5094 ,'Light weight check db mode enabled: can not process cubes with root table %s'
5095 ,'Can not save OLAP Cube ''%s'' with empty ''Reference'' property'
5096 ,'%s exceeded its maximum value (%d)'
5097 ,'Module ''%s'' required for this functionality'
5098 ,'Length must not exceed %d symbols'
5099 ,'Menu item ''%s'' is already assigned to dosing device ''%s'''
5100 ,'Can not activate Price Type ''%s'': inactive Price Type ''%s'' used in Price Formula ''%s'''

[5101 - 5199] Менеджерская станция, системные ошибки

5101,'Illegal version %s of reference server, need %s or higher'
5102,'Static reference property ''%s'' of class ''%s'' has no record in RefLinks table'
5103,'Class ''%s'' has no corresponding record in ClassInfos table'
5104,'*** Manager Station %s started, ininame = %s, netname = %s ***'
5105,'Debug Message: %s'
5106,'GDI Error in %s (Win32: %d)'
5107,'Static reference property ''%s'' of class ''%s'' has different collection numbers (%d and %d)'
5108,'Directory ''%s'' does not exists'
5109,'Manager station with same network name ''%s'' is already running'
5110,'There was a problem during plugins loading: try to use /disablePlugins command line switch'
5111,'To create a new item use right mouse click on existing item.'
5112,'If Card Deposit Reason is Fiskal, then Makrup must be specified.'
5113,'Hallplan save error'
5114,'Fiscal Card Deposit Reason (%d: %s) can not use unfiscal Markup (%d: %s)'
5115,'If Reason for prepay, then currency for use of advance must be specified'
5116,'Dish already exists in recommended menu items.'
5117,'LoadCollection failed (%s).'
5118,'Prepayment currency must not have restrictions on categories.'
5119,'Bad dealer identifier "%s"'

[5200 - 5249] Protection Errors

5201,'Protection key not found on Cash Server ''%s'''
5202,'License date for Cash Server ''%s'' has expired'; ll: llSevere
5203,'Bad license request for Cash Server ''%s'''
5204,'Can not generate license request for Cash Server ''%s'': restaurant name is empty'
5205,'License check for cash server ''%s'' failed with code %d. %s'; ll: llSevere
5206,'License stations limit (%d) reached for cash servers: %s, total stations: %d'
5207,'%s error %d: %s'
5208,'Too many programs for one key'; ll: llSevere
5209,'Key was removed or changed'; ll: llSevere
5210,'Can not generate license request for cash server ''%s'': invalid protection key number'
5211,'Dealer %s (%d) can`t maintain restaurant with code %d (ral.dat date %s), use dealer change code to change restaurant ownership'; ll: llSevere
5212,'Can not change DB ownership: dealer ID mistmatch'
5213,'Can not change DB ownership: dealer code expired'
5214,'Can not change DB ownership: rest code mistmatch'
5215,'DB ownership changed: relogin manager station'
5216,'Can not combine interface ''%s'' DLL files with different license kind'
5217,'License check for interface ''%s'' (%d), filename: %s failed with code: %d'
5218,'Connect attempt from ''%s'': license (%s) check failed (%s)'
5219,'Protection Key changed, can not keep connect to ''%s'''
5220,'Connect attempt from ''%s'': license is invalid (code %d, "%s")'
5221,'Can not change license for cash server ''%s'' due to error %d (%s)'
5222,'It is not license'
5223,'''Enterprise Code'' parameter value must be non zero'
5224,'Can not generate license request for key change: same keynumbers'
5225,'Can not generate license request for group of cash servers: different protection versions'
5226,'Protection key %d (%.8x) was removed or changed on reference server ''%s'''
5227,'Can not create database due to protection key problem'
5228,'License check failed for license kind %d (Restaurant ''%s'') with code %d'
5229,'Warning: you are trying to use change key license on a server (''%s'') without any licence, do you want to continue?'
5230,'Warning: you are trying to use prolongation license on a server (''%s'') with changed key number, do you want to continue?'
5231,'Can not login on reports server ''%s'': license expired'
5232,'Can not change hardware protection key number to %.8x: cash server ''%s'' has same'
5233,'Can not change hardware protection key number to %.8x: this number used in cash server ''%s'' license'
5234,'License check for reporting server ''%s'' failed: ''%s'' (code - %d)'
5235,'License error for reporting server ''%s'': license already in use'
5237,'Can not generate license request for Cash Server ''%s'': restaurant not defined'
5238,'Can not execute XML command ''%s'': restaurant mismatch'
5239,'License check for ''%s'' failed: %s (code: %d)'
5240,'License check for ''%s'' failed: no license found (restid: %d, intfid: %d)'
5241,'listKeys: %d protection keys found'
5242,'listKeys: key %d of %d, (%s-%s-%s)'
5243,'Incorrect protection key data'
5244,'License check failed (%d): %s'
5245,'References server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections (%d)'
5246,'''Handles restaurant'' property must be non zero'
5248,'External database links limit reached %d/%d'
5249,'License ''%s'' (server ''%s'') is expired: ignored in overall connections limit'

[5250-5299] SQL

5250,'Cube %s (%d) SQL View error: %s'
5251,'Report %s (%d) SQL View error: %s'
5252,'Can not use Field "%s" ("%s") as part of Formula expression for Filed "%s" ("%s") with mode fmCalcBeforeGroup'
5253,'Field "%s" is exists in Formula expression for Filed "%s" ("%s") but was not found in CubeDataFieldInfos. Check CalcBeforeGroup property for this Field'
5254,'Formula expression is not assigned for Field "%s" ("%s"). Empty Formula'
5255,'Error with Formula expression for Field "%s" ("%s")'
5256,'ConditionField for Field "%s" ("%s") was not found in CubeDataFieldInfos'
5257,'ConditionField for Field "%s" ("%s") was not found. Empty LinkPath'
5258,'SourceField for Field "%s" ("%s") was not found in CubeDataFieldInfos'
5259,'SourceField for Field "%s" ("%s") was not found. Empty LinkPath'
5260,'Can not use Field "%s" ("%s") [type fcmAggregate] for Field "%s" ("%s") [type fcmDoFormula]'
5261,'Can not use Field "%s" ("%s") [type fcmAggregate, mode fmCalcBeforeGroup]'
5262,'Can not use Field "%s" ("%s") [type fcmAggregate] for Field "%s" ("%s") [type fcmCondition]'
5263,'Error with Field "%s" ("%s") [type fcmCondition] for Field "%s" ("%s")'
5264,'Cube %s (%d) SQL View error: %s Wrong configuration of Cube Fields'
5265,'Cube %s (%d) SQL View error: Wrong SQL Script (LoadSQLQuery)'
5266,'Async SQL thread exception: %s'
5267,'Async SQL Query execution error: %s'
5268,'For the division fact "%s" ("%s") the operand is not found'
5269,'makeDiffDBFile: %s. Table: %s; Step: %d'
5270,'makeDiffDBFile: %s on %d attempt to detach %s.'
5271,'TEventItemSaveRefsBaseTransactions.makeFullDBTran (alias %s): %s(%s)'

[5300 - 5399] Protection Errors

5300,'License ''%s'' (server ''%s'') is invalid: ignored in overall connections limit'
5301,'No Guardant dongle or bad dongle'
5302,'Can not write hardware key from cash server %s'
5303,'Restaurant ''%s'', interface ''%s'': unable to save license ''%s'' (code: %d, text: %s)'
5304,'License instance not found'
5305,'Instance have wrong seqNumber. SeqNumber bust be in [%d, %d]'
5306,'Number of connections exceeded license number %d'
5307,'Less than a day has passed since the initialization of the previous instance'
5308,'When adding a new instance with guid = %s the instance guid = %s was deactivated'; ll:llError
5309,'When adding a new instance with guid = %s the deactivated instance guid = %s was overridden'; ll:llWarning
5310,'SeqNumber must been increased'
5311,'License instance is not active'

[6000-6999] Общие системные ошибкиLink to [6000-6999] Общие системные ошибки

[6500-7000] Системного рода сообщения, без конкретной категории

6001,'Exception applying event'
6500,'%s>> %s'; ll: llInfo
6501,'%s<< %s (%d msecs)'; ll: llInfo
6502,'Abnormal program execution (%s)'
6503,'Tray Icon update exception: %s(%s)'
6504,'%s' // eventThread warning
6505,'%s' // eventThread error
6506,'Bad restaurant code %d'
6507,'Filter Lookup init, filterType: %d, parentID: %d' //
6508,'Unsuitable filter "%s" (id: %d, filterType: %d, objectID: %d), reason: %s' //
6509,'Filter Lookup done, filterType: %d, parentID: %d, filterID: %d, filterName: %s, objectID: %d' //
6510,'For %s allowed only connect to %s'
6511,'loadHTTPContent4mContentManagers: HTTP result 500. Exception processing command "%s" for document "%s"'; ll: llSevere
6512,'Can not run process "%s"'; ll: llSevere
6513,'Nginx startup error: %s'

[7001-7100] User errors

7001,'Same SQL username allowed only for roles with same Object Privileges set (Roles ''%s'' and ''%s'' has different)'
7002,'System name must be specified for OLAP Cube ''%s'' (%d)'
7003,'Can not load a list of PDS client: %s'
7004,'Field with ID %d already added to cube ''%s'''
7005,'Can not activate OLAP Cube ''%s'': system name is empty'
7006,'Can not activate OLAP Cube ''%s'': system name ''%s'' is not a valid identifier'
7007,'Fields of type (%s) or (%s + %s) are requried to play video'
7008,'Login failed: can not find report server with network name ''%s'''
7009,'Taxes ''%s'' and ''%s'' without ''AddToPrice'' set must have same ''Ignore Discounts'' property value'
7010,'Can not change pay method of currency type ''%s'': currency ''%s'' has ''Extra info'' flag'
7011,'Can not activate Combo Menu Item ''%s'': Combo Scheme is empty'
7012,'GraphSpy.dll is missing (required for ''%s'' station mode)'
7013,'Cash Station resolution ''%s'' is not allowed for ''%s'' station mode'
7014,'Zero price value for price ''%s'' is not allowed for menu item ''%s'' with non-zero percental minimal value'
7015,'Multiple report servers use database settings ''%s'': only one data gatherer allowed in this configuration'
7016,'Can not process with cube/report processing: reports server not specified'
7017,'Can not save lookup table item: input data is empty'
7018,'Can not save fiscal currency ''%s'': currency type ''%s'' is not fiscal'
7019,'Calculation type for field ''%s'' (''%s'') is not specified'
7020,'Can not activate tariff ''%s'': circular references detected (%s)'
7021,'OLAP Cube fields ''%s'' and ''%s'' have same user name: ''%s'''
7022,'Ultra light weight check db mode enabled: can not process cubes with root table %s'
7023,'Cube ''%s'' building error: ''%s'''
7024,'Cube ''%s'' data is out of date'
7025,'Cube ''%s'' (Code: %d) building: wait time out expired'
7026,'Can not save Fact Division ''%s'' with invalid Operands Fact assigned.'
7027,'Can not generate/save cube ''%s'' (%d) structure: %s'
7028,'Reports viewing from another server is disabled in this version: connect to server ''%s'' (%s)'
7029,'Change history is available only on references server: connect to references server to view change history'
7030,'Unable to change cube field (cubeid: %d, fieldid: %d, paramid: %d): send to developers, please'
7031,'User exists in multiple restaurant roles: either leave only one local restaurant role or assign a Head Office role to this user'
7032,'Role ''%S'': no access to reports server ''%S'''
7033,'Can not use "Effects Excess" flag and Quantity mode "Only one N-th" simultaneously'
7034,'Could not load history, check history database'
7035,'Only one property allowed to be set: ''Discount'' or ''Calc As Discount'''
7036,'Link property "%s": no link info in refLinks (no skip info in skipList)'

[7101-7200] Ошибки сервера отчетов

7101,'Reports Server ''%s'' is not found'
7102,'Can not continue without connection with references server ''%s'': %s'
7103,'Cubes building disabled for this reports server'
7104,'No need to process cube ''%s'': there is no role with object right ''%s'' in report server ''%s'''
7105,'Can not access cube ''%s'' (%d): report server has no object right ''%s'''
7106,'Exception during shift data notification: %s'
7107,'Cubes building disabled by ini file parameter (CubesRecalc = 0)'
7108,'Can not retreive FTP server service status from server ''%s'': %s'
7109,'FTP Synchronization with server ''%s'' is disabled (RefID: %d, Ident: %d)'
7110,'Cubes recalculation task terminated with message: %s'
7111,'Can not build cube: SQL server link required'
7112,'Can not find active report server with link to SQL database: cubes building and reports will not be available. Please, contact your dealer for further assistance.'
7113,'Unable to execute aggragates installation: %s (%s)'
7114,'Dealer login info not found. Use this login on references server first.'; ll:llWarning
7115,'Task list: task "%s" %s'; ll:llDebug

[7201-7300] Системные ошибки серверов

7201,'Last backup date: %s, but now is: %s, backup process initiated'; ll:llInfo
7202,'SQL query for database object ''%s'' execution error, see details in log'
7203,'Data file process stage: %s'; ll:llInfo
7204,'Data file progress: %d%% (%d of %d)'; ll:llInfo
7205,'File ''%s'' will not be processed: data process restriction for cash server (%d) on this reports server'
7206,'Illegal version %s of reports server (%s), need %s or higher'
7207,'SQL Cube View: %s link alias not found, can not apply filter'
7208,'Backups global shift file moved: %s -> %s'; ll:llInfo
7209,'Upgrade process incomplete: file ''upgradedevices.abs'' is missing or incorrect'
7210,'Table ''GlobalShifts'' is empty: global shift statuses cleared'
7211,'Can not open file: %s. %s'
7212,'Can not Copy %s to %s. Error Message: %s.'
7213,'SQL Cube View: this database class (%s) does not support by-user data filter'
7214,'File backup complete: %s -> %s'; ll:llInfo
7215,'File backup complete: %s -> %s'; ll:llInfo
7216,'Exception on files processing: ''%s'' rescan pending in %d ms'
7217,'No files have been processed: clearing incoming files queue'; ll:llInfo
7218,'Attempting to execute query (%s)'; ll:llInfo
7219,'Async query run time exceeded %d milliseconds'
7220,'OnLine data file ''%s'': unknown source type ''%s'' (''%s'' expected)'
7221,'Receiving work data from server ''%s'' skipped (disabled)'
7222,'Client ''%s'': work modules sync is off'
7223,'References sync: illegal version %s of client ''%s'', %s or higher required'
7224,'Sales data sync: illegal version %s of client ''%s'', %s or higher required'
7225,'Modules sync: illegal version %s of client ''%s'', %s or higher required'
7226,'OnLine data file ''%s'': shift %d from cash server %d is already closed'
7227,'File %s copied to retrylst: %s (reason: %s)'
7228,'No self report server item in database: database resync required, SQL link disabled'
7229,'SQL performance message: debug info, send to developers, please'
7230,'No GUID specified for main menu item %s: debug info, send to developers, please'
7231,'OnLine data: unable to enter critical section (%s), retry on new data'
7232,'MemoryCache: table data copy fail (tableid: %s), message: %s (%s)'
7233,'MemoryCache: loadDataFromDisk, table: %s, exception: %s (%s)'
7234,'MemoryCache: saveDataOntoDisk, table: %s, exception: %s (%s)'
7235,'MemoryCache: TCacheWriteThread, exception: %s (%s)'
7236,'MemoryCache: getTableVersion, table: %s, exception: %s (%s)'
7237,'MemoryCache: setTableVersion, table: %s, exception: %s (%s)'
7238,'ReferencesSync: sync required, reason: %s'; ll:llSevere
7239,'HTTP server init fail: %s'; ll:llSevere
7240,'[ERRX] SQL RefsSync: %s'
7241,'[WRNX] SQL RefsSync: %s'
7242,'File ''%s'': converting to 70500 format (will take some time)...'; ll:llInfo
7243,'Unable to convert file ''%s'': %s (%s)'
7244,'File ''%s'': converting to 70500 format is done'; ll:llInfo
7245,'File ''%s'': converting to 70504 format (will take some time)...'; ll:llInfo
7246,'File ''%s'': converting to 70504 format is done'; ll:llInfo
7247,'Backup process failed: %S, cleaning data (%S)...'; ll:llSevere
7248,'Server started (kind: %S, version: %S, processid: %D)'; ll:llInfo
7249,'Price type %S calculation started'; ll:llInfo
7250,'Price type %S calculation done'; ll:llInfo
7251,'Price formula %S (price type %S) calculation started'; ll:llInfo
7252,'Price formula %S (price type %S) calculation done'; ll:llInfo
7253,'Unable to load backup info, skipping (file: %s): %s'
7254,'References sync: downlink sync locked (timeout: %d secs)'
7255,'Upgrade: make interface %d (%s) link to cash server %s (%s#%d), okay'; ll:llInfo
7256,'Upgrade: make interface %d (%s) link to cash server %s (%s#%d), fail'
7257,'Unable to save collection %s (%d) data with filter: no dependency list data'
7258,'Unable to load language files from directory %s: please, place language files there and restart server'
7259,'Receipt not found: MidServer %d, ShiftNum %d, sCheckNum "%s"'
7260,'Incorrect version sh5rki.dll. Expected "%s", found: "%d.%d"'
7261,'Module sh5rki.dll not found. StoreHouse 5 import unavailable'
7262,'Too many connects %d of manager stations, can not add more'
7263,'Can not load check data (UVO: %s, CheckUNI: %s): see log for more details. Original message: "%s"'
7264,'Create view error: %s'
7265,'Initialization exception'; ll:llFatal
7266,'HTTP server initialization: %s'; ll:llSevere
7267,'Exception "%d.%s" on HTTP request ""%s"'

[8001-9000] Связь с разными внешними системами

Если ошибка в этом диапазоне, то значит, связь с внешней системой.

8001,'GlobalConnect: %s'

[9001-9010] Ошибки работы c BCP

9001,'Run-time error BCP copying table %s:'#13#10'%s'

9002,'%s' // информационное сообщение от BCP

[9101-9300] xml-интерфейс: Ошибки парсинга xml

9101,'Required node %s not found' // не найден обязательный тэг — по возможности использовать needChild

9102,'Required attr %s not found in node %s' // не найден обязательный атрибут — не используется, использовать needAttr

9103,'Timeout error' // за отведенное время запрос не был выполнен.